Reasons You Should Be Concerned About Tick Prevention

Massachusetts ticks are concerning for a number of reasons.

And our state is home to a variety of species ticks, Ticks are blood-sucking arachnids you must try to avoid at all costs. Sure, they’re gross, but they can also make you very sick – having lifelong consequences or even causing death.

Massachusetts tick prevention
Ticks in Massachusetts can be harmful to your health.

Why Tick-Borne Illnesses Are Concerning

Massachusetts is currently ranked #6 for our prevalence of tick borne illnesses. These illnesses include widely-known Lyme disease, but they can also cause rarer, even more dangerous infections, such as Powassan. And while it takes at least 24 hours of attachment for a tick to transmit Lyme infection, they need only be attached for 15 minutes to transmit the potentially deadly Powassan virus.

Lesser-known illnesses, such as anaplasmosis and babesiosis are also concerning, which should be diagnosed at the first sign of symptoms, which are very close to flu symptoms.

Info For Outdoorsy Types

Massachusetts is ideal for those, who love hiking. Both hiking trails and coastal areas could have ticks lurking in uder-brush or long grasses, which are ideal tick habitats. Those who love outdoor exploits, such as hiking and camping are more likely to encounter ticks. Be aware, dress to prevent tick bites, use repellent, and don’t forget to perform regular tick checks!

Animal Protection From Ticks

Tick prevention does not stop with humans. We must also protect our pets and livestock. Ticks can transmit diseases to animals, posing a threat to both pets and livestock. In Massachusetts, where agriculture and pet ownership are significant, proper tick prevention measures are vital. This includes using tick control products recommended by veterinarians, regular grooming to check for ticks, and maintaining a safe environment for pets and livestock. Professional tick control services will augment the aforementioned measures.

Search for tick control near me and choose a trustworthy tick prevention company.

Tick control and prevention are of utmost importance in Massachusetts. Taking proactive measures to prevent tick bites is a shared responsibility that contributes to the well-being of individuals and communities across the state. Professional tick control methods are available for homes and businesses, which offer protection all year in Massachusetts.

Also read: Which types of ticks live in Massachusetts?