Acton Tick Control is a Job for the Pros

Ticks are no joke.

Though tiny, those little critters can have some serious impact if an infected one bites you or your loved ones, whether they have two logs or four.

Acton tick controlIf you live here, you likely know that Lyme disease is a big problem all over New England. According to Acton Wicked Local, there were there were 4500 cases of Lyme disease in Massachusetts in 2016 alone.

But that’s not the only one — there are many other tick-borne illnesses we need to watch out for, including Babseiosis, which is more concentrated in Middlesex County than anywhere else in the state.

While Acton is a part of the Middlesex Tick Task Force, that basically tells you what to do after you get bitten by a tick. And that same Wicked Local article says that public health officials claim “A little bit of vigilance, and some bug spray, can go a long way in reducing the health risks associated with ticks.” That’s a nice sentiment, but it takes more than “vigilance and bug spray” to prevent tick-borne illnesses.

Wouldn’t you rather just avoid these little monsters all together?

That’s when you call a professional Acton tick control company.

Acton tick control should be taken seriously, because these little suckers are nothing to mess around with.

As it happens, the same specially formulated barrier spray treatment that is used for mosquitoes also eliminates adult ticks and fleas by up to 90%. But with ticks, professionals take it one step further to protect people and pets from tick and tick-borne diseases.

Acton Tick Control: Step One

tick control Acton MAThe first thing a reputable tick control company will do for Acton tick control is treat the perimeter of your yard and work inward, just like a traditional barrier treatment. Making sure to treat all the foliage while avoiding flowers, plus surfaces around and underneath patios and decks. But for the ticks, extra attention is given to the tall grassy areas, because that’s where they usually hang out — breeding, resting, and well, waiting for dinner. You don’t want it to be you!

Since a barrier treatment formula is time released, it eliminates ticks, mosquitoes, and other creepy-crawlies for three weeks before needing reapplication. This way it also prevents future ticks by stopping their eggs from hatching, which puts a halt to the next generation,

Acton Tick Control: Step Two

Lyme disease ActonLyme Disease and other tick born illnesses are caused by bacteria transmitted most often by the deer tick, but other ticks are carriers, too. Of course, not all ticks are carriers of dangerous pathogens, but it’s best to err on the safe side. Ticks become infected when they feed on small animals, such as mice, that are infected. By going straight to the source through the implementation of tick tubes, you are able to stop the cycle of disease where it would normally start.

Tick tubes are small, biodegradable tubes strategically placed around your yard. They are stuffed with a treated cotton that entice mice to bring back to their nests. When a tick bites one of these mice, it is eliminated shortly afterward. This extra, proactive step is offered by your tick control professionals for Acton tick control, helping eliminate the tick population in your yard by up to 90%. This method gets rid of ticks way before they come anywhere near you or your loved ones.

All-Natural Tick Control Solution

Acton MA tick controlProfessional tick control products are EPA registered, but if you consider yourself a little more “crunchy” and prefer an all-natural solution, they are available. An all-natural formula with essential oils at its base, repels rather than eliminates, yard pests. Most folks notice a reduction in yard pests between 65-80% using this method. Also time-released, I recommend reapplying this formula after two weeks.

Ticks are no joke.  They should be taken very seriously for the health of your family.  I recommend professional year-round tick control for your Acton MA home.