Why Do We Have So Many Tick-Borne Illnesses in the Northeast?

Several factors contribute to the tick population increasing in the Northeast.

If you’re wondering why there are so many tick-borne illnesses reported in the Northeast, you’re not alone. Some research suggests the high volume of forests in the Northeast contribute to a high tick population. Meanwhile, research also indicates that land use and climate change are also impacting the tick population and tick-borne illnesses in the Northeast.

Merrimack Tick Control

Environmental Changes are Giving Ticks More Places to Live

Ticks need hosts they can use for blood. In the Northeast, ticks are prone to feed on white-tailed deer and white-footed mice, both of which tend to travel. These deer and mice travel short and long distances alike. As such, they have helped ticks expand their habitat range in the Northeast.

Mild Winters are Helping Ticks Thrive

Tick season is getting longer in the Northeast, according to some experts. Mild winters are helping ticks survive for longer periods of time than ever before. If ticks do not die out in winter, their populations will grow. Thus, ticks can cause serious problems for people in the Northeast year-round.

People Face Heavy Exposure to Ticks

Spring and summer are popular times to get outdoors and explore, particularly in wooded areas where ticks are present. Yet, many people continue to ignore the health risks associated with tick-borne illnesses. If people are not careful around ticks, they risk getting tick bites. When a tick bites a person, it can spread Lyme disease or other diseases that cause long-lasting health problems.

What Tick-Borne Illnesses Should We Be Worried About Besides Lyme Disease?

Anaplasmosis and babesiosis are two of the most common tick-borne illnesses outside of Lyme disease. With anaplasmosis, a person can experience a fever, headache, and other flu-like symptoms. In severe cases, a person may need to be hospitalized due to a weakened immune system. Like anaplasmosis, babesisosis can weaken a person’s immune system. It can also be especially harmful to people who do not have a spleen.

How to Guard Against Tick-Borne Illnesses in the Northeast

Education can play a key role in your ability to protect against tick-borne illnesses. If you know the dangers associated with tick bites, you can remain diligent in areas where ticks may be present. These areas include bushy, grassy, or wooded areas where ticks tend to hide. Also, you can protect your skin by wearing long-sleeve shirts and pants in spaces where there may be ticks. You can apply insect repellent that helps keep ticks away from you, too.

What Merrimack Tick Control Options Are Available?

For the best Merrimack tick control, you can hire professionals. A tick control company has professionals on staff that can evaluate your property. From here, they can apply a tick control treatment that helps you reduce the tick population on your property by up to 90%. This treatment can deliver results that last up to three weeks.

Explore Merrimack Tick Control Options Today

Dave Macchia, tick control enthusiast
Dave Macchia, Central Mass tick control enthusiast

If you want to avoid a tick-borne illness, it helps to invest in tick control for your Merrimack property. With a top-notch Merrimack tick control company at your side, you can limit the tick population on your property. On top of that, you can lower your risk of contracting a tick-borne illness.

Also read: Are Ticks Prevalent in New Hampshire?

Are you a tick magnet?

Many Central Mass residents wonder what makes them a total tick magnet.  Are you one?

Central MA tick controlThose, who love the outdoors, might often encounter dreaded ticks.  Perhaps you have found ticks on yourself, your kids, or your pets this year.  There is no doubt that tick populations are on the rise in Central Massachusetts.  Not only are there more ticks, but over the last few years we have seen ticks that were not previously found here.  Science says that global warming is a big reason that ticks are migrating farther and living longer.  Are you doing things that make you an utter tick magnet?  Do you find them often after a hike or backyard barbecue?  Have you found them on your children or pets?  Here are three things that can make you and your family tick magnets.

Hiking in shorts can make you a tick magnet.

Even in hot weather months, I highly recommend wearing long pants and long sleeves when you venture out into nature.  Arm yourself with a layer of protection against ticks by covering your skin.  This is not to say that you won’t encounter a tick, but it will be less likely to attach to your skin if you are wearing clothes to protect you.  You should also use tick repellent when hiking, camping, or spending time outdoors in Central Mass.

hiking in shorts can make you a tick magnet
Hiking in shorts can make you a tick magnet

Not protecting your dog with flea and tick repellent can make him a tick magnet.

There are a number of avenues by which you can protect your four-legged family members from ticks.  Whether you choose to put them on a doctor prescribed regimen or apply topical repellent, you should always be sure to keep them protected year-round.  Dogs are susceptible to tick-borne illnesses too, such as Anaplasmosis.  Plus, the fact that they are covered in fur makes is more difficult to spot a tick until it has already taken a blood meal, at which time it could have infected your dog with a harmful disease.

dogs can be tick magnets too
Dogs can be tick magnets too

Not protecting your yard with Central Mass tick control can make your yard a tick magnet.

kids can be tick magnets
Don’t let your kids be tick magnets

The best thing you can do for your home and family to keep them safe from ticks, is hire a reputable tick control company, who offers barrier tick spray.  This level of protection is the best available for you yard.  It includes spraying EPA-registered insecticide around the perimeter of your lawn, working in towards your home to cover all areas.  Effective Central Mass tick control will knock down ticks on contact and continue working for a few weeks between sprays.  If you love spending time outside your Central Mass home, tick protection for your yard is a must.  What’s more, you can protect your home all year long with tick tubes in the fall and winter.  Tick tubes will break the tick life cycle to help reduce the number of ticks that will emerge in the spring.

Anaplasmosis in Dogs

The deer tick is one of the two most common ticks in Central Massachusetts.  This tick is not only a spreader of Lyme disease, but also anaplasmosis.

We love to get out of doors with man’s best friend this time of year in Central Mass.  Hiking, neighborhood walks, and playing in our backyards with our pets brings much joy, but it can also be dangerous if our best friends are not properly protected from ticks.  One of the more common tick-borne diseases for dogs in Central Mass is anaplasmosis.  What is anaplasmosis?  How is it treated?

anaplasmosis in dogs

Anaplasmosis in Dogs: Signs of Infection

If your pet has experienced an anaplasmosis-infected tick bite from a deer tick, he might begin to show symptoms within one week.  Though, some dogs never show symptoms at all.  Common symptoms are loss of appetite, lethargy, and joint pain – very similar symptoms to Lyme disease.  Less common signs of anaplasmosis might be nausea and labored breathing.  There are a few clinical tests available, which can diagnose the disease, and your veterinarian will recommend the testing method that is best for your pet if anaplasmosis is suspected.

anaplasmosis in cats

Cats can contract anaplasmosis, too.  Though, it is less common in cats than dogs.  If your cat is infected, it will show similar symptoms to the ones mentioned above.

Your Dog Can Have Anaplasmosis and Lyme Disease at the Same Time

It is not uncommon for dogs to become infected with Lyme disease and anaplasmosis at once, because both diseases are spread by infected deer ticks.  If diagnostics show co-infection, your dog will be treated more aggressively than with single-infection.  The good news is, treatment is very successful, requiring only doxycycline.  The length of treatment will depend on whether your dog is suffering from only anaplasmosis, or both diseases.  Typical treatment is two to four weeks, and symptoms can become greatly reduced in less than two days.  It is essential that you continue to administer doxycycline for the full recommended course, even when symptoms have diminished.

Prevention is Essential for Your Pet: Choose Professional Tick Control Methods

tick control Andover MAThe best methods of tick-borne disease prevention for your pets are tick control barrier sprays for your yard, daily tick checks, and oral flea and tick preventatives.  Though anaplasmosis is often easily treated, an ounce of prevention offers much better assurance for the health and well-being of our pets.  Effective Central Mass tick control is achieved through regular barrier treatments of your yard, every couple of weeks, in the spring, summer, and fall.  Tick tubes “out of season” will help greatly reduce the tick population around your home when springtime comes back around.

Also read: Can ticks cause anemia in dogs?