Interior Home Maintenance & Repair Tips for Winter

Winter got you feeling blue?  Has the loss of the holiday rush got you in the mood for home maintenance or upgrades?

Winter can be difficult for sun-loving beach-goers and outdoorsy types.  There is no reason to feel shut in, though.  There is still plenty to do inside during the winter months.  Small maintenance and improvement projects around our homes can also give us a feeling of accomplishment.  Simple fixes and oft-forgotten tasks inside will make us appreciate spending 40% more of our time indoors!  Here is a great list of home maintenance tips for winter.

inside home improvements for winter

Mark these home maintenance to-dos done!

Have you been thinking about switching your traditional light bulbs to energy-saving LED?  There is no time like the present.  You’re already indoors, and this could be a great use of your time.  According to the US Department of Energy, LED lighting uses 75% less electricity and lasts up to 25 times longer than traditional bulbs!

Change out your furnace filters.  This is another to-do that gets left undone.  Most heating and cooling systems recommend a change every three months.  Did you know that certain homes should change them more often?  If you have indoor pets, a family member with allergies, or an indoor smoker, you should swap your filters out every one to two months, max.

change furnace filters for indoor pets

It is recommended that we change our smoke/CO detectors’ batteries twice yearly with the time change.  If you forgot to do this last November 1, there is no better time to do it.  Also give the “test” button a push once you have put the new batteries in!

Update the look and feel of your home!

A fresh coat of paint can brighten any room inside your home.  Being indoors more this time of year, might prompt you to move forward with painting projects.  Paint a wall, paint a room or two, or simply freshen up your interior trim color.  You might be surprised what a bit of paint can do to improve any space inside your home!

home projects in winter

Are you feeling weighed down by the amount of clutter accumulating around your home or apartment?  How about undertaking a de-cluttering and re-organization project this winter?  It’s a great way to spend a few hours, as it frees up needed space, and being better organized is mood-enhancing to boot!  Consider donating unneeded items to a local charity.

If your decor is leaving you feeling underwhelmed, how about making some changes.  A new light fixture, art or antique piece, tile backsplash, or even cabinet hardware can give us the perfectly simple update we’re looking for.  Plus, you don’t have to spend a lot of money on these small upgrades.

wintertime home improvements indoors

Take care of the inside now, and be ready for outdoor maintenance in the spring!

As the days continue to grow longer, and eventually begin to warm, all your indoor tasks will be done.  In the springtime, landscaping, exterior painting, and cleaning up will begin.  From planting new flowers and shrubs, to cleaning out gutters and tidying up around our homes, there will be plenty of reason to get outside the confines of your home this spring.

tick control Acton MALest we forget our essential Gardner tick treatment!  Remember as the weather is consistently warmer, ticks will begin to emerge.  Protect your family and pets from the threat of Lyme disease and other dangerous tick-borne illnesses with professional tick protection around your home.  Enlist the help of a reputable tick treatment company for ultimate protection from blood-thirsty ticks!

Dave Macchia, tick control enthusiast
Dave Macchia, Central Mass tick control enthusiast

Can you get Lyme disease in the fall and winter?

Are you a tick magnet?

Many Central Mass residents wonder what makes them a total tick magnet.  Are you one?

Central MA tick controlThose, who love the outdoors, might often encounter dreaded ticks.  Perhaps you have found ticks on yourself, your kids, or your pets this year.  There is no doubt that tick populations are on the rise in Central Massachusetts.  Not only are there more ticks, but over the last few years we have seen ticks that were not previously found here.  Science says that global warming is a big reason that ticks are migrating farther and living longer.  Are you doing things that make you an utter tick magnet?  Do you find them often after a hike or backyard barbecue?  Have you found them on your children or pets?  Here are three things that can make you and your family tick magnets.

Hiking in shorts can make you a tick magnet.

Even in hot weather months, I highly recommend wearing long pants and long sleeves when you venture out into nature.  Arm yourself with a layer of protection against ticks by covering your skin.  This is not to say that you won’t encounter a tick, but it will be less likely to attach to your skin if you are wearing clothes to protect you.  You should also use tick repellent when hiking, camping, or spending time outdoors in Central Mass.

hiking in shorts can make you a tick magnet
Hiking in shorts can make you a tick magnet

Not protecting your dog with flea and tick repellent can make him a tick magnet.

There are a number of avenues by which you can protect your four-legged family members from ticks.  Whether you choose to put them on a doctor prescribed regimen or apply topical repellent, you should always be sure to keep them protected year-round.  Dogs are susceptible to tick-borne illnesses too, such as Anaplasmosis.  Plus, the fact that they are covered in fur makes is more difficult to spot a tick until it has already taken a blood meal, at which time it could have infected your dog with a harmful disease.

dogs can be tick magnets too
Dogs can be tick magnets too

Not protecting your yard with Central Mass tick control can make your yard a tick magnet.

kids can be tick magnets
Don’t let your kids be tick magnets

The best thing you can do for your home and family to keep them safe from ticks, is hire a reputable tick control company, who offers barrier tick spray.  This level of protection is the best available for you yard.  It includes spraying EPA-registered insecticide around the perimeter of your lawn, working in towards your home to cover all areas.  Effective Central Mass tick control will knock down ticks on contact and continue working for a few weeks between sprays.  If you love spending time outside your Central Mass home, tick protection for your yard is a must.  What’s more, you can protect your home all year long with tick tubes in the fall and winter.  Tick tubes will break the tick life cycle to help reduce the number of ticks that will emerge in the spring.

Are ticks getting smaller?

The emergence of nymph ticks this spring, has folks asking,  “Are ticks getting smaller?”

Ahhhh, springtime!  There is so much to love about spring in Central Mass.  In a typical year, this would be the time that families gather for graduation parties in their backyards.  Evening get-togethers and grilling season would be in full force.  Neighborhood invitations would be going out weekly for backyard parties.  Even though we are not mixing and mingling at neighborhood parties just yet, you might still have noticed tick season is upon us just by spending time in your own backyard.  If you are a hiker, perhaps you have encountered Central Mass ticks during your nature treks.  Have you noticed these super-tiny blood suckers?  What’s the deal with these small ticks?

are ticks getting smaller

Ticks are not getting smaller.

are fleas and ticks the same sizeThe small ticks you are seeing are nymph ticks.  Nymph ticks are in their third stage of life (egg, larva, nymph, adult), and they are tiny.  If you have only encountered adult ticks, a nymph tick might fool you into thinking it’s no tick at all.  You might have even wondered if it’s a flea.  Nymph ticks are not only small, they can be very dangerous.  Measuring about 2mm (poppy seed-sized), they are difficult to spot.  A flea measures 1.5 to 3.3mm.

engorged tickBecause nymph ticks are difficult to see, they can slip by us until they have already attached themselves to take a blood meal, and become engorged.  Due to the fact that tick populations are on the rise, you might just now be noticing these tiny ticks – because there are so many.  Another reason you might just now be noticing these small ticks is because you are spending more time outdoors for recreation, because so many recreational and dining establishments are either closed, or not open in a full capacity.

What you most need to know about nymph ticks, is that they are the biggest carrier of Lyme disease.  Most nymphs have taken their last blood meal from a woodland animal – perhaps a squirrel or more commonly, the white-footed mouse.  Because these animals are often carriers of the bacteria that cause Lyme, this makes nymph ticks extremely dangerous.

Protect your yard with Central Mass tick control.

If you are seeing ticks on your kids or your pets in Central Mass, now is the time to tackle your tick problem.  Tiny nymph ticks are rampant, looking for their next victim.  Don’t let it be you, your kids, or your pets.  Entrust all the areas around your home to a professional tick control company.  Central Mass tick control professionals offer EPA-registered tick control solutions.  They will apply a barrier tick spray around your yard to eliminate ticks on contact, and the spray will continue working for a couple of weeks with a micro-encapsulated, time-released formula.  Reputable tick control professionals also offer all-natural solutions, which act as tick repellents, rather than eliminators.  Though effective in keeping up to 85% of ticks away, the must be sprayed more often than an EPA-registered insecticide.  Whichever works for you, now is the time to protect your yard.

Also read: When should I stop treating my yard for ticks?


Have peace of mind with professional Marlborough MA tick control

There is absolutely NOTHING good about ticks.

They’re gross little creepy-crawly bloodsucking bugs that have the potential to transmit some seriously scary diseases, including Lyme disease which, as you probably know, is all over the Northeast.

Actually, it’s so bad here that Massachusetts officially declared it an epidemic in 2005. Last year, ticks were so bad that Boston 25 News called it a “tick explosion.” There are other terrible tick-borne diseases here, though, that aren’t Lyme. Things like Babesiosis, that is dangerous to both humans and dogs, and the very scary Powassan virus, which is on the rise.

marlborough ma tick control

In fact, in May 2018 the CDC released a report stating that diseases from mosquitoes and ticks have more than tripled in the United States since 2004, and unfortunately that rate does not appear to be slowing down. Further, the CDC also outright states that 80% of government vector-control organizations are not prepared to deal with this new onslaught of vector-borne diseases. All one has to do is go to the City of Marlborough’s website and do a search for “ticks” and it’ll yield little more than a PDF document, and just offers basic info, which is informational, but on the whole, not proactive in protecting you or your family.

Fortunately, reputable mosquito control professionals pick up the slack where the government falls behind, and with a barrier treatment spray, you’re protected from both mosquitoes and ticks in your yard by nearly 90% for up to 21 days at a time. But if it’s specifically tick protection that you’re looking for, professional Marlborough MA tick control goes above and beyond the standard barrier treatment to make sure ticks in every stage of life are eliminated. Your tick control company will take a two step approach, and enlist the help of some furry friends.

Step one in professional Marlborough MA tick control

Beginning with the same process as a traditional mosquito barrier treatment, treating the perimeter of your yard with an EPA-registered formula on all surfaces except flowers, and work their way inward. They treat bushes, trees, the undersides of leaves, woodpiles, on and under decks . . . basically everywhere. If you have any tall, grassy areas in your yard, they’ll give those special attention, because that’s prime tick territory. It’s where they’re most likely to be found, resting, breeding, and waiting to hitch a ride on their next blood meal. It’s your tick control expert’s job to make sure that’s not you or your loved ones, two legs or four.

Since barrier spray formulas are micro encapsulated and therefore time-released, you’ll be protected from ticks (and mosquitoes, and other biting bugs) for up to 21 days. And since it adheres to everything it’s applied to, it prevents existing tick eggs from hatching, thus stopping the life cycle. Just like a mosquito barrier treatment, recommended reapplication is every three weeks for maximum efficiency.

But then there’s the “the bonus round.”

Phase Two of great Marlborough MA tick control — a.k.a. “the bonus round”

tick control marlboroughIf you do your research online, you’ll find that other outdoor pest control companies stop at a spray when it comes to ticks. Reputable tick control companies take it a step further and use the help of the common field mouse, who is a cute, innocent, and very stealthy “helper” in the fight against ticks. Contrary to their name, “deer ticks” actually pick up things like Lyme disease not from deer, but most often from mice, bunnies, and other small critters who call your and your neighbors’ yards home. This usually happens when ticks are in their larva or nymph stage of life. So tick control technicians will strategically place these small, biodegradable tubes called “tick tubes” in places they frequent.

Tick tubes are stuffed with cotton that is treated with a mild insecticide called permethrin, which is harmless to the small animals but lethal to ticks. The idea is (and this works impressively well) that the mice or other small mammal finds this cotton and bring it back to their nest to cozy it up. In doing so, the permethrin rubs off on their fur, and when a young tick attempts to get its blood meal from one of these animals, it encounters the chemical and is eliminated shortly thereafter. This “straight to the source” approach allows tick control professionals to get rid of ticks in all stages of life and thus, halt their life cycle in your yard, ensuring 90% or more tick elimination overall.

If you prefer to stay as “green” as possible. . .

all natural marlborough ma tick controlTick control professionals also offer an all-natural solution. While all reputable tick control companies’ products are EPA-registered, there are some people that won’t settle for anything less than 100% “green.” That’s why Marlborough MA tick control professionals also offer an all-natural barrier treatment solution for your unwanted pests.

Based on natural oils, this more “crunchy” approach focuses more on repelling these little nuisances than eliminating them. It’s not quite as effective as a traditional mosquito and tick control solution, but it’s pretty darn close — most homeowners notice a reduction in yard pests between 65-80%. Also time-released, this application is recommended to be repeated every two weeks, instead of the traditional three.

Billerica Tick Control – Protect Your Home and Family in Billerica MA

Living in New England, you’re likely aware that Lyme disease is everywhere here.

It’s such a big problem that in 2015 it was officially declared an epidemic in Massachusetts. But there are many more tick-borne illnesses on the rise in our area, including Babesiosis (of which Middlsex County seems to be a hotspot) and the the rare, but fatal Powassan virus, which CBS Boston has increasingly been reporting on.

Billerica tick control

While not all ticks are infected with and carry scary diseases, do you really want to get bitten by one and take the chance? Even Billerica Wicked Local has been publishing things about how officials are urging people to be more vigilant about ticks, but their suggestions of “using tick and mosquito repellent, wearing long sleeves and long pants outdoors, and performing periodic checks for ticks on your body” are well-intentioned, but simply not realistic. The Town of Billerica, while also well-intentioned, doesn’t help their citizens much in the way of tick advice, either. Their “Public Health Nurse” section of their website consists of links to elsewhere and PDF downloads.

Billerica tick control step one: Barrier spray

When it comes down to it, when the weather is nice out, who wants to be bundled up in their own yard? That’s where professional Billerica tick control comes in. It is essential to your whole family’s health that you hire a trusted tick control expert.

Billerica MA tick control

Not only do professional tick control companies help eliminate up to 90% of mosquitoes with a specially formulated barrier treatment, the same formula conveniently eliminates up to 90% of adult ticks and fleas on contact, too. It’s pretty powerful stuff, but when it comes to Billerica tick control, you can go one step further to protect you and your loved ones from ticks and tick-borne illnesses.

Following the same barrier treatment process used for mosquito control, your tick control expert will distribute a special bug-eliminating formula to treat surfaces in your yard that include shrubbery, foliage (avoiding flowers), around and underneath decks and patios, and especially tall grass. Special attention is given to the tall grass areas on your property for Billerica tick control since this is typically where you can find them breeding, resting and waiting for their next blood meal. It’s your tick control professional’s job to make sure it’s not you!

Since special barrier spray formulas are designed to be time released, your property will be protected for three weeks once the treatment is dispersed. This barrier treatment has the added benefit of preventing the eggs of ticks from hatching and thus puts a stop to the next generation of these pests. For continuous, worry-free tick and mosquito control in on your property, choose a seasonal plan so you won’t have to worry about rescheduling. You don’t even need to be home when your tick control technicians visit, and they’ll always leave a confirmation of service before we leave.

But Billerica tick control doesn’t stop there.

Step two in Billerica tick control: Going straight to the source

lyme disease billericaLyme Disease and other tick-born illnesses caused by bacteria transmitted most often by the deer tick, but other ticks carry disease, too. Not every tick is a carrier of bad pathogens, but it’s best to err on the safe side. Ticks become infected when they feed on small animals, usually mice, that are infected. By going straight to the source through the implementation of tick tubes, you will be able to stop the cycle of disease where it would normally start. That way, you’re eliminating ticks before they come anywhere near people and pets.

What’s a tick tube? Well, it’s a small tube with biodegradable tubing that’s filled with cotton treated with a solution fatal to ticks. Tubes are strategically placed around your property, and mice and other small animals find them and bring the cotton back to their burrows to make them nice and cozy. When a hungry tick bites and feeds off one of these small animals, it’s gone from this world and one fewer tick to worry about potentially causing anyone damage. These Billerica tick control tubes are a proactive measure that reputable tick control companies take, and help reduce up to 90% of tick populations before they’re able to multiply.

Prefer an all-natural tick control alternative?

natural tick control billericaNot a problem. Reputable tick control companies also offer an all-natural barrier treatment. Professional tick control products are EPA registered, but I understand there are some people who want to be as eco-friendly as possible. Tick control experts have developed all-natural forumlas with essential oils and a few secret ingredients for those who prefer to go this route. While it’s more of a repellant than an eliminator, an all-natural formula is still highly effective —most homeowners notice a reduction in mosquitoes, ticks, and other yard pests by up to 80% using this method. Also time released, I highly recommend reapplication every two weeks instead of the three that a traditional barrier spray would need.

Acton Tick Control is a Job for the Pros

Ticks are no joke.

Though tiny, those little critters can have some serious impact if an infected one bites you or your loved ones, whether they have two logs or four.

Acton tick controlIf you live here, you likely know that Lyme disease is a big problem all over New England. According to Acton Wicked Local, there were there were 4500 cases of Lyme disease in Massachusetts in 2016 alone.

But that’s not the only one — there are many other tick-borne illnesses we need to watch out for, including Babseiosis, which is more concentrated in Middlesex County than anywhere else in the state.

While Acton is a part of the Middlesex Tick Task Force, that basically tells you what to do after you get bitten by a tick. And that same Wicked Local article says that public health officials claim “A little bit of vigilance, and some bug spray, can go a long way in reducing the health risks associated with ticks.” That’s a nice sentiment, but it takes more than “vigilance and bug spray” to prevent tick-borne illnesses.

Wouldn’t you rather just avoid these little monsters all together?

That’s when you call a professional Acton tick control company.

Acton tick control should be taken seriously, because these little suckers are nothing to mess around with.

As it happens, the same specially formulated barrier spray treatment that is used for mosquitoes also eliminates adult ticks and fleas by up to 90%. But with ticks, professionals take it one step further to protect people and pets from tick and tick-borne diseases.

Acton Tick Control: Step One

tick control Acton MAThe first thing a reputable tick control company will do for Acton tick control is treat the perimeter of your yard and work inward, just like a traditional barrier treatment. Making sure to treat all the foliage while avoiding flowers, plus surfaces around and underneath patios and decks. But for the ticks, extra attention is given to the tall grassy areas, because that’s where they usually hang out — breeding, resting, and well, waiting for dinner. You don’t want it to be you!

Since a barrier treatment formula is time released, it eliminates ticks, mosquitoes, and other creepy-crawlies for three weeks before needing reapplication. This way it also prevents future ticks by stopping their eggs from hatching, which puts a halt to the next generation,

Acton Tick Control: Step Two

Lyme disease ActonLyme Disease and other tick born illnesses are caused by bacteria transmitted most often by the deer tick, but other ticks are carriers, too. Of course, not all ticks are carriers of dangerous pathogens, but it’s best to err on the safe side. Ticks become infected when they feed on small animals, such as mice, that are infected. By going straight to the source through the implementation of tick tubes, you are able to stop the cycle of disease where it would normally start.

Tick tubes are small, biodegradable tubes strategically placed around your yard. They are stuffed with a treated cotton that entice mice to bring back to their nests. When a tick bites one of these mice, it is eliminated shortly afterward. This extra, proactive step is offered by your tick control professionals for Acton tick control, helping eliminate the tick population in your yard by up to 90%. This method gets rid of ticks way before they come anywhere near you or your loved ones.

All-Natural Tick Control Solution

Acton MA tick controlProfessional tick control products are EPA registered, but if you consider yourself a little more “crunchy” and prefer an all-natural solution, they are available. An all-natural formula with essential oils at its base, repels rather than eliminates, yard pests. Most folks notice a reduction in yard pests between 65-80% using this method. Also time-released, I recommend reapplying this formula after two weeks.

Ticks are no joke.  They should be taken very seriously for the health of your family.  I recommend professional year-round tick control for your Acton MA home.

Lyme Disease in Children and Teens

With an estimated 300,000 newly reported cases of Lyme in the United States each year, 25% are children.  Lyme remains so misunderstood and debated in the worldwide medical community, those numbers are believed to be even higher.

With much controversy surrounding the diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease, children are caught in the shuffle, often falling in the cracks.  Some are outright denied Lyme testing by doctors, who proclaim it is unnecessary, because the disease doesn’t occur where they live.  Imagine if this were your child.

children and teens with Lyme
There is much mystery surrounding Lyme disease in children and teens.

Facts about Lyme disease in children and teens:

Lyme disease in children
Children with Lyme suffer physically and emotionally.

There are an average of 205 reported cases of Lyme disease in children each day in the United States – 75,000 per year.
That’s more than all cases of pediatric cancer, epilepsy, type 1 diabetes, and Cystic Fibrosis diagnoses combined.

Children between ages 5 and 9 are at greatest risk for Lyme disease.
Kids are more active outdoors, and are closer to the ground.  Boys are at greater risk than girls in this age group.

Children often do no present with the tell-tale bullseye rash.
Pediatric Lyme disease specialist, Dr. Charles Ray Jones, reports that less than 10% of his 15,000 pediatric Lyme disease cases actually had the bullseye rash.

Symptoms of Lyme disease in children are difficult to pin down.
There is no guideline for symptoms of Lyme disease in children, as they are sporadic, and can present in very different ways.  Loss of focus, inability to sleep, fatigue, difficulty in school, behavioral changes, and joint pain are a few of the symptoms that kids might endure with Lyme.

Lyme disease in kids
Kids are more susceptible to neuropsychiatric Lyme symptoms.

It is suggested that children might be more susceptible to neurological symptoms of Lyme.
It is theorized that if children are bitten on the head and neck, that neurological Lyme can occur, since the bite is closer to the nervous system.  Lyme infection can act as a trigger for neuropsychiatric disorders, which can cause OCD, Anorexia, nervous tics, and others.

Children and teens with Lyme suffer socially.
Illness and symptoms of Lyme, along with the stress they create for children and teens, will often lead to loss of friends.  Depression is very common, and as many as 41% of children and teens with Lyme disease report having had suicidal thoughts.

Proper diagnoses require more than traditional Lyme disease testing for children.
Children are commonly mis-diagnosed, or not diagnosed at all because traditional testing methods can come back negative, even though Lyme is present.  A Lyme specialist will order additional testing required for the proper diagnosis of Lyme disease in children.

As diagnosing and treating Lyme disease in children is an evolving science, it is incumbent on parents to advocate for their sick child to rule in or out Lyme.  It is also important to protect our children from the threat of Lyme and other tick-borne illnesses with professional tick control around our homes.  The single best hope for our children is preventing Lyme disease in the first place.

Burlington Tick Control – Burlington Massachusetts

When many people hear the word “tick,” they automatically think of Lyme disease, and with good reason — it’s the most well-known tick-borne illness, and all over New England and the rest of the Northeast.

But ticks transmit more than just Lyme disease, that one’s just the “most popular.” Serious tick-borne illnesses also include Babesiosis, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and the rare, but fatal Powassan virus, to name a few. Nobody wants to see themselves or any of their loved ones deal with a tick-borne illness, and nobody wants to deal with ticks. Well, almost nobody. Consider professional tick protection for your Burlington MA tick control.

While not all ticks are carriers of disease, do you really want you or someone you love get bitten by one and take a chance? Even Burlington Wicked Local wrote about how officials are urging people to be more vigilant about ticks, but their suggestions of “using tick and mosquito repellent, wearing long sleeves and long pants outdoors, and performing periodic checks for ticks on your body” just aren’t realistic. When the weather is nice out, who wants to be bundled up in their own yard?

Burlington tick control - Burlington Massachusetts

There is an easier way enjoy your own yard without worrying about ticks and the potential diseases they carry, and that’s with a reputable tick control company. As it turns out, the same barrier spray treatment that they use for mosquito control also eliminates adult ticks and fleas. A barrier tick control treatment is extremely effective and can eliminate up to 95% of adult ticks on contact, but mosquito professionals take it a step further with a two-pronged approach to Burlington MA tick control, making sure they’re eliminated at the source before they come anywhere near you or your family.

How Burlington Tick Control Works, Step One:

tick control Burlington MassachusettsThe first thing your mosquito control professional does is follow the same barrier spray treatment process that they do for mosquitoes, applying a micro encapsulated, time-released formula to all areas of your yard (aside from flowers), including foliage, bushes, trees, under leaves, on and under porches and decks, woodpiles, etc. They give a lot more attention to the tall grassy areas of your property (if there are any), because that’s where ticks like to hang out and rest, breed, and wait for their dinner . . . it’s their job to make sure it’s not you.

Since professional formulas are designed to be time released, your property will be protected for up to 21 days once the treatment is disbursed. This barrier treatment has the added benefit of preventing the eggs of ticks from hatching and thus puts a stop to the next generation of these pests. I suggest treating your property every 3 weeks for season-long protection, and take advantage of seasonal packages to make sure you’re covered all season-long.

Step Two — Going “Straight to the Source”

Burlington MA tick controlLyme disease and other tick-vectored illnesses are most often transmitted by the deer tick, but other ticks are carriers, too. Obviously, not all ticks are carriers of scary pathogens, but it’s best to be on the safe side. Ticks become infected when they feed on small animals (usually mice) that are infected. By going straight to the source and implementing tick tubes, we’re able to eliminate ticks before they even come near people or pets.

Tick tubes are small biodegradable tubes that are stuffed with a treated cotton that mice love to bring back to their burrows. When ticks decide to attack one of those mice, they’re eliminated shortly afterward. Mosquito control professionals are very strategic on where we place these tick tubes to ensure maximum mice-enticement and efficiency. By taking this extra, proactive step in your Burlington MA tick control, a reduction in your yard’s tick population by up to 90%, before they’re able to mulitply, is assured.

Prefer an all-natural alternative to your Burlington tick control?

all natural Burlington tick controlThat’s an option too. Professional mosquito control products are EPA-registered, but there are some people who want to be as “green” as can be, so there are essential-oil based, all-natural barrier treatment solutions. While it’s more of a repellent than an eliminator, this formula is still highly effective — most homeowners notice a reduction in mosquitoes, ticks, and other yard pests by up to 80% using this method. Also a time-released solution, professionals recommend reapplication every two weeks as opposed to the three that the traditional barrier spray would need.

Powassan is on the rise in Massachusetts

I often write about Lyme disease, the most widely-known tick-borne illness.  Central Mass residents also face another serious threat.  Potentially deadly, Powassan is on the rise in Massachusetts.

The CDC reports that Massachusetts had 22 confirmed cases of Powassan virus from 2009-2018, third highest in the nation.  Only Minnesota and Wisconsin had higher reported cases in that time span.  In August, another Powassan case was reported in Massachusetts.  Neighboring Connecticut has had four confirmed cases of Powassan so far in 2019.  The most recent was October 11.

Powassan is on the rise in Massachusetts
Deer ticks are responsible for the spread of Powassan in Massachusetts.

How is Powassan spread?

The black-legged tick, also known as the deer tick, spreads Powassan.  Deer ticks feed on the blood of mice and birds, and even our cats and dogs.  This makes Powassan virus a true threat to our pets, as well as our human family members.  It is reported that mice can even carry infected ticks into our homes.  We must remain vigilant, even in the cool autumn weather, in keeping our tick control treatments going.  Your family’s health could depend on it!

pets can get Powassan
Tick control in the fall will continue to help protect your whole family from the threat of Powassan.

What are symptoms of Powassan?  Are there treatments?

Symptoms of Powassan can take on those of encephalitis or meningitis – brain or spinal cord infections.  If you have found a tick on your skin or clothing, or on your pets, and begin to see symptoms of lethargy, headache, fever, confusion, or seizures, seek medical help immediate.  There is no treatment for Powassan.  Patients typically require respiratory assistance, and treatment for infection of the brain or spinal cord.  There is no vaccine to prevent Powassan.  Approximately 10% of those infected will die of the disease.

Powassan virus threat in Massachusetts
Powassan infected ticks can be lurking in leaf piles, wooded areas, or questing in your lawn or landscaping plants.

What tick control and prevention measures should you take to prevent Powassan?

Powassan in MassachusettsIf you are going to be outdoors, wear long sleeves and pants in light colors, so you can spot a tick easily if it gets onto your clothing.  Use personal tick protection measures – repellents with DEET or permethrin are essential if you are hunting, hiking, performing yard work, or other outdoor activities we love in the fall, such as attending or hosting bonfires.  Ticks are still lurking, ready to latch on for their blood meals.

Continued tick control in Central Mass

As I mentioned before, now is not the time to halt the tick control efforts around your home.  Even though fall has brought cool temps, it has not eliminated the tick population.  Nor are they becoming dormant, as they do in the winter.  Tick control around your Central Mass home should continue until the immediate threat is gone – when temps fall consistently below 45°F.

tick control Central MassOnce ticks become dormant, yard sprays are not essential, but it is wise for Central Massachusetts residents to employ additional tick control with tick tubes.  Tick tubes are placed around your property, and are filled with cotton that has been coated with insecticide.  Mice will use the treated cotton to build their nests.  While the insecticide doesn’t hurt the mice, it will eliminate ticks that try to feed on them – or ticks that are lying dormant in their nests.  Tick tubes can greatly reduce the ticks in your yard next spring by breaking their life cycle.

Do I really need tick control in the fall?

As summer winds down, we anticipate not only the change in season, but also the changes we make in everyday life.  There will be less cookouts.  Less long days of outdoor play for the kids.  There will not be less ticks.

Central Mass tick control is not just something we do in the spring and summer, and then hang up until next year.  In recent years, Central Mass residents have wised up to the importance of tick control even after the temperatures have begun to fall.  Why is tick control in the fall so important?

tick control in the fall

Ticks are looking for their reproduction blood meal in the fall.

White-tailed deer are on the move, and so are ticks!  Female ticks are looking for their blood meal, which is necessary to produce eggs.  When they are successful in reproducing in the fall, thanks to the blood meal they received from the deer population, their eggs will hatch in the spring.  And so the cycle continues – a never ending cycle of tick reproduction, right?  No, it doesn’t have to be this way!

fall tick control

Female ticks lay their eggs in nests of mice.

Most of the fertilized tick eggs will be left to incubate in the nests of white footed mice.  The larvae ticks will be looking for their very first blood meal next spring, and will find that blood meal from the mice, who have given them a cozy spot to survive the winter.

Practice Central Mass tick control in the fall.

The best way to eliminate ticks is with professional tick control, and the best way to get a jump on next year’s tick population, is to have your yard protected in the fall.  A time-released, EPA-registered tick control spray will eliminate up to 95% of ticks in your yard and around your home.  October and November are the prime months that female ticks are looking for their final blood meal.  Stopping them from being able to do this will halt the reproductive process.  Thus, greatly decreasing the number of new ticks that will hatch in the spring.

Central Mass tick control in the fall

A tick tube program will provide even more tick protection for your family.  Tick tubes are placed where mice make their nests.  Inside a small tube is cotton, which is treated with tick control insecticide.  Mice will use the treated cotton to create their nests, and will get the insecticide on their fur and skin in the process.  Ticks in search of a blood meal will come in contact with the insecticide, and be eliminated – stopping the nasty tick life cycle!

Stopping the tick life cycle isn’t just about eliminating nasty pests.  It’s about protecting your home and family from serious tick-borne illnesses, such as Lyme disease and the Powassan virus.