What does a tick bite look like?

Maybe you have encountered ticks, but have not been bitten.

What does a tick bite look like?  Do all tick bites result in disease?  Most people, who receive a tick bite will note a small amount of redness after the tick is removed.  If that redness spreads, becomes hot to the touch, or begins to take on a bulls-eye appearance, seek immediate medical attention.  You could have a skin infection, Lyme disease, or something much worse.

Tick bites can look like this.
Tick bites can look like this.

How do ticks bite?

Like mosquitoes, ticks bite by sinking their mouthparts into your skin.  While a mosquito bites quickly to get her blood meal, a tick will latch on until it becomes engorged and falls off.  Black-legged ticks must maintain attachment for 24 to 48 hours in order to pass Lyme infection.  The same tick must only be attached for 15 minutes in order to transmit the potentially deadly Powassan virus.  Actually, the tick doesn’t even have to make a full attachment.  So, if you find a tick attached to your skin, it does not have to become engorged to make you sick.

How do ticks bite?
How do ticks bite?

Should I receive treatment for my tick bite?

Depending on the medical diagnosis you receive, your tick bite could be treated.  If you are experiencing only a minor skin infection from your tick bite, you might be treated with an antibiotic cream or an oral medication.  If you have a bulls-eye rash that indicates Lyme infection, your doctor will treat you with doxycycline.

What does a tick bite look like?
This could mean Lyme infection – seek medical attention for your tick bite.

If the redness you are seeing develops into symptoms that indicate Powassan infection, your doctor will not have a direct treatment for your condition.  At the time of this writing, Powassan is medically addressed by treating symptoms.  These include vomiting, fever, and headache, but can also become sever.  Symptoms, such as tremors, seizures, high fever, and paralysis could indicate that you are suffering encephalitis, which is treated in the hospital.

Also read: Why is Lyme disease on the rise?

What is better than never finding out, “What does a tick bite look like?”

Dave Macchia, tick control enthusiast
Dave Macchia, Central Mass tick control enthusiast

Not being bitten in the first place.  Be sure that you are protected with tick repellent clothing when hiking or camping.  At home, entrust your tick protection to a professional tick control company.

Also read: Can you feel a tick bite?

Take Sudbury MA Tick Control to the Next Level

Ticks. Just the word can make a person shudder. Especially here in New England, where Lyme disease is more prevalent than anywhere else in the country.

In fact, between 2000-2015, Middlesex County had 8,366 confirmed cases of Lyme. It got so bad that in 2015, Lyme disease was officially declared an epidemic in Massachusetts.

Sudbury MA tick controlUnfortunately, there are many other scary tick-borne illnesses that we need to watch out for, including Babesiosis of which Midldlesex County was declared a hot spot, and the rare, but fatal Powassan virus, which has been rising in our area.

So what’s a person to do? Nobody wants to see themselves or their loved ones get sick from a tick. The East Middlesex Mosquito Control Project has a bunch of educational material about ticks and the diseases they carry, but who’s going to sit and read through all of that? And if you’re already infected, that information doesn’t do you much good. The bottom line is, while many tick-borne illnesses are curable, the best protection is to avoid them altogether and stop ticks before they get comfortable in your yard and exposed to your family.

That’s where professional Sudbury MA tick control comes in.

Sudbury tick controlNot only does professional barrier tick protection help eliminate up to 90% of mosquitoes with a specially formulated barrier treatment, it so happens that the same micro encapsulated solution eliminates up to 90% of adult ticks and fleas on contact, too. It’s pretty powerful stuff, but when it comes to Sudbury MA tick control, and you can go one step further to protect you and your loved ones from these little monsters.

The First Step in Sudbury Tick Control

tick control Sudbury MAFollowing the  barrier treatment process used for mosquito control, your tick control professional will distribute a special bug-eliminating formula to treat surfaces in your yard that include shrubbery, foliage (avoiding flowers), around and underneath decks and patios, and especially tall grass. Special attention is given to the tall grass areas on your property for Sudbury tick control since this is typically where you can find them breeding, resting and waiting for their next blood meal. It’s a top priority to make sure it isn’t you!

Since a professional barrier treatment formula is time released, it eliminates ticks, mosquitoes, and other creepy-crawlies for three weeks before needing reapplication. This way it also prevents future ticks by stopping their eggs from hatching, which puts a halt to the population cycle.

The Sudbury Tick Control “Bonus Round”

Lyme disease SudburyThis is what I call our “going straight to the source” strategy. Babesiosis, Lyme disease, and other tick-borne illnesses are transmitted by deer ticks and others, and no, not all ticks are carriers. But you don’t really know if you’ve been bitten by an infected tick until it happens and you become ill. Is that a gamble anyone really wants to take?

Enter tick tubes. These are small, biodegrade tubes stuffed with a treated cotton that are strategically placed around your property for mice and other small animals to find and bring back to cozy up their nests and burrows. They love this stuff. When a tick bites one of these animals, it’s eliminated shortly afterwards. This extra, proactive step reputable tick control professionals take helps eliminate the tick population in your yard by up to 90%. By going “straight to the source,” this tactic of Sudbury tick control makes sure they’re gone before they come anywhere near people or pets.

Looking for an All-Natural Tick Control Option?

Sudbury natural tick controlWhile professional tick control products are EPA registered, I know that some people prefer to be as eco-conscious and “green” as possible. That’s why tick control companies have developed special, all-natural barrier treatment formulas, based on essential oils. It acts more like a repellant than an eliminator, basically “chasing” these little buggers out of your yard. Also a time-released formula, I recommend re-treating with an all-natural solution ever two weeks. How effective is it? Pretty darn good. Most customers notice a reduction in yard pests anywhere between 65-80%

No matter if you decide on the ultimate professional barrier tick protection, or an all-natural solution, expert protection is always recommended for your Sudbury MA home and family.  Don’t gamble on your family’s health.  Choose year-round tick control in Sudbury!

How do ticks mate? How do ticks die?

If you are a Central Mass resident, you have likely had a tick encounter.

Either on yourself, your children, or your pets.  Those ticks obviously come to the end of their life cycle when found, but how do ticks meet their natural end?  How do ticks die?

The 2-year tick life cycle is much about questing for their blood meal, either to survive and grow to adulthood, or to mate and produce a new generation of blood-suckers.

how do ticks die

Protect your family from tick-borne illnesses with professional Central Mass tick control.

How and when do ticks mate? Once a female tick reaches adulthood, her final quest for the ultimate blood meal begins.  She is looking for this blood, so she can finally mate with an adult male tick.  She will quest for blood sources for days.  Once she becomes engorged, she seeks a mate.

tick laying eggs, courtesy of CDC.gov
Tick laying her army of blood-suckers – courtesy of CDC.gov

How many eggs can one female tick produce? Once the adult female tick has mated, she will lie in wait under cover of leaves, rocks, or in wood piles to lay her eggs.  One female tick can produce 1,500, 3,000, or even up to 5,000 eggs!

How do male ticks die? After an adult male tick has found at least one mate, his life’s mission is complete.  This does not mean that he dies immediately after mating, but they do die eventually after mating.  It could be months before an adult male tick dies.

ticks on poppy seed muffin
Nymph ticks compared to poppy seed – courtesy of CDC.gov

When do tick eggs hatch? It may take less than two weeks, or up to two months for tick eggs to hatch into tiny larvae.  Once tick eggs hatch, these new larval ticks must seek their own blood meals in order to survive and grow.  Once engorged, they molt in the winter, and emerge as tiny, sesame or poppy seed-sized nymph ticks.  Nymph ticks are spreaders of infectious tick-borne illnesses, such as Lyme disease.

How do female ticks die?  Soon after an adult female has produced her army of offspring, she meets her natural end.  Her life is all about getting to adulthood in order to mate and lay eggs.

Central Mass Lyme disease prevention begins with effective tick control.

As residents of Central MA we must remain vigilant in the fight against Lyme disease and other diseases, such as the potentially fatal Powassan virus.  Tick control is not a seasonal affair.  There are methods of tick control, such as tick tubes, which can halt the tick life cycle with year-round protection.

Also read: Are fleas or ticks more dangerous?

What do ticks look like? Can they swim?

Ticks are common in Central Mass, and most of our residents have come in contact with one at one time or another.

In many ways, ticks elude us.  What do ticks look like?  Do ticks have wings?  Can ticks swim? Even though ticks are rampant in our area, many of us still have questions about tick habits and physical traits.  Folks still wonder if they fly.  How they survive winter.  Here is a common list of tick questions and answers.

what do ticks look like?


What do ticks look like?What do ticks look like?

Ticks are arachnids, just like spiders.  This means they have four sets of legs.  They are in the sub class Acari, along with mites.  Their coloring can range from light gray-ish white, brown, black, yellow, and brownish-red.  Ticks are a flat, oval shape when not engorged with a tasty blood meal.

nymph ticks are the size of sesame seedsHow big are ticks?

Ticks have three distinct life stages throughout their two-year life cycle.  Larvae ticks are very small, and can be unnoticeable.  In this stage of life, they are about the size of a grain of sand.  In their next stage of life, nymph ticks have grown to the size of a sesame seed.  Adult ticks are similar in size to an apple seed.

Do ticks have wings?

ticks do not have wingsTicks do not have wings.  They do not fly or jump.  Ticks quest by attaching themselves to plants or limbs.  They hold on to leaves and grass with two sets of their legs, and outstretch their other legs awaiting a host to pass.  If you are wondering how ticks cover so much territory, it is because they are transported by their hosts – animals and humans.  The sheer number of ticks in Central Mass might make it seem like they are fast travelers.  This is untrue without a host.  Ticks are just – everywhere!

Can ticks swim?

This is an interesting question, and a common one!  While ticks do not swim, they can survive submerged in water for two to three days.  Do not try to kill ticks by drowning them in the bathtub or swimming pool.  The only surefire method of destroying a tick in water, is by flushing them down the toilet.

Also read: What repels ticks naturally?

Do ticks die in the winter?

Do ticks die in the winter?No, they do not!  Even in cold Central Mass winter temperatures, ticks are resourceful and will survive in nests of other animals or even underground.  Ticks will lie dormant in winter, waiting for warm weather to return, so they can invade our favorite outdoor spaces.

can a tick bite kill you?Can a tick bite kill you?

Tick bites can result in illnesses, such as Lyme disease, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, which can make us very sick.  Powassan virus is another tick-borne illness, which can cause a deadly brain infection.  Even people, who have lived through Powassan can remain ill, or even die from the effects.  Recently in North Carolina, former US Senator, Kay Hagan, died three years after contracting Powassan, which resulted in Encephalitis.  She remained ill for three years before passing away.

Ticks are not just a nasty nuisance in Central Massachusetts.  They are effective questing insects, who live for their next blood meal.  The single best way to protect your family is with year-round Central Mass tick protection, which includes tick tubes in the winter.

Powassan is on the rise in Massachusetts

I often write about Lyme disease, the most widely-known tick-borne illness.  Central Mass residents also face another serious threat.  Potentially deadly, Powassan is on the rise in Massachusetts.

The CDC reports that Massachusetts had 22 confirmed cases of Powassan virus from 2009-2018, third highest in the nation.  Only Minnesota and Wisconsin had higher reported cases in that time span.  In August, another Powassan case was reported in Massachusetts.  Neighboring Connecticut has had four confirmed cases of Powassan so far in 2019.  The most recent was October 11.

Powassan is on the rise in Massachusetts
Deer ticks are responsible for the spread of Powassan in Massachusetts.

How is Powassan spread?

The black-legged tick, also known as the deer tick, spreads Powassan.  Deer ticks feed on the blood of mice and birds, and even our cats and dogs.  This makes Powassan virus a true threat to our pets, as well as our human family members.  It is reported that mice can even carry infected ticks into our homes.  We must remain vigilant, even in the cool autumn weather, in keeping our tick control treatments going.  Your family’s health could depend on it!

pets can get Powassan
Tick control in the fall will continue to help protect your whole family from the threat of Powassan.

What are symptoms of Powassan?  Are there treatments?

Symptoms of Powassan can take on those of encephalitis or meningitis – brain or spinal cord infections.  If you have found a tick on your skin or clothing, or on your pets, and begin to see symptoms of lethargy, headache, fever, confusion, or seizures, seek medical help immediate.  There is no treatment for Powassan.  Patients typically require respiratory assistance, and treatment for infection of the brain or spinal cord.  There is no vaccine to prevent Powassan.  Approximately 10% of those infected will die of the disease.

Powassan virus threat in Massachusetts
Powassan infected ticks can be lurking in leaf piles, wooded areas, or questing in your lawn or landscaping plants.

What tick control and prevention measures should you take to prevent Powassan?

Powassan in MassachusettsIf you are going to be outdoors, wear long sleeves and pants in light colors, so you can spot a tick easily if it gets onto your clothing.  Use personal tick protection measures – repellents with DEET or permethrin are essential if you are hunting, hiking, performing yard work, or other outdoor activities we love in the fall, such as attending or hosting bonfires.  Ticks are still lurking, ready to latch on for their blood meals.

Continued tick control in Central Mass

As I mentioned before, now is not the time to halt the tick control efforts around your home.  Even though fall has brought cool temps, it has not eliminated the tick population.  Nor are they becoming dormant, as they do in the winter.  Tick control around your Central Mass home should continue until the immediate threat is gone – when temps fall consistently below 45°F.

tick control Central MassOnce ticks become dormant, yard sprays are not essential, but it is wise for Central Massachusetts residents to employ additional tick control with tick tubes.  Tick tubes are placed around your property, and are filled with cotton that has been coated with insecticide.  Mice will use the treated cotton to build their nests.  While the insecticide doesn’t hurt the mice, it will eliminate ticks that try to feed on them – or ticks that are lying dormant in their nests.  Tick tubes can greatly reduce the ticks in your yard next spring by breaking their life cycle.