What do ticks look like? Can they swim?

Ticks are common in Central Mass, and most of our residents have come in contact with one at one time or another.

In many ways, ticks elude us.  What do ticks look like?  Do ticks have wings?  Can ticks swim? Even though ticks are rampant in our area, many of us still have questions about tick habits and physical traits.  Folks still wonder if they fly.  How they survive winter.  Here is a common list of tick questions and answers.

what do ticks look like?


What do ticks look like?What do ticks look like?

Ticks are arachnids, just like spiders.  This means they have four sets of legs.  They are in the sub class Acari, along with mites.  Their coloring can range from light gray-ish white, brown, black, yellow, and brownish-red.  Ticks are a flat, oval shape when not engorged with a tasty blood meal.

nymph ticks are the size of sesame seedsHow big are ticks?

Ticks have three distinct life stages throughout their two-year life cycle.  Larvae ticks are very small, and can be unnoticeable.  In this stage of life, they are about the size of a grain of sand.  In their next stage of life, nymph ticks have grown to the size of a sesame seed.  Adult ticks are similar in size to an apple seed.

Do ticks have wings?

ticks do not have wingsTicks do not have wings.  They do not fly or jump.  Ticks quest by attaching themselves to plants or limbs.  They hold on to leaves and grass with two sets of their legs, and outstretch their other legs awaiting a host to pass.  If you are wondering how ticks cover so much territory, it is because they are transported by their hosts – animals and humans.  The sheer number of ticks in Central Mass might make it seem like they are fast travelers.  This is untrue without a host.  Ticks are just – everywhere!

Can ticks swim?

This is an interesting question, and a common one!  While ticks do not swim, they can survive submerged in water for two to three days.  Do not try to kill ticks by drowning them in the bathtub or swimming pool.  The only surefire method of destroying a tick in water, is by flushing them down the toilet.

Also read: What repels ticks naturally?

Do ticks die in the winter?

Do ticks die in the winter?No, they do not!  Even in cold Central Mass winter temperatures, ticks are resourceful and will survive in nests of other animals or even underground.  Ticks will lie dormant in winter, waiting for warm weather to return, so they can invade our favorite outdoor spaces.

can a tick bite kill you?Can a tick bite kill you?

Tick bites can result in illnesses, such as Lyme disease, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, which can make us very sick.  Powassan virus is another tick-borne illness, which can cause a deadly brain infection.  Even people, who have lived through Powassan can remain ill, or even die from the effects.  Recently in North Carolina, former US Senator, Kay Hagan, died three years after contracting Powassan, which resulted in Encephalitis.  She remained ill for three years before passing away.

Ticks are not just a nasty nuisance in Central Massachusetts.  They are effective questing insects, who live for their next blood meal.  The single best way to protect your family is with year-round Central Mass tick protection, which includes tick tubes in the winter.

How to Remove and Dispose of a Tick

How do you properly remove a tick?  Once removed, how do you dispose of a tick?  There are a lot of theories floating on the Internet.

Listening to people discuss their methods of disposing removed ticks can range from hilarious to frightening.  If you’ve heard these discussions, you may begin to ask yourself if others feel about ticks the same way they feel about werewolves or other monsters.  Many ideas for disposing of a tick seem both inhuman and punitive to the tick.  That’s probably why we never see protestors demanding an end to cruel and unusual punishment against ticks.

Ticks don’t need to be feared.  Yes, they will suck your blood.  Yes, they can give you a disease, actually several very nasty ones.  Scientists believe though that they need to be on your skin drinking your blood between 24-48 hours before your risk of infection becomes significant.

So before you get your flame thrower out or fire up the grill to make a funeral pyre for a tick you find this summer, let’s look at some creative methods of eliminating ticks others have used.  On wikiHow.com, there are five methods listed.  Readers have added even more.  Some of these are comical. You’ll see our recommendation down below but this list was so interesting, we had to share.

Do not remove or dispose of a tick any of these ways!

First, there is fire.  You may have heard of using fire to burn a tick on your skin in order to Deer tickmake it release its grip.  That’s a bad practice for several reasons, including risk of burning yourself.  It’s also a perfect way for the tick to dump its infectious bacteria quickly into your blood before it releases or dies.  So, remove first and dispose of second.

Next, there is the flush.  Once the tick is removed, the suggestion is to wrap it in toilet paper and flush it down the toilet.  You may fear the tick won’t go all the way down or that it will crawl back up if it has only been partially flushed down the drain.  Although no cases have been reported, you imagine “Tick Terminator” coming back for revenge.  This is another not so good idea.  It’s not likely your tick will return but you may need the tick for reasons we will explain later.

Third is the microwave.  I don’t know about you but the idea of using something I warm my food in as an insect crematorium makes me want to eat cold food all summer long.  The website points out there may be issues with putting the tick in a plastic bag and then placing it in a microwave.  It mentions tick blood and juices inside the bag may get inside the microwave, if the bag explodes.  YUCK!”

The first defense in tick protection is total tick control – call on a Central Mass tick spray professional!

Fourth is alcohol.  This may well work but may also will take some time.  Ticks can hold their breath a long time so you may want to get a cold drink and rent a movie if this is your method of tick termination. But again, remove the tick first and dispose of second.

Fifth is my favorite.  It involves releasing the tick harmlessly.  I knew my fellow animal lovers wouldn’t fail me.  This is the catch-and-release version of insect control.  The recommendation is to release the tick “a long way from your house”.  Releasing the tick into say, your neighbor’s yard, will likely mean you won’t see that tick again.  Ticks don’t crawl very far and have a limited home territory so you’re probably safe from that one.  Unfortunately, the newborn ticks that the released tick makes will probably find their way on your property within a year.  By then your neighbor may not be speaking to you and you’ll need to find another drop-off point to practice catch-and-release.

How to remove and dispose of a tick.

So what’s the actual best way to dispose of a tick?  First, before terminating it, you need to remove it from the skin properly.  Removing it properly will reduce your risk of infection and remove all the infected tick parts.  Follow these tick removal instructions!

Once removed, the next step is to seal the tick tightly in a clear plastic bag or an old prescription bottle.  Skip the microwave part.  Observe yourself for symptoms for at least the next 30 days.  It can take many tick disease symptoms, including Lyme Disease, that many days to appear.  Keeping any tick you remove from your skin in a sealed plastic bag will allow it to be tested.  Testing the tick, is the best way for your doctor to know what tick disease you may have.  Even partial ticks missing their head, legs, etc. can be tested for diseases.

Save your matches, microwave and grill for lighting fires and cooking this summer.  Ticks don’t need to be tortured for being ticks.  More importantly, removing and preserving your tick properly can go a long way to you receiving a correct diagnosis and being treated quickly.

Also read: Do not remove a tick with peppermint oil!

Can ticks climb up the toilet?

If you flush a tick down your toilet you can consider it gone.  Dead?  Not necessarily, but it is for all intents and purposes gone from your home for good.

Tweezer tick removalI have heard and read about people who wondered and/or were worried about ticks holding their breath for days and days as they swim back up your pipes and climb up your slippery porcelain bowl and latch right on for a blood meal. So, I searched and searched and searched and could find no instance of ticks crawling back up the toilet once flushed, or up the toilet on their own accord. Since we could not find reliable evidence of this actually happening we dug a little deeper and here is what we found:

Ticks cannot swim or hold their breath.

According to tick encounter, ticks definitely do not swim. However, they have observed ticks submerged in water for 2-3 days that still lived, but there has been no formal research on whether they can actually hold their breath.

Since they do NOT swim, they can’t swim up your drain and climb out if you have indeed flushed them down. If you decide to flush them, just make sure they actually go in the water and down the hole. It is important to note that when ticks latch on to a host they typically climb up looking for a nice warm hiding spot to latch onto for their blood meal. It is understandable to assume up is the direction they would crawl if they did happen to land on the porcelain and not go down the pipes. That is if the porcelain is not too slippery.

Deer tickWhile I don’t want to be accused of defending ticks, it is important to clear up myths and misinformation about our buddy the tick. So I would like to classify the “tick climbing out of the toilet” story as an urban legend.

I would also like to note that putting a tick into a sealed container with a cotton ball soaked in alcohol is a great way to hang on to a tick for further testing should symptoms of a tick-borne illness present themselves.

What CAN climb up the toilet?

During my research I found some things that absolutely can find their way into your pipes and climb right up and out of your toilet. Water loving amphibious creatures like frogs, lizards, and snakes have been known to find their way up toilet pipes. It was also surprising to read headlines of a baby opossum and a squirrel ending up in the porcelain throne, which I am confident fall under the category of rare and “oops I crawled in the wrong hiding spot”.  But the big winner is rats. Rats are the most common thing crawling around in the sewer pipes. What is the strangest thing you’ve seen in your Central Massachusetts commode?

Reduce the likelihood of an up-close and personal tick encounter with Merrimack tick control.

It doesn’t take much more than a phone call to your trusted tick control professionals to reduce you chances of seeing a tick around your home.  A little tick protection goes a long way in preventing tick-borne illnesses.

Also read: Should I see a doctor about a tick bite?