No Hot Dog or Hamburger Ever Again

The Tick Awareness Kiss Of Death For The Likes Of Bobby Flay And Guy Fieri – What is Alpha-Gal Syndrome?

As we bask in the beautiful days and stellar evenings of spring heading into summer in just a few days, one thing is continually on my mind … firing up my Weber grill. At the end of the work day, there is nothing quite like the crunch of a well-grilled hot dog on a gluten-free bun smothered in mustard, hot sauce, and dill pickle relish. Not your fave? No worries. There’s plenty of room on the grill for plump hamburgers, hiding a pillow of butter and herbs. Ah … heaven.

alpha-gal, AGS, meat allergy
Imagine never eating another hotdog or hamburger.

But imagine, just imagine, if you could never, ever enjoy these meat delicacies again. Unthinkable for those of us who are devotees of sausages, ribs, steaks, and more.

Guess what? It happened to my son-in-law.

High Grasses Can Be The Trigger For Tick Infestations That Lead To AGS – Alpha-Gal Syndrome

Two years ago, my son-in-law, let’s call him Dennis, felt awful. Shortly after enjoying a New York strip steak – perfectly grilled, I may add – he broke out in a severe rash that covered most of his body and he had extreme difficulty breathing.

“What could have possibly been the trigger?” he asked aloud. “Was the meat spoiled?”

After a trip to the emergency room, a full exam, and multiple blood tests later, he was diagnosed with AGS – or Alpha-Gal Syndrome, something he, and the rest of our family, had never heard of.

What Is The Alpha-Gal Syndrome Caused By A Tick Bite?

Signs and symptoms of an alpha-gal allergic reaction are often delayed compared with other food allergies. Most reactions to common food allergens — peanuts or shellfish, for example — happen within minutes of exposure.

With alpha-gal syndrome, reactions usually appear about three to six hours after exposure. Red meat, such as beef, pork or lamb; organ meats; and products made from mammals, such as gelatins or dairy products, can cause a reaction.

Signs and symptoms of alpha-gal syndrome may include:

  1. Hives, itching, or itchy, scaly skin (eczema)
  2. Swelling of the lips, face, tongue and throat, or other body parts
  3. Wheezing or shortness of breath
  4. A runny nose
  5. Stomach pain, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting
  6. Sneezing
  7. Headaches
  8. A severe, potentially deadly allergic reaction that restricts breathing

Doctors now think that the time delay between eating red meat and developing an allergic reaction is one reason why the AGS condition was overlooked until recently. A possible connection between a New York strip steak with dinner and hives at midnight was far from obvious.

How Can I Be Sure If A Tick Bite Caused Me To Contract Alpha-Gal Syndrome?

See your primary care doctor or a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of allergies (allergist) if you experience food allergy symptoms after eating — even several hours after eating.

Don’t rule out red meat as a possible cause of your reaction, especially if you live or spend time outdoors in high grassy areas of the United States or in other parts of the world where alpha-gal syndrome is known to occur.

Seek emergency medical treatment if you develop signs or symptoms of anaphylaxis, such as:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Rapid, weak pulse
  • Dizziness or light-headedness
  • Drooling and inability to swallow
  •  Full-body redness and warmth (flushing)

The Effects Of Alpha-Gal Syndrome Can Sneak Up On You – Even Well-Educated Folks

So here’s a sad but true story. My wife makes an incredible pot of Sunday Sauce – or Gravy – laden with fresh heirloom tomatoes, spices, spareribs, Italian sausage, meatballs, and lamb. It simmers for hours and the aroma while it’s on the stove is simply intoxicating.

alpha gal means no sausage
Alpha-gal means no Italian sausage.

But Dennis can no longer enjoy it – and we would never think of enjoying it when he could not possibly enjoy it, too, at the same dinner table.

So my wife thought, “CHICKEN and TURKEY!” Not from four-legged mammals, surely they would be safe in the sauce, so she reinvented it with safe substitutes.

Long story short, Dennis and his family came for Sunday dinner and we proudly announce our meatless solution – chicken sausage and turkey meatballs in lieu of the Sunday Sauce core meat ingredients.

When we saw the look on his face of sadness and disappointment, we asked what was wrong.

Is the chicken sausage in a natural casing from the supermarket market?” he asked. “Why yes,” we answered.

And that was it. The chicken sausage casing was from pig casings – and he can’t have anything from a pig – or any other four-legged animal.

Trying to be lighthearted about his misfortune, we tossed the contents of the pot into the trash and feasted on charcuterie cheeses, vegetables, and relishes with no sign of cold cuts in sight.

The Only Way To Exterminate The Tick Carriers Of AGS Is With Professional Canton Tick Control

To escape the dangers of contracting AGS of other tick spread diseases like Lyme Disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Ehrlichiosis, and other devastating illnesses, get Canton tick control before it’s too late.

Also read: How bad are ticks in Massachusetts?

Tick Control or Turning Vegan – The Choice is Yours!

If a tick bites you, you may never enjoy meat again.

Are you the kind of person that lives for celebrating summer outdoors?  Do you look forward to heading to see the Boston Red Sox take on their hardball adversaries at Fenway Park while chomping down on a delicious, sizzling hot dog, smothered in sauerkraut, onions and mustard?

Alpha-Gal Syndrome means no hotdogs!
Alpha-Gal means no hotdogs – ever again.

If yes, you better pray you don’t get a tick bite.

Or if summer means outdoor grilling a well-marbled New York Strip or gourmet burger cooked to medium rare perfection on your Weber grill, make sure a tick never lands on you – or it may be the last piece of red meat you’ll ever enjoy.

Tick control or going vegan - the choice is yours!
Tick control or going vegan – the choice is yours!

Not more than a week ago, The New York Times published a story which has opened the eyes of many meat-eating outdoor enthusiasts. Titled “The Tick That Causes a Meat Allergy Is on the Move,” it tells the horrific true story of how a Lone Star Tick bit a nurse (of all people) and what ensued afterwards.

She woke up one morning in bed only to find that her legs had tuned “beetroot red.” What was the trigger for this past unknown malady? A cheeseburger. Swear to God.

After being bitten by the tick, she was diagnosed with Alpha-Gal Syndrome, an allergic reaction to mammal meats like pork, beef and lamb, which growing evidence shows can be triggered by a tick bite.

Researchers have traced the syndrome to the Lone Star Tick, named for the signature white splotch, or “lone star,” on the female’s back. They’re historically found in the southern United States, but increasingly, these arachnids are being spotted in parts of the Midwest and the Northeast, even Central Massachusetts.

This species is still present in Massachusetts and is responsible for the spread of tularemia, ehrlichiosis, and southern tick-associated rash illness. Exposure to the Lone Star tick often results in allergies to red meat as well, as documented by The Times.

The tick’s territory is expanding, thanks in part to global warming. With more hot days each year, the ticks, which thrive in warm and humid conditions, have more time to feed on their hosts and reproduce. At the same time, alpha-gal diagnoses appear to be rising.

Enjoy meat forever – get Shrewsbury tick control now.

Dave Macchia, tick control enthusiast
Dave Macchia, Central Mass tick control enthusiast

Concern is one thing, but proactive tick awareness and tick control is best. Be sure that your Shrewsbury tick control professional sprays your yard and surrounds your property with tick tubes. This double whammy will ensure it’s one less thing you’ll have to worry about.

Also read: What repels ticks naturally?

Deer Tick Virus is Invading the Northeast

Could we have a Powassan virus invasion in Central Mass again in 2022?

Deer tick virus is rare, but in terms of where it is more likely to rear its ugly head…Central Mass could be a target once more in 2022.  Officials in Pennsylvania are warning residents to protect themselves this year, as the virus has been found in 16 counties across the state.  There have only been about 100 confirmed cases of Powassan virus in the U.S. in the last decade.  That doesn’t sound too bad, huh?

deer tick virus
Tick bite prevention is key to avoiding Powassan virus, a.k.a. Deer Tick Virus

16 of those 100 Powassan virus cases were in Massachusetts.

Even though deer tick virus is generally rare, if you live in the Northeastern or Upper Midwestern United States, you are more likely to encounter the illness.  And since there is no vaccine and no cure, protection is 100% about tick bite prevention.  What we know now, is that the disease is in our region, just a couple hundred miles away.  Deer tick virus could be here already, lying in wait with the nasty ticks that transmit it.

How dangerous is Powassan?  It’s potentially fatal.  What’s more, unlike Lyme infection, which takes 24 to 48 hours of attachment, deer tick virus can be transmitted from a tick to a human in only 15 minutes!  And Central Mass residents could be a bit complacent about deer tick sightings.  After all, they seem to be everywhere.  But if you are thinking, “Oh, it’s just another tick,” think again.  It could be a deadly tick that has attached itself to you or your family member.

Visit the CDC’s website for information about symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of Powassan virus here.

Decrease your risk of infection with Wellesley tick control.

When I say that professional tick control is more important than ever with each new spring, I mean it.  That is because whether Powassan has been diagnosed in our area or not, tick populations are expanding.  Warmer winters, earlier springs, and deforestation all contribute to the increase in ticks throughout Central Mass.  The more ticks we have, the better the chance that one of our family members encounters a tick-borne illness.  Enlist the assistance of a trusted Wellesley tick control company, who can help keep your family protected from the threat of tick bites all year long.  Tick yard spray is super important this time of year with the emergence of ticks from their overwintering domain.  If you wonder when you should begin your Wellesley tick protection spray regimen, a great rule of thumb is April through the end of October.

Dave Macchia, tick control enthusiast
Dave Macchia, Central Mass tick control enthusiast



What is tick-borne relapsing fever and should we be worried in MA?

It would be no surprise if you have never heard of tick-borne relapsing fever.

According to the CDC, there were only 504 cases of confirmed tick-borne relapsing fever between 1990 and 2011.  Aside from the rarity of the illness, Central Mass residents will be happy to know that it is not in Massachusetts.  Though 15 western states account for most cases, California, Washington, and Colorado are the most prominent states, where infection occurs.  Tick-borne relapsing fever occurs mostly in the summer, but winter infection is possible.  The ticks responsible for passing this illness thrive in coniferous forests at elevations of 1,500 to 8,000 feet.  If you are considering a rustic cabin rental in a western state, you should know about this rare illness.  You should wear tick protection and protective clothing.  You should ask the rental company for proof that the cabin has been treated for ticks.

tick-borne relapsing fever
Be sure you are protected against tick bites on your mountain cabin vacation.

What tick is responsible for the illness?

O. hermsi ticks often feed on the blood of chipmunks.
O. hermsi ticks often feed on the blood of chipmunks.

The O. hermsi tick is responsible for most cases of this infection.  This soft tick lives mostly at higher elevations, and can live up to a decade.  During its life, the O. hermsi will take multiple blood meals, their main food source being chipmunks and squirrels.

Borrelia hermsii are the bacteria that cause the illness.  Not so closely related to Lyme disease bacteria, Borrelia burgdorferi, these bacteria can cause symptoms akin to Lyme infection.  They include a high fever, muscle aches, and joint pain.  The interesting thing is, the high fever will come and go in cycles.  Three days of high fever will be followed by seven days of no fever.  Then, three more days of fever will occur.  If left untreated, this will repeat multiple times.

Can tick-borne relapsing fever be treated?

Patients, who receive a positive diagnosis will be prescribed antibiotics for 10 to 14 days.  About half of patients experience an adverse reaction within the first four hours of treatment.  Known as Jarisch-Herxheimer, the reaction includes low blood pressure, high fever, and rigors.  This too, must be treated.  Patients must be monitored when they start treatment for tick-borne relapsing fever.

Deploy Cambridge tick control at home and personal protection away from home.

tick tubes
Tick tubes offer year-round tick control.

While the illness can be treated and cured, protection is key.  Folks, who love the outdoors, must practice personal tick protection.  Whether you are at home or away from home, avoiding a tick bite is better than being treated for a tick-borne disease like relapsing fever or Lyme disease.  Central Mass residents should be vigilant with their at home tick control by employing a professional Cambridge tick control company.  Professional tick treatment is available all year long.  Barrier protection spray will protect your yard from spring through fall, and tick tubes will further tick control efforts through the winter.

Dave Macchia mosquito conrol and tick control enthusiast
Dave Macchia
Central Mass tick enthusiast

How will COVID-19 restrictions affect tick-borne illnesses in 2020?

Massachusetts remains under strict COVID-19 restrictions through May 18.  Will this help or hinder the fight against tick-borne illnesses in 2020?

That is precisely the question being asked by researchers from the University of Rhode Island, Hollins University, Duke University, Clemson University, and the University of Georgia.  Residents across the United States have been under stay-at-home orders, which are just now beginning to phase out.  Researchers theorize that since we have been unable to engage in social interaction, we are seeking adventure outdoors, where we will encounter more ticks and tick-born illnesses in 2020.

covid 19 restrictions affect tick-borne illesses

This theory is supported by the University of Rhode Island’s Tick Encounters team via TickSpotters, their crowdsource tick survey, which allows U.S. residents to submit photos of found ticks.  During COVID-19 restrictions, photo submissions of attached and engorged ticks have risen exponentially.  Tom Mather, University of Rhode Island Professor of Public Health Entomology, says this highlights the immediate need for essential tick prevention education.  As folks begin to explore outdoor spaces, they might not be aware of the dangers of encountering ticks.  Therefore, more people and their pets are finding themselves victims of tick bites.

hiking cause more tick encounters

Michael Yabsley, of the University of Georgia, is leading a research study entitled, “Investigating COVID-19 impacts on the epidemiology of tick-borne diseases in people and pets.”  Currently, survey submissions are mostly from the southern United States, and more data is being requested from residents in New England.

Central Mass residents can take the survey here.

tick-borne illnessesIt stands to reason that this study will reveal a higher amount of tick-borne illnesses in the U.S. during the COVID-19 crisis.  While the medical community works to control, cure, and prevent the spread of COVID-19, we must remember that tick-borne illnesses have been an ongoing battle in Central Mass for decades.

Central Mass tick control is always essential.

The best way to fight tick-borne illnesses in Central Mass is with essential tick control.  Hire a reputable tick control company to spray areas around your home and yard to eliminate ticks.  Now is the time to begin.  We have been spending more time at home than ever, and our yards have become our private escapes.  If you are spending more time outdoors, be sure that you are protected from ticks and the threat of the diseases they carry.