Have peace of mind with professional Marlborough MA tick control

There is absolutely NOTHING good about ticks.

They’re gross little creepy-crawly bloodsucking bugs that have the potential to transmit some seriously scary diseases, including Lyme disease which, as you probably know, is all over the Northeast.

Actually, it’s so bad here that Massachusetts officially declared it an epidemic in 2005. Last year, ticks were so bad that Boston 25 News called it a “tick explosion.” There are other terrible tick-borne diseases here, though, that aren’t Lyme. Things like Babesiosis, that is dangerous to both humans and dogs, and the very scary Powassan virus, which is on the rise.

marlborough ma tick control

In fact, in May 2018 the CDC released a report stating that diseases from mosquitoes and ticks have more than tripled in the United States since 2004, and unfortunately that rate does not appear to be slowing down. Further, the CDC also outright states that 80% of government vector-control organizations are not prepared to deal with this new onslaught of vector-borne diseases. All one has to do is go to the City of Marlborough’s website and do a search for “ticks” and it’ll yield little more than a PDF document, and Mass.gov just offers basic info, which is informational, but on the whole, not proactive in protecting you or your family.

Fortunately, reputable mosquito control professionals pick up the slack where the government falls behind, and with a barrier treatment spray, you’re protected from both mosquitoes and ticks in your yard by nearly 90% for up to 21 days at a time. But if it’s specifically tick protection that you’re looking for, professional Marlborough MA tick control goes above and beyond the standard barrier treatment to make sure ticks in every stage of life are eliminated. Your tick control company will take a two step approach, and enlist the help of some furry friends.

Step one in professional Marlborough MA tick control

Beginning with the same process as a traditional mosquito barrier treatment, treating the perimeter of your yard with an EPA-registered formula on all surfaces except flowers, and work their way inward. They treat bushes, trees, the undersides of leaves, woodpiles, on and under decks . . . basically everywhere. If you have any tall, grassy areas in your yard, they’ll give those special attention, because that’s prime tick territory. It’s where they’re most likely to be found, resting, breeding, and waiting to hitch a ride on their next blood meal. It’s your tick control expert’s job to make sure that’s not you or your loved ones, two legs or four.

Since barrier spray formulas are micro encapsulated and therefore time-released, you’ll be protected from ticks (and mosquitoes, and other biting bugs) for up to 21 days. And since it adheres to everything it’s applied to, it prevents existing tick eggs from hatching, thus stopping the life cycle. Just like a mosquito barrier treatment, recommended reapplication is every three weeks for maximum efficiency.

But then there’s the “the bonus round.”

Phase Two of great Marlborough MA tick control — a.k.a. “the bonus round”

tick control marlboroughIf you do your research online, you’ll find that other outdoor pest control companies stop at a spray when it comes to ticks. Reputable tick control companies take it a step further and use the help of the common field mouse, who is a cute, innocent, and very stealthy “helper” in the fight against ticks. Contrary to their name, “deer ticks” actually pick up things like Lyme disease not from deer, but most often from mice, bunnies, and other small critters who call your and your neighbors’ yards home. This usually happens when ticks are in their larva or nymph stage of life. So tick control technicians will strategically place these small, biodegradable tubes called “tick tubes” in places they frequent.

Tick tubes are stuffed with cotton that is treated with a mild insecticide called permethrin, which is harmless to the small animals but lethal to ticks. The idea is (and this works impressively well) that the mice or other small mammal finds this cotton and bring it back to their nest to cozy it up. In doing so, the permethrin rubs off on their fur, and when a young tick attempts to get its blood meal from one of these animals, it encounters the chemical and is eliminated shortly thereafter. This “straight to the source” approach allows tick control professionals to get rid of ticks in all stages of life and thus, halt their life cycle in your yard, ensuring 90% or more tick elimination overall.

If you prefer to stay as “green” as possible. . .

all natural marlborough ma tick controlTick control professionals also offer an all-natural solution. While all reputable tick control companies’ products are EPA-registered, there are some people that won’t settle for anything less than 100% “green.” That’s why Marlborough MA tick control professionals also offer an all-natural barrier treatment solution for your unwanted pests.

Based on natural oils, this more “crunchy” approach focuses more on repelling these little nuisances than eliminating them. It’s not quite as effective as a traditional mosquito and tick control solution, but it’s pretty darn close — most homeowners notice a reduction in yard pests between 65-80%. Also time-released, this application is recommended to be repeated every two weeks, instead of the traditional three.

Billerica Tick Control – Protect Your Home and Family in Billerica MA

Living in New England, you’re likely aware that Lyme disease is everywhere here.

It’s such a big problem that in 2015 it was officially declared an epidemic in Massachusetts. But there are many more tick-borne illnesses on the rise in our area, including Babesiosis (of which Middlsex County seems to be a hotspot) and the the rare, but fatal Powassan virus, which CBS Boston has increasingly been reporting on.

Billerica tick control

While not all ticks are infected with and carry scary diseases, do you really want to get bitten by one and take the chance? Even Billerica Wicked Local has been publishing things about how officials are urging people to be more vigilant about ticks, but their suggestions of “using tick and mosquito repellent, wearing long sleeves and long pants outdoors, and performing periodic checks for ticks on your body” are well-intentioned, but simply not realistic. The Town of Billerica, while also well-intentioned, doesn’t help their citizens much in the way of tick advice, either. Their “Public Health Nurse” section of their website consists of links to elsewhere and PDF downloads.

Billerica tick control step one: Barrier spray

When it comes down to it, when the weather is nice out, who wants to be bundled up in their own yard? That’s where professional Billerica tick control comes in. It is essential to your whole family’s health that you hire a trusted tick control expert.

Billerica MA tick control

Not only do professional tick control companies help eliminate up to 90% of mosquitoes with a specially formulated barrier treatment, the same formula conveniently eliminates up to 90% of adult ticks and fleas on contact, too. It’s pretty powerful stuff, but when it comes to Billerica tick control, you can go one step further to protect you and your loved ones from ticks and tick-borne illnesses.

Following the same barrier treatment process used for mosquito control, your tick control expert will distribute a special bug-eliminating formula to treat surfaces in your yard that include shrubbery, foliage (avoiding flowers), around and underneath decks and patios, and especially tall grass. Special attention is given to the tall grass areas on your property for Billerica tick control since this is typically where you can find them breeding, resting and waiting for their next blood meal. It’s your tick control professional’s job to make sure it’s not you!

Since special barrier spray formulas are designed to be time released, your property will be protected for three weeks once the treatment is dispersed. This barrier treatment has the added benefit of preventing the eggs of ticks from hatching and thus puts a stop to the next generation of these pests. For continuous, worry-free tick and mosquito control in on your property, choose a seasonal plan so you won’t have to worry about rescheduling. You don’t even need to be home when your tick control technicians visit, and they’ll always leave a confirmation of service before we leave.

But Billerica tick control doesn’t stop there.

Step two in Billerica tick control: Going straight to the source

lyme disease billericaLyme Disease and other tick-born illnesses caused by bacteria transmitted most often by the deer tick, but other ticks carry disease, too. Not every tick is a carrier of bad pathogens, but it’s best to err on the safe side. Ticks become infected when they feed on small animals, usually mice, that are infected. By going straight to the source through the implementation of tick tubes, you will be able to stop the cycle of disease where it would normally start. That way, you’re eliminating ticks before they come anywhere near people and pets.

What’s a tick tube? Well, it’s a small tube with biodegradable tubing that’s filled with cotton treated with a solution fatal to ticks. Tubes are strategically placed around your property, and mice and other small animals find them and bring the cotton back to their burrows to make them nice and cozy. When a hungry tick bites and feeds off one of these small animals, it’s gone from this world and one fewer tick to worry about potentially causing anyone damage. These Billerica tick control tubes are a proactive measure that reputable tick control companies take, and help reduce up to 90% of tick populations before they’re able to multiply.

Prefer an all-natural tick control alternative?

natural tick control billericaNot a problem. Reputable tick control companies also offer an all-natural barrier treatment. Professional tick control products are EPA registered, but I understand there are some people who want to be as eco-friendly as possible. Tick control experts have developed all-natural forumlas with essential oils and a few secret ingredients for those who prefer to go this route. While it’s more of a repellant than an eliminator, an all-natural formula is still highly effective —most homeowners notice a reduction in mosquitoes, ticks, and other yard pests by up to 80% using this method. Also time released, I highly recommend reapplication every two weeks instead of the three that a traditional barrier spray would need.

Natick Tick Control – Natick Massachusetts

You likely know that in all of the Northeast, Lyme disease is a huge problem here.

But there’s another, much worse tick-vectored illness on the rise, Powassan virus. In fact, the CDC recently reported that diseases from both ticks and mosquitoes have more than tripled since 2004. In this report, the CDC also quite plainly states that about 80% of vector control organizations lack critical prevention and control capabilities.

Natick tick control - Natick MassachusettsWBUR was reporting on the spread of Lyme disease in Massachusetts and what little there was being done about it. You don’t have to look further than the Town of Natick’s website to see that all they have about ticks is a list of downloadable PDFs.

So if the government isn’t prepared to protect its citizens from mosquito- and tick-borne illnesses, what can a private citizen do? Call a professional tick control company! Professional tick control is guaranteed to be nearly 90% effective for three weeks at a time. And with effective Natick tick control, efforts can be taken it a step further to make sure ticks don’t go anywhere near you and your family. With these two steps, you’ll have the peace of mind knowing that while the government can’t protect you and your family from ticks and mosquitoes, you can.

Natick tick control, phase one.

The first phase of our Natick tick control is the same as a traditional mosquito barrier treatment — your property will be treated from the perimeter inward, applying an EPA-registered formula on everything except flowers and other bee-friendly plants. It’s all covered — bushes, decks and beneath them, leaves, trees, woodpiles, you name it. For ticks, the spray is concentrate even more on tall grassy areas and places like leaf piles, because that’s prime tick territory. You’re mostly to find them in those places breeding, resting, and waiting to hitch a ride on the next tasty meal that walks by. We’re here to make sure that’s not you.

Natick tick control

Since the barrier treatment formula is micro encapsulated, it’s time-released, meaning you’ll be protected from ticks (and other biting bugs) for up to three weeks at a time. It’s odorless and colorless, and adheres to everything it’s applied to, therefore it prevents existing tick eggs from hatching. This stops the life cycle of the tick population in your yard. Like a mosquito barrier treatment, reapplication every three weeks is recommended for maximum efficiency. Don’t worry, there are seasonal packages available so you don’t forget to reschedule.

But don’t just stop with Natick tick control spray!

Natick tick control, phase two.

Natick Massachusetts tick controlWhile Lyme disease is most prevalent here, and while not all ticks carry diseases, the ones that carry Lyme are the deer tick. But contrary to their name, the main blood meal for a nymph deer tick is actually mice. To eliminate ticks in their younger stages, reputable Natick tick control companies employ a special tactic called tick tubes. These are small, biodegradable tubes stuffed with cotton that is treated with permethrin, which is harmless to them but fatal to ticks. These tubes entice mice, who love to take the cotton back to their burrows to get cozy. The permethrin rubs off on their fur, and when a tick tries to attack these mice, it is eliminated shortly afterward. It’s with this proactive measure that we stop ticks at their source so that they don’t come anywhere near you or your loved ones, and is nearly 90% (possibly more) effective at reducing the tick population on your property.

Ask about an all-natural Natick tick control barrier treatment!

all natural Natick tick controlWhile any reputable tick control company’s products will be EPA-registered, many also offer an all-natural barrier treatment solution for those of us who prefer to stay as “green” as possible. These formulas are developed with essential oils as a base. These solutions also eliminate on contact, but after that acts as a repellant, that “chases” the bugs away.

Dave Macchia, tick control enthusiast
Dave Macchia, Central Mass tick control enthusiast

Burlington Tick Control – Burlington Massachusetts

When many people hear the word “tick,” they automatically think of Lyme disease, and with good reason — it’s the most well-known tick-borne illness, and all over New England and the rest of the Northeast.

But ticks transmit more than just Lyme disease, that one’s just the “most popular.” Serious tick-borne illnesses also include Babesiosis, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and the rare, but fatal Powassan virus, to name a few. Nobody wants to see themselves or any of their loved ones deal with a tick-borne illness, and nobody wants to deal with ticks. Well, almost nobody. Consider professional tick protection for your Burlington MA tick control.

While not all ticks are carriers of disease, do you really want you or someone you love get bitten by one and take a chance? Even Burlington Wicked Local wrote about how officials are urging people to be more vigilant about ticks, but their suggestions of “using tick and mosquito repellent, wearing long sleeves and long pants outdoors, and performing periodic checks for ticks on your body” just aren’t realistic. When the weather is nice out, who wants to be bundled up in their own yard?

Burlington tick control - Burlington Massachusetts

There is an easier way enjoy your own yard without worrying about ticks and the potential diseases they carry, and that’s with a reputable tick control company. As it turns out, the same barrier spray treatment that they use for mosquito control also eliminates adult ticks and fleas. A barrier tick control treatment is extremely effective and can eliminate up to 95% of adult ticks on contact, but mosquito professionals take it a step further with a two-pronged approach to Burlington MA tick control, making sure they’re eliminated at the source before they come anywhere near you or your family.

How Burlington Tick Control Works, Step One:

tick control Burlington MassachusettsThe first thing your mosquito control professional does is follow the same barrier spray treatment process that they do for mosquitoes, applying a micro encapsulated, time-released formula to all areas of your yard (aside from flowers), including foliage, bushes, trees, under leaves, on and under porches and decks, woodpiles, etc. They give a lot more attention to the tall grassy areas of your property (if there are any), because that’s where ticks like to hang out and rest, breed, and wait for their dinner . . . it’s their job to make sure it’s not you.

Since professional formulas are designed to be time released, your property will be protected for up to 21 days once the treatment is disbursed. This barrier treatment has the added benefit of preventing the eggs of ticks from hatching and thus puts a stop to the next generation of these pests. I suggest treating your property every 3 weeks for season-long protection, and take advantage of seasonal packages to make sure you’re covered all season-long.

Step Two — Going “Straight to the Source”

Burlington MA tick controlLyme disease and other tick-vectored illnesses are most often transmitted by the deer tick, but other ticks are carriers, too. Obviously, not all ticks are carriers of scary pathogens, but it’s best to be on the safe side. Ticks become infected when they feed on small animals (usually mice) that are infected. By going straight to the source and implementing tick tubes, we’re able to eliminate ticks before they even come near people or pets.

Tick tubes are small biodegradable tubes that are stuffed with a treated cotton that mice love to bring back to their burrows. When ticks decide to attack one of those mice, they’re eliminated shortly afterward. Mosquito control professionals are very strategic on where we place these tick tubes to ensure maximum mice-enticement and efficiency. By taking this extra, proactive step in your Burlington MA tick control, a reduction in your yard’s tick population by up to 90%, before they’re able to mulitply, is assured.

Prefer an all-natural alternative to your Burlington tick control?

all natural Burlington tick controlThat’s an option too. Professional mosquito control products are EPA-registered, but there are some people who want to be as “green” as can be, so there are essential-oil based, all-natural barrier treatment solutions. While it’s more of a repellent than an eliminator, this formula is still highly effective — most homeowners notice a reduction in mosquitoes, ticks, and other yard pests by up to 80% using this method. Also a time-released solution, professionals recommend reapplication every two weeks as opposed to the three that the traditional barrier spray would need.

Lyme disease: Rapid testing in 2020?

Lyme disease testing has long been a lengthy process.  Thanks to researchers at Cornell University, that could be changing.

Anyone, who has ever undergone Lyme disease testing, knows the perils of getting a clear diagnosis.  They are also familiar with how involved the process of testing for Lyme antibodies is.  Researchers at Cornell’s McGovern Center are working to drastically shorten the process of diagnosing Lyme.

Lyme disease
New Lyme disease test could be on the horizon

Scientists are hopeful the new Lyme detection testing will be available by late 2020

With more than 30,000 reported cases of Lyme disease each year, and an estimated ten times that amount un-reported, these new testing methods could mean faster treatment of Lyme, with fewer cases of chronic disease symptoms.  The majority of Lyme cases are cured with a short course of doxycycline, but rapid detection is key.

chronic Lyme disease
New testing method can reportedly detect whether an infection is new or old

Not only is the new rapid Lyme detection testing able to detect new infections, it can also identify old infections, as Lyme antibodies can linger for decades.  This means that those, who might never have been diagnosed with Lyme, but have suffered symptoms for years, could now get a diagnosis.

Current Lyme testing, even on patients with the disease-identifying bullseye rash, can take weeks

Lyme disease bullseye rashLyme disease marker proteins are present in very low levels, and are difficult to detect.  For this reason, multiple tests are required to achieve a clear diagnosis, even on patients, who already have symptoms.  The new test is purported to identify those disease markers directly with one small blood sample.  The rapid test targets a protein that provides an “active-protein fingerprint” left by Lyme-causing bacteria.  The new test is said to be moving from the lab, and onto approvals, production, and finally doctors’ offices in 2020, thanks to a FuzeHub grant.

The prevalence of Lyme is in the northeastern United States

Most cases of Lyme disease happen right in our own backyards.  The northeastern U.S. has the highest incidences of this nasty disease, with most infections occurring between the months of May and October.  Central mass tick control is important for your family’s health, not just for Lyme, but other tick-borne illnesses like Babesiosis and Powassan virus.  I implore you to use Permethrin and  perform a tick check after a day spent hiking, at the park, or at the beach – for your whole family, even pets!  I also recommend at-home tick protection.

Did the U.S. government use ticks as biological weapons?

On July 12, DC lawmakers passed the fiscal 2020 defense authorization bill, which contained an amendment that would require the Department of Defense inspector general to investigate and report whether ticks, mice, and mosquitoes were weaponized with diseases to be used in biological warfare from the 1950’s to the 1970’s.

Lyme disease as biological warfare

There will be an estimated 300,000 to 400,000 confirmed new reports of Lyme disease cases this year.  Could our own government have played a part in the mutation and spread of Lyme disease?  How can this be possible?  Did scientists for the Department of Defense weaponize insects and animals, and were they purposefully or accidentally released into the American population?

Research, development, and possible deployment methodology in the towns of Frederick MD and Southold NY are in question.

Did this happen, and to what extent?  Fort Detrick in Maryland housed a laboratory, whose focus was weaponizing insects, such as ticks and mosquitoes, to be used as biological weapons against U.S. enemies.  Plum Island, the federally-funded animal disease research facility, is also implicated in the potential development of diseases and animals to be used in biological warfare.

Did the U.S. government weaponize diseased rats and mice?

In 1990, it was said that Fort Detrick had been accused in 1952, of infecting rats and insects, and releasing them in North Korea during the Korean war.  At that time, it has since been reported that Fort Detrick labs had the capabilities to breed 130 million Yellow Fever mosquitoes (Aedes aegypti) per month, and inject them with the disease.  It is said that these diseased mosquitoes were proposed to be delivered across enemy lines via warheads.

Are Lyme infected ticks biological weapons?
Research into biological warfare could still be used to help protect our soldiers.

In 1969, President Nixon ended biological warfare research, but research in how to protect American soldiers against it could have continued.

Why do we need to know if ticks were used as biological weapons so long ago?

Understanding how Lyme disease might have been developed or mutated to further or more quickly pass to humans could hold the clues to tempering the spread of the disease.  To truly grasp the disease we have today, we must understand its evolution.  Congressional budget approval could make or break new research into Lyme and developments in how to lessen or eradicate spread of Lyme.

Protect your Central Mass family from the threat of Lyme disease.

Mosquito and tick-borne diseases are a true threat to our families.  I alwaysrecommending protecting your home and family with Central Mass tick protection and mosquito control.  Hire a reputable tick control company to allay your chances of a negative tick encounter, resulting in Lyme dsease or other iillnesses.

These Lyme disease symptoms might surprise you!

Most Central Mass residents are familiar with common Lyme symptoms to watch for, such as the bullseye rash that follows a tick bite.  These Lyme disease symptoms might surprise you!

headaches are a symptom of Lyme diseaseLyme disease has only been recognized as an illness since 1975, and over the last four decades, many a breakthrough has been made in treating Lyme.  Fact is, if symptoms are caught early, and a diagnosis is made, you have a great chance of ridding yourself of long-lasting effects.  Unexpected Lyme disease symptoms can be headaches, sensitivity to light and sound, slurred speech, numbness in extremities, and even heart palpitations!  Here are some other symptoms of Lyme that you might not have expected.

Sleeplessness can be a Central Mass Lyme disease symptom
Are you usually a restful sleeper, but have recently found it difficult to fall asleep?  Believe it or not, sudden sleepless nights could be an early-stage Lyme symptom.  Due to the prevalence of ticks and tick-borne illnesses in Central Mass, if you are experiencing sudden sleeplessness, your doctor will want to test you for Lyme disease.

sleeplessness is a Lyme symptom
If you are suffering from sudden and prolonged sleeplessness, see your doctor.

Chills can be a symptom of Lyme disease
It’s 85 degrees outside, but you cannot seem to get warm.  Most of us have experienced fever and chills, most times attributed to common illnesses, such as flu, but uncontrollable chilling can be a Lyme symptom.  If you find yourself switching off the air conditioning, and wrapping yourself in blankets, see your doctor to be on the safe side.

chills can be a symptom of Lyme disease
If you are chilling, even while wrapped in blankets, it’s time to see your doctor.

Dizziness can be a Lyme disease symptom
All of a sudden feeling like you’ve just gotten off a carnival ride, even though you haven’t?  Dizziness is a tricky symptom, because it can be caused by other less urgent issues.  Maybe you feel light-headed if you skip breakfast, or if you stand up too quickly.  That’s why dizziness is commonly missed as a Lyme symptom – because we chalk it up to something else.  If you’re fighting dizziness, see your doctor.

dizziness is a symptom of Lyme disease
If you are suffering from unexplained dizziness, see your doctor.

Fatigue can be a symptom of Lyme disease
Are you a great sleeper, who gets the prescribed uninterrupted seven to nine hours of sleep per night, but still cannot seem to fight extreme fatigue?  Lyme disease can creep upon us under the guise of not getting proper rest, resulting in fatigue that interrupts your daily life.  If you are feeling extreme, unexplained fatigue, your doctor might want to test you for Lyme disease.

fatigue is a Lyme disease symptom
Feeling unusually fatigued? See your doctor.

Central Mass tick control is essential to the prevention of the spread Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses.  I always recommend enlisting a professional Central Mass tick control companyto ensure your family’s good health.  Remember to see a doctor if you are having any of these commonly missed Lyme disease symptoms.  It is always better to be safe than sorry.

Lyme disease: scientific breakthrough lays groundwork for new Lyme treatment

Lyme disease treatment
Treatment of persistent Lyme disease symptoms is a lifelong battle for some.

There are 30,000 new reports of Lyme disease to the CDC each year in the United States, but that does not account for the annual estimated occurrences of Lyme. One CDC report estimates 329,000 Lyme disease diagnoses per year in a five-year span!

Lone Star Tick

The higher incidence of Lyme is both due to higher tick populations, as well as improvements in diagnosis. But what happens after diagnosis? Do patients receive treatment, and go back to life as usual? Well, some do. Others, regrettably suffer from persistent Lyme disease symptoms, one of the most common is Lyme arthritis. Sufferers of Lyme arthritis endure a lifetime of joint inflammation and life-altering pain.

Lyme arthritis shows the presence of a particular cellular component of Lyme bacteria, called peptidoglycan.

Persistent Lyme arthritis is a lifelong battle for many, with life-altering pain. Some patients, who have tried all available medical treatments seek out holistic methods of pain relief, spending thousands of dollars out-of-pocket each year.

Thanks to Virginia Tech biochemist, Brandon Jutras, there is hope in treatment or even a cure for Lyme arthritis on the scientific horizon! Jutras has found that during the multiplication of Lyme-causing bacteria, Borrelia burgdorferi, it sheds a cellular component, peptidoglycan. Peptidoglycan exists in synovial fluid of Lyme arthritis sufferers, causing inflammation.

“We can actually detect peptidoglycan in the synovial fluid of the affected, inflamed joints of patients that have all the symptoms of Lyme arthritis but no longer have an obvious, active infection,” Jutras said.

Medical Xpress

The next phase of treatment of Lyme arthritis will be to find ways to destroy or eliminate the body’s response to peptidoglycan that comes from Borrelia burgdorferi, effectively eliminating Lyme symptoms!

While these scientific breakthroughs are spreading hope throughout the population of those, who suffer with persistent Lyme disease, there is but one sure method of Central Mass Lyme disease protection, and that is by prevention.

Tick control methods are available, and should be a top priority for Central Mass residents, to prevent ticks from invading their yards and homes. A barrier spray will eliminate ticks on contact, and an additional comprehensive tick tube treatment will further prevent ticks by eliminating them when they take their first blood meal from mice. Call a professional tick control company to protect your home and family!

Climate change, the prevalence of Lyme, and nature’s ally in Lyme prevention.

I recently wrote about how opossums are an important part of tick prevention – nature’s not-so-cute ally in tick-borne illness avoidance. Opossums are more essential than ever before, but why?

tick population is spreading and ticks are living longer
Engorged tick after a blood meal

According to the CDC and Quest Diagnostics, tick prevalence has reached higher levels than ever, and they are attributing it to climate change. It is believed that higher temperatures are creating the “perfect storm” for the spread of tick populations. It is believed that ticks are living longer and spreading to areas in the United States, which they have previously not inhabited. If you ask me, opossums have their work cut out for them in Lyme prevention!

Where is Lyme disease most prevalent, and where is it notably increasing?

Tick-borne illnesses used to be concentrated mainly in the Northeast United States and upper Midwest. All 50 states and the District of Columbia now have reports of tick-borne disease. In 2017, Quest Diagnostics reports that 61% of Lyme cases were in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Though, notable increases were seen from 2015 to 2017 in Georgia, Arizona, Ohio, Texas, Tennessee, and Virginia.

prevalence of Lyme in the U.S. - Lyme prevention
Lyme trends across the U.S.

Nature’s little exterminator eliminates garden pests, worms, slugs, and disease spreading ticks – talk about natural Lyme prevention!

opossums are important for tick control and Lyme prevention in Central Mass
Don’t harm opossums – let them do their job eliminating ticks from your property.

I write about tick control and Lyme awareness, because it’s THAT IMPORTANT to Central Mass residents. Our state is among those with the most reported cases of Lyme and other tick-borne illnesses. It is just as important that we spread the word of the importance of the opossum’s role in tick prevention.

Many of us see them as nasty rodent-like nuisances, but they are tick magnets! Ticks love to attach themselves to opossums, and opossums are big-time groomers. They can have up to 200 ticks on them at one time, attempting to attach for a blood meal. Opossums will effectively eat most of the ticks before they attach. Opossums prevent ticks in two ways. First, ticks are attracted to them, and try to infest them. Secondly, opossums devour the offending ticks. We need not attempt to eliminate opossums from our yards – shew them away if you see them, but do not harm them!

nature's tick protection
Mother opossums carry their babies while foraging for food – tick exterminators in training!

Plus, it could be argued that opossums are actually pretty adorable!

As always, I hope that you have considered the importance of tick control for your Central Mass home and family. There are EPA-registered and all-natural tick control methods available in our area, which will eliminate up to 95% of the tick population around your home for up to three weeks between treatments!

Westford MA Tick Control is a Job for the Professionals

Ticks are gross. Not just gross — these ugly bugs can be very dangerous, as they can carry multiple serious diseases, some being potentially fatal.

Westford tick control
Ticks are gross and dangerous to your Westford MA family.

Diseases like Babesiosis, Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and more. Nobody wants to see themselves or their loved ones deal with a tick-borne illness, and nobody wants to deal with ticks. Well, almost nobody. Consider a tick control specialist for your Westford home and family.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Lyme disease in Massachusetts and all over the Eastern U.S. has reached unprecedented levels in recent years. Middlesex County actually had 779 reported Lyme disease cases in 2016 (the most in the state), an unfortunate distinction nobody wants to brag about. The Town of Westford has some basic information on ticks and what to do if one of them bites you, but wouldn’t you rather avoid them all together?

That’s when you call in the pros.

It just so happens that the same barrier spray treatment used for professional mosquito control also eliminates adult and ticks and fleas. This tick control treatment is wicked effective — it can eliminate up to 95% of ticks on contact. But there is a two-pronged approach that takes tick control to a whole new level, because tick-borne illnesses are no joke and we need to get rid of ticks before they come anywhere near our families.

The Process: How Westford MA Tick Control Works

The first step in a thorough Westford MA tick protection strategy entails spraying a special micro-encapsulated tick control formula around the perimeter of your yard, making sure to get all the shrubbery, foliage (not flowers, though), and surfaces around and underneath patios and decks. But for the ticks, more focus is given than usual around the tall grassy areas, because that’s where ticks usually hang out — breeding, resting, and well, waiting for their next blood meal.

Time-released tick barrier spray will protect your family for about three weeks.

A barrier treatment formula is time released, meaning that after mosquitoes and ticks are eliminated on contact, it will keep on doing its job for up to three weeks after it’s disbursed. Because of this, it has the added benefit of preventing tick eggs from hatching and thus stops the next generation of blood-sucking little monsters. I suggest re-treating your property everything three weeks for season-long protection.

Next is the tick control “bonus round”

Lyme Disease and other tick-borne diseases are usually caused by bacteria transmitted by the deer tick (Ixodes scapularis), but there are other ticks and diseases we need to worry about these days as well. While it’s true that not all ticks are carriers of these illnesses, the only way to tell if a tick is a carrier of anything scary is after we’re bitten. (If you do get bitten, please save your tick after safely removing it and send it to UMass Amherst’s tick testing service, especially if you get sick.) Ticks become infected when they feed on mice and other small animals that are infected. By going “straight to the source” and implementing tick tubes, we’re stopping the cycle of disease before it even starts.

Take your Westford tick protection to the next level with tick tubes!

Tick tubes are small tubes made of biodegradable material that are filled with cotton treated with a solution that is fatal to ticks. Mice find these and carry some of the cotton underground to build their nests. When a tick bites one of these mice, they’re eliminated shortly after. Tick tubes are an extremely effective proactive measure to take. It can reduce the ticks in your yard by up to 90% because it destroys the tick population before they’re able to multiply.

Prefer an Organic Tick Treatment Approach?

All-natural Westford MA tick control is available.

While professional tick control products are EPA-registered, there are also all-natural tick treatment solutions for those of us who prefer to stay as eco-conscious as possible. This barrier spray solution was developed based on essential oils, focuses more on repelling pests than eliminating them. It’s not quite as effective as a vtraditional mosquito and tick control treatment, but it’s still pretty powerful — most customers notice a reduction in yard pests between 65-80%. Also a time-released formula, this all-natural approach lasts for up to two weeks before needing reapplication.