That’s not a stink bug!

Have you seen stink bugs around your Massachusetts home?

Wait a minute.  What do you mean, “that’s not a stink bug?”  I’m not saying that yo haven’t seen stink bugs at all.  However, if you thought this was a stink bug, you are mistaken.

That's not a stink bug!
Nope, that’s not a stink bug.

Similar as it may be to a stink bug, this is a Western conifer seed bug.

I admit, the Western conifer seed bug does look similar to a marmorated stink bug – especially when you do not see them side-by-side.  When you get a good look at them together, though, their differences are more pronounced.  There are some other similarities between these two autumn pests, though.

This is a stink bug!
This is a marmorated stink bug!

How are stink bugs and seed bugs similar?

Though they are not in the Pentatomidae family, classified as shield bugs or stink bugs, the Western conifer seed bug does emit an odorous liquid as a defense mechanism.  A seed bug can be stinky, but it is still not a stink bug.  When frightened or flattened, the seed bug emits a musky, turpentine odor.  Most of us probably have more experience with the stink bug’s odor.  Different folks report different translations of this smell, though.  Most commonly, stink bugs are said to smell like cilantro.  Others liken it to skunk or ammonia.

Western conifer bugs and seed bugs both congregate in large groups.  Both seek warm shelter in and around our homes in autumn.  Both bugs make a loud, buzzing sounds when in flight.  Stink bugs feed on grasses and weeds before maturing to adulthood.  As adults, they are more apt to move in on crops, such as apples, pecans, and peaches.  Similarly, seed bugs feed primarily on immature cones and seeds of various coniferous trees.  They prefer Douglas firs and hemlock, but as they grow, they too, can invade fruit crops and flowers.

Exterminating stink bugs and seed bugs happens similarly.

Both bugs have a hard shell, and require specially-formulated pesticides.  There are ways to rid your home of stink bugs and seed bugs, which does not require chemical elimination.  The quickest, easiest recommendation requires a bug-busting machine you likely already have – a wet-dry vacuum.  Because they do stink and might mess up indoor vacuum cleaners, it is not recommended to use anything other than a shop-vac.  Some folks recommend adding water to the shop vac before sucking up the insects, while others recommend vacuuming them and sealing them up in plastic.

These bugs are not dangerous like ticks, but…

Dave Macchia, tick control enthusiast
Dave Macchia, Central Mass tick control enthusiast

No matter your chosen method, exterminating should be done on-sight.  Do not allow either of these bugs to congregate for days or weeks before attempting to get rid of them.  They can easily make their way into your home or inside your walls.  The sooner you get rid of them, the better!

Also read: Can I get a tick bite in the fall or winter?

Tick Control for Health and Well-being in This Season of Gratitude

Eradicating dangerous ticks and the diseases they bring throughout Central Massachusetts, even in autumn.

For many of us, a bounty of fall outdoor events are beginning with summer well behind us.  I especially love stargazing at night with my kids.  The wonders of a fall celestial sky are truly something to behold and cherish.  And as for entertaining, autumn dinner parties bring a whole new level of fun to both friends and family breathing in the crisp, fresh night air.

Backyard tick control in autumn
Tick control and protection are important parts of outdoor gatherings in autumn.

It’s a wonderful thing to be of assistance to your neighbors and the community at large.  That is one of my greatest gifts in bringing Mosquito Squad tick and mosquito control to our area.  With cases of Lyme disease increasing and reaching alarmingly new heights throughout the Unites States, aggressive and dependable tick control is the best way to fight the bite.

To understand how Mosquito Squad protects you and your family, I created this short YouTube video.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year.

And speaking of being thankful, my favorite day of the year is quickly approaching – Thanksgiving.  It’s a great time of the year to dwell on what makes our lives so precious.  Thanks to my Mosquito Squad “one-two punch” ticks elimination service treatment, my family and I can enjoy the crisp, cool, clear evenings that autumn brings, as we spend countless hours outdoors after dinner.

I am extremely thankful and proud that I was one of the very first franchise owners to join Mosquito Squad.  I believe in the good that our tick protection brings so much that I have increased our service footprint so that many more families throughout out area can stay safer and protected – regardless of the outdoor season.

fall and winter tick control
Autumn tick protection begins with tick tubes, but it doesn’t end there.

But remember, our highly effective, year-round tick control is just one part of the battle. When outdoors this fall, remember to dress appropriately, regardless of where you are.  Ticks relish the opportunity to attach and cling onto a host and draw their blood.  That’s how they survive and thrive.

To avoid autumnal tick bites, wear comfortable clothing that covers most of the areas of your body that would be normally exposed outdoors. Wear long pants or slacks instead of shorts.  Avoid short sleeve shirts and be sure to have your arms covered – especially if you have a tendency to talk with your hands while having animated conversations outdoors (smiling).  And although it may trend, forget about having bare feet in your shoes.  Wear socks.  Think of all this as protecting yourself with “smart clothing,” creating a barrier to avoid those dangerous insects.

Thank you for the trust you place in Mosquito Squad.

Dave Macchia, tick control enthusiast
Dave Macchia, Central Mass tick control enthusiast

Rest assured, this holiday season when my family gives thanks for our clients and the many blessings that surround protecting them, we will continue to serve our community at large by sharing our good fortune with charitable works and giving throughout our Central Massachusetts area.

Also read: Can you get Lyme disease from dog saliva?

What are some common causes of Lyme disease flare-ups?

Sufferers of Chronic Lyme disease will tell you their symptoms come and go.

What causes Lyme disease flare-ups though?  Is it diet, mental stress, other illnesses or infections?  Like other chronic conditions, Lyme will rear its ugly head and wreak havoc when triggered.  The key is finding out what your particular triggers are.

What are symptoms of a chronic Lyme flare-up?

A flare-up can include extreme fatigue, sleeplessness, brain fog, light and sound sensitivity, muscle pain and stiffness, and irritability.  These are but a few known symptoms of chronic Lyme sufferers.

What causes Lyme disease flare-ups?
What are common causes of Lyme flare-ups?

Common Causes of Chronic Lyme Flares

One of the most common causes of Lyme flares is called the Jarisch  Herxheimer reaction, or JHR.  This is a reaction of a patient being treated for another infection with antibiotics.  Those, who have Lyme bacteria, or spirochetes, will experience a symptoms flare-up within 24 hours of starting an antibiotic.  The infection itself can also be a trigger for a Lyme disease flare-up.

If you have Chronic Lyme and experience a flare-up of unknown origins, here are some things that might be causing your relapse.


When you suffer with any chronic condition, it is very important to know what types of foods might have an effect – negative or otherwise – on your body.  Chronic Lyme sufferers might experience a flare-up by eating processed sugars or drinking alcohol.

Physical and Emotional Stress

Physical injury or surgical procedures could also result in a Lyme disease flare-up.  A relapse could also be caused by extreme emotional stress, be it from a traumatic event or everyday stressors, such as work, school, or family life.

Lack of Sleep

Since sleeplessness is one symptom of a Lyme disease flare-up this situation might seem like a chicken-or-egg scenario.  Are you flaring because you are not sleeping or not sleeping because you are flaring?  Changes in work or school schedule or even long-distance travel could put your body into a weakened or exhausted state that would set you up for a Chronic Lyme flare-up.

What can be done to prevent Lyme disease flare-ups?

The first key to living with Chronic Lyme disease is finding a doctor and treatment regimen that works for you.  Treatment and methods of prevention through lifestyle are different for every patient.  However, there are some general guidelines, which anyone with Chronic Lyme could follow to promote a healthier lifestyle – and thus, less flares.

  1. Stay hydrated and practice a healthy lifestyle through diet and exercise.
  2. Get enough rest.  The body cannot heal itself without real rest.
  3. Try to reduce the everyday stressors in your life.  Perhaps practicing meditation would be beneficial.
  4. Do not overdo it when you are feeling unwell.  Pace yourself in your everyday activities.  Listen to your body when it feels weakened or tired.
  5. Seek dependable emotional support and/or a mental health provider to help you deal when traumatic events arise, or you begin to feel overwhelmed.
Dave Macchia, tick control enthusiast
Dave Macchia, Central Mass tick control enthusiast

Lyme disease is a sad fact of the world we live in.  Chronic sufferers face a lifetime of health maintenance and treatment.  Lyme disease flare-ups can really affect physical and emotional well-being.

Consider year-round tick control for the prevention of Lyme, and seek immediate medical attention if you believe you have been bitten by an infected tick.

Read: Can you catch Lyme disease from dog saliva?

Why Your Dentist Should Know About Lyme Disease Symptoms

Lyme disease, often referred to as the great imitator, can have an array of symptoms.

Lyme Disease rash
Bulls-eye rash is the clearest indicator of Lyme infection.

In past blogs, I have talked about how Lyme disease symptoms present differently from one person to the next.  Children’s Lyme symptoms can be extremely tricky.  Some children never show visible symptoms.  One study of 15,000 children with confirmed Lyme disease, had about 10% of patients presenting the telltale bulls-eye rash.  Both children and adults can have cognitive symptoms, which often result in a mis-diagnosis.  Due to the varied symptoms of Lyme infection, many family doctors and specialists now know to have extensive testing performed on patients, whose symptoms are ambiguous.  But why dentists?

Lyme disease symptoms can mimic dental pain.

The dreaded toothache.  Even if you are one of the 36% of people, who is frightened of the dentist, a terrible toothache will override the fear.  What if you have pain that seems to originate in or around your teeth?  Pain that affects the mouth, jaw, and neck are often credited to an infected tooth.  This is because tooth pain is often focused in one area, but also travels to other regions.  Toothaches are caused by infected nerves, which are responsible for the traveling painful sensations we feel around our face, temple, neck, and jaw.  This type of nerve pain is called neuropathy.

dentists should consider Lyme disease
Tell your dentist if you could have been exposed to a tick bite.

According to a paper on The National Library of Medicine, one patient visited her dentist and orthodontist, only to find she had no dental issues.  The patient had jaw, neck, and head pain, as well as tingling sensations around and inside her mouth.  She was also experiencing chills and night sweats.  Her symptoms were so severe, that she eventually went to the ER, where a stroke was ruled out.  The next day, upon visiting her family physician, a bulls-eye rash was found.  What she believed was a toothache turned out to be Lyme disease.

What should you do if you have a toothache and neuropathy?

a toothache can be Lyme symptoms
Your toothache and facial pain could be Lyme symptoms.

If you have what you believe to be a toothache, schedule a visit with your dentist ASAP.  If you believe that you might have been exposed to a tick bite in recent days or weeks, tell your dentist.  If you have been doing yard work, gone camping or hiking, or even visited the beach – these are all times that you could have encountered a tick.

This is not to say that every time your tooth hurts, you should be afraid you have Lyme disease, but don’t rule it out.  Especially if you live in a high-risk area, like Central Mass.

Tick control is key to Lyme prevention.

tick control Central MassThe best way to prevent Lyme symptoms that mimic dental issues is to protect yourself outdoors.  Use tick protection on your skin and clothing when you go hiking or camping.  Practice the 6 T’s of tick control at home, and call on a professional Cohasset tick control company to protect your yard all year long.  Reputable tick control companies offer seasonal full protection barrier yard sprays, as well as tick tubes that are used in the fall and winter.

Dave Macchia, tick control enthusiast
Dave Macchia, Central Mass tick control enthusiast

Also read: What happens if you get bitten by a tick?

Will a snowy winter mean less ticks this spring?

Snow is beautiful to some, a pain to others.  How does snow affect ticks?

I have written before about how ticks lie dormant in wintertime temperatures below 45°F.  When we see a large snowfall, we tend to rejoice that it could result in fewer ticks and mosquitoes in the springtime.  We equate snowfall with harsh winter conditions, but snow will not kill ticks.

snow will not kill ticks
Snow will not kill ticks.

Extremely cold temperatures kill ticks.

Consider this.  We know that ticks become inactive in sustained temperatures below 45°F, but do not die.  The atmospheric temperature must only be below freezing in order for snow to fall.  That’s 32°F, as we all know.  This is not what would be considered extreme cold.  What’s more, if snow has fallen atop dormant ticks, it will provide a measure of insulation.  According to, one foot of snow offers the same protection as a 2″ x 4″ insulated wall.  The reason this happens is because the heat absorbed from sunlight before a snowfall, dissipates much slower than air temperatures.  Therefore, any heat stored in the earth will be further protected by a blanket of snow – it is called a blanket after all.

exremely cold temperatures kill ticks
Snow will blanket ticks, providing insulation.

The temperature required to begin killing ticks is about 10°F.  The catch is, there must be sustained temperatures at or below 10°F for many days.  With warmer winters everywhere, this is not as common as you might think in today’s times.

Protect yourself this spring, because ticks will emerge.

We will likely not have a harsh winter, which will help reduce the ticks that emerge this spring.  That is not to say all is lost.  There are simple methods of protection that will help keep ticks at bay.  If you love being outdoors, hiking or camping, be sure to use personal tick protection, such as DEET or Picaridin.  For added protection, wear long sleeves and choose pants over shorts – even in summertime temperatures.  Adding a barrier between blood-thirsty ticks and yourself is highly recommended.  Perhaps most importantly, perform a thorough tick check each time you return from outdoor adventures.

ticks will emerge in spring
Tick protection will remain essential this spring.

At-home tick control.

Central Mass tick control
Professional tick control in Central Mass is essential.

Tick protection at home is also essential.  You can choose from multiple methods of professional protection formulas, including all-natural Cohasset tick control and EPA-registered barrier sprays.  All-natural formulas are applied like barrier sprays, covering your property, applied to all vegetation thereon.  For about two weeks, all natural formulas will repel about 85% of the ticks from your yard.  EPA-registered insecticides will not only eliminate ticks on the spot, but will work longer and better – eliminating about 95% of the ticks in your yard for up to three weeks.  Reputable Central Mass tick control companies also offer special event sprays for outdoor weddings, family reunions, or other gatherings.  Special even tick control will be applied a day or so in advance, and will help protect your loved ones from the threat of potentially dangerous ticks.

tick tube
Tick tubes offer ultimate protection.

For the best protection available, choose year-round tick control with the use of tick tubes.  Tick tubes are placed around your property in the late fall.  They have an insecticide-treated cotton filling, which mice carry to their nests, where many ticks live.  This added method of protection can literally break the 2-year tick life cycle, resulting in fewer ticks emerging in the spring.

Dave Macchia mosquito conrol and tick control enthusiast
Dave Macchia
Central Mass enthusiast for effective season-long mosquito and tick protection

Also read: Where do ticks live?


Why is Lyme disease more prevalent in the Northeastern US?

Black-legged tick populations are plentiful in the South.  Why are there fewer cases of Lyme disease?

Lyme disease is the most common tick-borne illness in the United States.  There are an estimated 300K cases each year.  Though, according to the CDC, the vast majority of those cases are not confirmed.  The line of infection versus non-infection is quite blurred.  What is clear, is the imbalance of confirmed Lyme disease cases in the Northeastern and Southeastern United States – even though deer ticks are rampant in both regions.  Scientists believe they have found clear answers to this quandary!  Clarification begins with mice and lizards.

The white-footed mouse is a massive Lyme bacteria spreader in the Northeast.

In our area, ticks often seek their blood meals from small rodents, like the white-footed mouse.  This little, furry creature is a common carrier of Borrelia bacteria, which are responsible for Lyme infection in humans and animals.  More importantly, they are a very virile transmitters of these harmful bacteria.  After passing them to a black-legged tick, the tick might then seek its next blood meal from a human.  If the tick is attached 36 to 48 hours, they are apt to pass those bacteria, which can result in Lyme infection.

mice spread Lyme disease bacteria to ticks
Mice are great transmitters of Lyme-causing bacteria.

Lizards transmit Lyme causing bacteria in the Southeastern US.

Though lizards are some of the main carries of Borrelia bacteria south of the Virginia-North Carolina border, there is one catch.  They are not strong transmitters of the bacteria.  Though ticks often feed on these smooth-scaled skinks, they are less likely to receive a strong does of the pathogens when taking their blood meal.  A recent two-year study found that areas, where black-legged ticks feed on the blood of these lizards, are less likely to have reports of Lyme infection than areas, where they feed on rodents, like the white-footed mouse.  There were far less infected black-legged ticks in the Southeast than in the Northeast.

lizards do not transmit Lyme pathogens well
Lizards are less likely to pass Lyme causing pathogens to ticks.

Another reason southern ticks pass less Lyme pathogens to humans.

The hotter, sunnier climate in southern states means that the questing habits of ticks are different than in northern states.  To avoid dehydration, ticks in the South will quest under vegetation, remaining close to the forest floor.  This means that they take less human blood meals.  Ticks in Massachusetts, quest farther from the ground.  They crawl on higher vegetation, where they often encounter humans and pets to obtain their blood meal.

southern ticks stay on the forest
Southern ticks lie closer to the forest floor to avoid dehydration.

See more tick and Lyme disease questions and answers:

Hingham Tick Control: Essential Lyme Infection Prevention

tick tubes
Tick tubes offer year-round tick control.

Even though we have snow on the ground, it’s never too early to plan for tick control in Central Mass.  Professional tick control companies offer season-long and year-round protection options.  Reputable companies will also offer special event sprays, all-natural formulas, and even year-round tick protection with tick tubes.  With tick populations and Lyme infections on the rise, professional tick control is a necessary part of your family’s health and well-being.

Dave Macchia, tick control enthusiast
Dave Macchia, Central Mass tick control enthusiast

Also read: What repels ticks naturally?

COVID-19 Long Haulers Shine a Light on Chronic Lyme

There have been parallels between COVID-19 and Lyme over the last year.  Could COVID-19 long haulers impact the future of treating chronic Lyme?

In June of last year, I wrote about comorbidity between these two illnesses.  A chronic Lyme sufferer, who is being treated with immunosuppressant drugs, could be more susceptible to contracting coronavirus.  Even though COVID-19 is a viral infection, whereas Lyme disease is bacterial, there are similarities in some of the symptoms.  Extreme fatigue, body pain, and fever are just three.  In recent months, we have heard about COVID-19 long haulers.  These are people, who contracted coronavirus and recovered – but cannot seem to fully recover.

covid-10 long haulers
A negative COVID test does not mean a full recovery.

What are long haulers experiencing?

The persistent symptoms left behind seem to be non-discriminating.  There are young and old sufferers.  There are patients, who had no co-morbid conditions.  There are long haulers, who didn’t experience serious COVID-19 symptoms.  Imagine contracting the virus, and feeling okay, only to later begin to feel very sick.  Chronic sufferers are experiencing symptoms, such as shortness of breath, extreme headaches, fatigue, and an increased heart rate many months after their original illness.  The U.S. does not report an average age of COVID-19 long haulers.  A hospital in Paris says the average age of their patients is only 40 years old.

covid long haulers impact lyme sufferers
New long-haulers could shine a light on chronic Lyme sufferers.

Shining a Light on Chronic Lyme Disease

fatigue in COVID long haulersAs experts scramble to unravel the mystery of persistent symptoms of coronavirus, the Global Lyme Alliance is reaching out to these new long haulers.  As with chronic Lyme disease, the common perception is that once you treat the illness, you are cured.  Chronic sufferers of COVID-19 will likely be met with some misunderstanding, but a light is being shone on their suffering.  If you search online or watch the news, you will see their stories.  There is a active push for awareness, and even more incentive for us to protect ourselves.  Doctors are working to treat long haulers, and one could assume that the overall awareness and acceptance of the phenomenon will offer hope to chronic Lyme disease patients, who seek acceptance and effective treatment.  The idea that a negative test does not mean that the infection did not leave lasting effects could eventually become a thing of the past.  Those suffering chronic Lyme could find new hope in no longer being dismissed by their families, friends, and even medical professionals.  There could be a time in the near future, when persistent Lyme symptoms are taken seriously, and this is great news if you suffer from these symptoms.

Hingham Tick Control for Lyme Prevention

tick control Central MassKnowing that Lyme disease can be just as life-altering as COVID-19, it is imperative that we keep ourselves protected from tick bites.  The best way to prevent Lyme infection is to eliminate ticks from your yard.  Reputable tick control companies offer ultimate protection with barrier tick sprays for your property.  These EPA-registered treatments can eliminate up to 95% of ticks from your yard for a couple of weeks at a time.  The best tick control companies offer year-long protection by adding tick tubes to your regimen in the late fall and winter.  Tick tubes can greatly impact the number of ticks that emerge on your property in the spring by killing them where they nest.

Dave Macchia, tick control enthusiast
Dave Macchia, Central Mass tick control enthusiast

Also read: How long can you have Lyme disease without knowing it?

Can my dog catch Lyme disease from other dogs?

Many questions about tick-borne illnesses concern their human impact.  But what about our pets?

Pet owners are realizing more and more that proper tick protection is a must.  Even when a dog lives in a low-risk area, he might still encounter a tick bite in his lifetime.  This can happen when hiking, going to the beach, or just being outdoors, where there is grass and other vegetation.  We know that dogs can contract Lyme disease.  But can your dog catch Lyme disease from other dogs?

Can dogs catch Lyme disease from dogs?
Can my dog catch Lyme disease from other dogs?

Dogs only contract Lyme disease from ticks.

Just like humans, dogs and other animals can only contract Lyme disease from the bite of an infected tick.  So, if you have a pet that is diagnosed with Lyme disease, you should know three things.  First, Lyme disease can be cured in dogs if caught early.  It is estimated that 10% of dogs will actually contract Lyme from the bite of an infected tick.  Lyme disease cannot be passed to other dogs from your dog; nor can your dog catch Lyme disease from other dogs.

dogs cannot catch lyme from other dogs
Dogs cannot catch Lyme from other dogs.

How long does it take to become infected with Lyme?

dogs catch Lyme disease from tick bites only
A tick must be attached for about 48 hours in order to pass infection to your dog.

In order for Lyme bacteria to be passed to your dog, it must be attached for about 48 hours.  This is one reason that you should check your dog regularly for ticks.  This is especially true in the height of tick season.  Even a short trip outdoors can result in a tick attaching to your dog.

Is my cat susceptible to Lyme infection?

While cats can contract Lyme disease from the bite of an infected tick, it is rare.  That does not mean it is impossible, though.  Symptoms in cats include, fatigue, fever, and difficulty breathing.  Cats might also be infected, but show no symptoms.  If you find an engorged tick on your cat, safely remove it, and watch for symptoms of infection.

Can cats contract lyme?
Can your cat get Lyme?

How can you keep ticks away from your dog?

There are many products, which have been created specifically for protecting dogs from ticks.  From over-the-counter collars and ultrasonic devices, to prescription medications – you must weigh all your options.  All-natural remedies are also available.  As a pet owner, you must choose what you feel will best protect your dog.

See more tick and Lyme disease questions and answers:

At-home Gardner tick treatment is important for the health and safety of your whole family.

tick tubes
Tick tubes offer year-round tick control.

Central Massachusetts is a high-risk tick bite region.  With the surge in tick populations, professional tick treatment has never been more important.  Not only for the health of your human family, but also for your pets.  You can choose between EPA-registered tick yard sprays and all-natural repellents.  Each professional formula must be administered ever two to three weeks.  All-natural tick barrier spray will offer less protection for a shorter amount of time.  In the off-season, tick tubes are available.

Also read: Can you get Lyme disease from dog saliva?

These cotton-filled tubes were created to use from late fall through early spring.  The cotton is treated with insecticide, which when carried back to the nests of rodents, will eliminate any ticks therein.  Year-round is essential for ultimate tick control and protection for Lyme disease.

Dave Macchia, tick control enthusiast
Dave Macchia, Central Mass tick control enthusiast

Also read: How can I protect my dog from Lyme disease?


Latest Recommendations for Managing Lyme Disease

Managing Lyme disease does not only pertain to treatment therapies.

In November 2020, a panel of experts published an evidence-based study for the Infectious Diseases Society of America, detailing the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of Lyme.  This study, led by Paul M Lantos, from the Duke University School of Medicine, is the latest benchmark for managing Lyme disease.

managing Lyme disease includes prevention, diagnosis, and treatment
Managing Lyme disease includes prevention, diagnosis, and treatment

Managing Lyme disease: Prevention

When it comes to management of Lyme, prevention is paramount.  The 2020 study advises that anyone at risk of exposure should be proactive in preventing tick bites.  There are high-risk areas, like Central Massachusetts, with large deer tick populations.  You should be protected from tick bites every time you are outdoors.  The study recommends using repellents.  On the list of effective repellents, are DEET, picaridin, and permethrin.  Oil of lemon eucalyptus is also on the list of recommended tick repellents.  If a tick is found, the study recommends removal with clean, fine-tipped tweezers – never using alternate means for removal, such as burning or applying essential oils.

tick control Andover MA
Barrier tick control spray for tick bite protection

Gardner tick treatment measures at home should be employed in high-risk areas, such as Central Mass.  While many areas have municipal sprays, they do not reach far enough to offer complete protection.  Professional EPA-registered and all-natural tick control sprays are available, and should be considered.

Lyme Management: Diagnosis & Treatment

3 stages of Lyme disease
The black-legged tick is a vector of Lyme disease

The study also recommends submitting a tick for identification after removal, to determine if it is a known vector of Lyme.  It suggests that testing the tick for infection does not reliably determine whether a person will contract Lyme disease.  Therefore, testing for Lyme bacteria would not be helpful.

Prophylactic antibiotic treatment is recommended only if these three criteria are met:

  1. The tick is identified as a Lyme vector species
  2. The person lives in an endemic area
  3. The tick is attached for more than 36 hours

If these criteria apply, the study recommends a single prophylactic dose of doxycycline up to 72 hours after removal of the tick.  The dosage should be 200mg for adults and up to 200mg for children, based on weight.  If these criteria are not met, the recommendation is to wait and watch for symptoms.

Lyme disease bullseye rash
Bullseye rash after tick bite

If a rash appears after a tick bite, a clinical diagnosis is recommended, rather than laboratory testing.  Patients with the bullseye rash should begin a 10-day course of doxycycline, or a 14-day course of amoxicillin or cefuroxime axetil.  If patients cannot tolerate those antibiotics, a 7-day course of azithromycin is recommended for treatment.  If a patient has Lyme-related facial paralysis, the study makes no additional treatment recommendations over antibiotics.  For patients with Lyme-related arthritis, a 28-day antibiotic regimen is recommended.  If the arthritis is severe, and does not respond to this regimen, an additional 2 to 4-week treatment of IV antibiotics is recommended.  If severe symptoms of arthritis persist after IV treatment, the patient should be referred to a rheumatology specialist.

Lyme disease can manifest in neurological complications, specifically of the central nervous system.  If a patient shows these symptoms, spinal fluid should be tested.  A serum test should also be performed.  These cases of Lyme disease should be treated with IV ceftriaxone, cefotaxime, penicillin G, or oral doxycycline.  Intravenous treatment can be switched to oral treatment, with a recommended treatment duration of 10 to 14 days.

More About This Study

There are extensive recommendations for managing many other facets of Lyme-related illnesses, like carditis, dermatitis, cognitive impairment, and lymphocytoma.  Additionally, there are recommendations for co-infection diagnosis and treatment.  Read the complete publication here.

Dave Macchia, tick control enthusiast
Dave Macchia, Central Mass tick control enthusiast

Also read: What happens if you get bitten by a tick?

Interior Home Maintenance & Repair Tips for Winter

Winter got you feeling blue?  Has the loss of the holiday rush got you in the mood for home maintenance or upgrades?

Winter can be difficult for sun-loving beach-goers and outdoorsy types.  There is no reason to feel shut in, though.  There is still plenty to do inside during the winter months.  Small maintenance and improvement projects around our homes can also give us a feeling of accomplishment.  Simple fixes and oft-forgotten tasks inside will make us appreciate spending 40% more of our time indoors!  Here is a great list of home maintenance tips for winter.

inside home improvements for winter

Mark these home maintenance to-dos done!

Have you been thinking about switching your traditional light bulbs to energy-saving LED?  There is no time like the present.  You’re already indoors, and this could be a great use of your time.  According to the US Department of Energy, LED lighting uses 75% less electricity and lasts up to 25 times longer than traditional bulbs!

Change out your furnace filters.  This is another to-do that gets left undone.  Most heating and cooling systems recommend a change every three months.  Did you know that certain homes should change them more often?  If you have indoor pets, a family member with allergies, or an indoor smoker, you should swap your filters out every one to two months, max.

change furnace filters for indoor pets

It is recommended that we change our smoke/CO detectors’ batteries twice yearly with the time change.  If you forgot to do this last November 1, there is no better time to do it.  Also give the “test” button a push once you have put the new batteries in!

Update the look and feel of your home!

A fresh coat of paint can brighten any room inside your home.  Being indoors more this time of year, might prompt you to move forward with painting projects.  Paint a wall, paint a room or two, or simply freshen up your interior trim color.  You might be surprised what a bit of paint can do to improve any space inside your home!

home projects in winter

Are you feeling weighed down by the amount of clutter accumulating around your home or apartment?  How about undertaking a de-cluttering and re-organization project this winter?  It’s a great way to spend a few hours, as it frees up needed space, and being better organized is mood-enhancing to boot!  Consider donating unneeded items to a local charity.

If your decor is leaving you feeling underwhelmed, how about making some changes.  A new light fixture, art or antique piece, tile backsplash, or even cabinet hardware can give us the perfectly simple update we’re looking for.  Plus, you don’t have to spend a lot of money on these small upgrades.

wintertime home improvements indoors

Take care of the inside now, and be ready for outdoor maintenance in the spring!

As the days continue to grow longer, and eventually begin to warm, all your indoor tasks will be done.  In the springtime, landscaping, exterior painting, and cleaning up will begin.  From planting new flowers and shrubs, to cleaning out gutters and tidying up around our homes, there will be plenty of reason to get outside the confines of your home this spring.

tick control Acton MALest we forget our essential Gardner tick treatment!  Remember as the weather is consistently warmer, ticks will begin to emerge.  Protect your family and pets from the threat of Lyme disease and other dangerous tick-borne illnesses with professional tick protection around your home.  Enlist the help of a reputable tick treatment company for ultimate protection from blood-thirsty ticks!

Dave Macchia, tick control enthusiast
Dave Macchia, Central Mass tick control enthusiast

Can you get Lyme disease in the fall and winter?