Is Lyme antibody the answer to our lack of a vaccine?

We are hearing much about vaccines and antibodies in the COVID era.  Could a Lyme antibody treatment be our new hope in the fight against the disease?

A Lyme disease vaccine was introduced in 1998, but was fraught with controversy.  Though some folks, who received the FDA-approved Lyme vaccine, reported arthritis post-shot, evidence was not strong enough for the vaccine to be pulled from the market.  But eventually, makers of the vaccine discontinued the shot due to lack of sales.  Experts have weighed in over the years since, noting a few reasons for the vaccine’s demise.  First, the public lost faith in the safety of the shot.  There is also the fact that Lyme has a low morbidity rate, which resulted in the public not deeming the infection a true threat.  Today, the CDC estimates that there are as many as 300,000 cases of Lyme disease in the United States each year.  Though, only about 30,000 are confirmed.  Now that chronic Lyme disease is more widely-accepted by the medical community, efforts to prevent infection are expanding.

Lyme antibody treatment
Lyme prevention is more important than ever.

Enter, Phase 1 Clinical Trials for a New Lyme Antibody Treatment

Some scientists spend most of their careers researching and developing inoculations against many types of diseases.  One that has been at the forefront over the last decade, is Lyme disease.  One group of scientists has gotten the green light from the FDA to begin phase one clinical trials on a Lyme antibody treatment.  Their animal trials resulted in an efficacy rate of 100%.  The antibody, known as Lyme PrEP, deploys, “a single human antibody, or blood protein, to kill the bacteria in the tick’s gut while the tick drinks its victim’s blood, before the bacteria can get into the human host.”  The use of a single antibody reduces the likelihood of unwanted side effects, unlike a vaccine, which triggers the development of many antibodies.  Developers of Lyme PrEP note that protection will come from a recurring yearly shot.  The goal is to maintain protection against Lyme disease for a full nine-month period.  Early trials indicate that this goal will be met, though this will be confirmed by later studies.  They hope to have concluded those studies in 2022, and bring the antibody treatment to market in 2023 or 2024.

We must stay the course with current methods of Lyme prevention.

tick control MassachusettsUntil we have a safe and surefire method of Lyme infection prevention, we must employ the tools we have available.  The best way to prevent Lyme disease is to lower our risk of encountering ticks.  We must wear protective clothing while hiking and camping.  Massachusetts residents should choose professional tick control around their property from April through October – and even extend those efforts with tick tubes in the winter.  We must perform a tick check on ourselves, our children, and our pets after spending time outdoors.  And if you are feeling ill after a known tick bite, seek immediate medical attention.

Dave Macchia, tick control enthusiast
Dave Macchia, Central Mass tick control enthusiast

Morgellons, Chronic Condition Associated with Lyme Infection

Through the years, we have heard from chronic Lyme sufferers and conditions associated with their illness.

Can previous Lyme infection really be the cause of Morgellons disease?  What is Morgellons?  Over the last couple of decades, this mysterious illness has become a point of contention among the medical community.  From dermatologists to psychiatrists, Morgellons is a hot-button topic.  Patients present skin ulcers, which some dismiss as self-inflicted abrasions due to a psychological condition known as Excoriation disorder, associated with obsessive-compulsive tendencies.  Many dermatologists and family practitioners saw patients with these lesions and referred them to psychiatrists for treatment.  In 2002, the first case was documented with one difference – fibers were present in the lesions.  This led to the eventual connection with previous Lyme infection.

Lyme infection and Morgellons disease
What is the link between Lyme infection and Morgellons disease?

What were the fibers?

The fibers were originally thought to be from patients’ clothing, bedding, or towels.  Upon further investigation of the make-up of the fibers in Morgellons patients, it was determined that the fibers were being produced by their bodies.  They are made of keratin and collagen, two naturally-occurring proteins.  This is where the connection to Lyme infection was made.  Research over the last few years is said to show that the keratin and collagen fibers result from an over-production process that began with spirochetal infection.  The species of the spirochetes is Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacteria that cause Lyme disease.  Even still, many medical professionals declare that Morgellons is 100% psychological, claiming that the fibers are from clothing or linens.  Genetic, immunology, and hormonal studies are recommended as we continue to learn more about Morgellons.  Current treatments may include antibiotics that are used in early Lyme diagnoses, with some patients reporting remission.  Others are still being treated with drugs that control tics and psychosis.

What are other chronic conditions related to previous Lyme infection?

When a person has asymptomatic early stage Lyme disease or are misdiagnosed in the early stages of Lyme, they could develop chronic Lyme disease.  Chronic Lyme can cause joint pain, fatigue, and even cognitive disorders that mimic Alzheimer’s.  While patients cannot be cured, many seek the help of Rheumatologists, Lyme specialized physicians, or natural medicine practitioners.  Morgellons is just one more anomaly that is said to be the result of a bite from an infected tick.

Charlton tick control for tick bite prevention.

tick control MassachusettsDue to the seriousness of tick-born diseases, such as Lyme disease, and now Morgellons disease, it is imperative that we protect our families from the threat of tick bites.  There is no 100% guaranteed method of tick elimination, but year-round control solutions are available in Central Massachusetts.  Professional tick control begins in the springtime with barrier yard spray – either EPA-registered or all-natural yard treatment.  In the late fall, it continues with tick tubes, which help break the tick life cycle and reduce the number of emerging ticks in the spring.

Dave Macchia, tick control enthusiast
Dave Macchia, Central Mass tick control enthusiast


What is tick-borne relapsing fever and should we be worried in MA?

It would be no surprise if you have never heard of tick-borne relapsing fever.

According to the CDC, there were only 504 cases of confirmed tick-borne relapsing fever between 1990 and 2011.  Aside from the rarity of the illness, Central Mass residents will be happy to know that it is not in Massachusetts.  Though 15 western states account for most cases, California, Washington, and Colorado are the most prominent states, where infection occurs.  Tick-borne relapsing fever occurs mostly in the summer, but winter infection is possible.  The ticks responsible for passing this illness thrive in coniferous forests at elevations of 1,500 to 8,000 feet.  If you are considering a rustic cabin rental in a western state, you should know about this rare illness.  You should wear tick protection and protective clothing.  You should ask the rental company for proof that the cabin has been treated for ticks.

tick-borne relapsing fever
Be sure you are protected against tick bites on your mountain cabin vacation.

What tick is responsible for the illness?

O. hermsi ticks often feed on the blood of chipmunks.
O. hermsi ticks often feed on the blood of chipmunks.

The O. hermsi tick is responsible for most cases of this infection.  This soft tick lives mostly at higher elevations, and can live up to a decade.  During its life, the O. hermsi will take multiple blood meals, their main food source being chipmunks and squirrels.

Borrelia hermsii are the bacteria that cause the illness.  Not so closely related to Lyme disease bacteria, Borrelia burgdorferi, these bacteria can cause symptoms akin to Lyme infection.  They include a high fever, muscle aches, and joint pain.  The interesting thing is, the high fever will come and go in cycles.  Three days of high fever will be followed by seven days of no fever.  Then, three more days of fever will occur.  If left untreated, this will repeat multiple times.

Can tick-borne relapsing fever be treated?

Patients, who receive a positive diagnosis will be prescribed antibiotics for 10 to 14 days.  About half of patients experience an adverse reaction within the first four hours of treatment.  Known as Jarisch-Herxheimer, the reaction includes low blood pressure, high fever, and rigors.  This too, must be treated.  Patients must be monitored when they start treatment for tick-borne relapsing fever.

Deploy Cambridge tick control at home and personal protection away from home.

tick tubes
Tick tubes offer year-round tick control.

While the illness can be treated and cured, protection is key.  Folks, who love the outdoors, must practice personal tick protection.  Whether you are at home or away from home, avoiding a tick bite is better than being treated for a tick-borne disease like relapsing fever or Lyme disease.  Central Mass residents should be vigilant with their at home tick control by employing a professional Cambridge tick control company.  Professional tick treatment is available all year long.  Barrier protection spray will protect your yard from spring through fall, and tick tubes will further tick control efforts through the winter.

Dave Macchia mosquito conrol and tick control enthusiast
Dave Macchia
Central Mass tick enthusiast

How fast do ticks move?

Perhaps you know that ticks do not jump or fly.  Ticks quest.  They lie in wait for their host, legs outstretched, ready to latch.

But how fast do ticks move?  Do they move at a slow pace due to their “lazy” questing nature?  Do they run in search of cover or a host, or when they are on your body?  The truth is, ticks are faster than you might think!

How fast do ticks move?
How fast do ticks move?

Can ticks move as fast as ants?

Perhaps they do move as quickly as some insects, like ants, but they certainly do not move as fast as the fastest ant.  Back in 2019, the Saharan silver, was clocked at the equivalent of 360mph!  Ticks are no slowpokes, though.  When you see a tick out in the open or moving around your body, you will note that it does not move at a snail’s pace.  Ticks will scurry in search of a fine place, where they can become attached to have their blood meal.

See this brown dog tick on the move!

Where do ticks like to move on your body?

Ticks inherently see the protection of warmth and darkness.  In nature, they will lie on the forest floor, out of direct sunlight.  When they are on a person, they will move to places like the armpit, groin, or scalp.  They will often move to our pets’ ears.  For this reason, a thorough tick check will include hidden areas on ourselves and our pets.

ticks move inside dogs' ears
Ticks move inside dogs’ ears.

Reduce your odds of encountering a tick with Sudbury tick control.

Sudbury tick controlIf you are looking for effective Sudbury tick control, consider your professional options, like Mosquito Squad.  They offer an EPA-registered tick control spray, as well as an all-natural formula.  Once tick barrier protection is applied to your property, your family can enjoy time outdoors with a lot less stress.  Their traditional tick control spray works for about 21 days, and the all-natural spray works for about 14 days.  The best part is, the same solution works to control mosquitoes around your home too!

Dave Macchia, tick control enthusiast
Dave Macchia, Central Mass tick control enthusiast


Billerica Tick Control – Protect Your Home and Family in Billerica MA

Living in New England, you’re likely aware that Lyme disease is everywhere here.

It’s such a big problem that in 2015 it was officially declared an epidemic in Massachusetts. But there are many more tick-borne illnesses on the rise in our area, including Babesiosis (of which Middlsex County seems to be a hotspot) and the the rare, but fatal Powassan virus, which CBS Boston has increasingly been reporting on.

Billerica tick control

While not all ticks are infected with and carry scary diseases, do you really want to get bitten by one and take the chance? Even Billerica Wicked Local has been publishing things about how officials are urging people to be more vigilant about ticks, but their suggestions of “using tick and mosquito repellent, wearing long sleeves and long pants outdoors, and performing periodic checks for ticks on your body” are well-intentioned, but simply not realistic. The Town of Billerica, while also well-intentioned, doesn’t help their citizens much in the way of tick advice, either. Their “Public Health Nurse” section of their website consists of links to elsewhere and PDF downloads.

Billerica tick control step one: Barrier spray

When it comes down to it, when the weather is nice out, who wants to be bundled up in their own yard? That’s where professional Billerica tick control comes in. It is essential to your whole family’s health that you hire a trusted tick control expert.

Billerica MA tick control

Not only do professional tick control companies help eliminate up to 90% of mosquitoes with a specially formulated barrier treatment, the same formula conveniently eliminates up to 90% of adult ticks and fleas on contact, too. It’s pretty powerful stuff, but when it comes to Billerica tick control, you can go one step further to protect you and your loved ones from ticks and tick-borne illnesses.

Following the same barrier treatment process used for mosquito control, your tick control expert will distribute a special bug-eliminating formula to treat surfaces in your yard that include shrubbery, foliage (avoiding flowers), around and underneath decks and patios, and especially tall grass. Special attention is given to the tall grass areas on your property for Billerica tick control since this is typically where you can find them breeding, resting and waiting for their next blood meal. It’s your tick control professional’s job to make sure it’s not you!

Since special barrier spray formulas are designed to be time released, your property will be protected for three weeks once the treatment is dispersed. This barrier treatment has the added benefit of preventing the eggs of ticks from hatching and thus puts a stop to the next generation of these pests. For continuous, worry-free tick and mosquito control in on your property, choose a seasonal plan so you won’t have to worry about rescheduling. You don’t even need to be home when your tick control technicians visit, and they’ll always leave a confirmation of service before we leave.

But Billerica tick control doesn’t stop there.

Step two in Billerica tick control: Going straight to the source

lyme disease billericaLyme Disease and other tick-born illnesses caused by bacteria transmitted most often by the deer tick, but other ticks carry disease, too. Not every tick is a carrier of bad pathogens, but it’s best to err on the safe side. Ticks become infected when they feed on small animals, usually mice, that are infected. By going straight to the source through the implementation of tick tubes, you will be able to stop the cycle of disease where it would normally start. That way, you’re eliminating ticks before they come anywhere near people and pets.

What’s a tick tube? Well, it’s a small tube with biodegradable tubing that’s filled with cotton treated with a solution fatal to ticks. Tubes are strategically placed around your property, and mice and other small animals find them and bring the cotton back to their burrows to make them nice and cozy. When a hungry tick bites and feeds off one of these small animals, it’s gone from this world and one fewer tick to worry about potentially causing anyone damage. These Billerica tick control tubes are a proactive measure that reputable tick control companies take, and help reduce up to 90% of tick populations before they’re able to multiply.

Prefer an all-natural tick control alternative?

natural tick control billericaNot a problem. Reputable tick control companies also offer an all-natural barrier treatment. Professional tick control products are EPA registered, but I understand there are some people who want to be as eco-friendly as possible. Tick control experts have developed all-natural forumlas with essential oils and a few secret ingredients for those who prefer to go this route. While it’s more of a repellant than an eliminator, an all-natural formula is still highly effective —most homeowners notice a reduction in mosquitoes, ticks, and other yard pests by up to 80% using this method. Also time released, I highly recommend reapplication every two weeks instead of the three that a traditional barrier spray would need.

Dave Macchia, tick control enthusiast
Dave Macchia, Central Mass tick control enthusiast