Central Mass Ticks: American Dog Tick vs. Deer Tick

Central Mass ticks have one thing in common.  They want to feed on your blood.

What do ticks look like?The main goal of all female ticks is to get their next blood meal, grow to adulthood, and reproduce.  It’s their driving force.  Both the American dog tick and deer tick are common in Central Mass.  We know how they are the same.  How do they differ?

Central Mass tick: deer tick

Also known as the black-legged tick, this Central Mass tick is the main spreader of Lyme disease.  Most Lyme cases result from the bite of a female nymph deer tick.  It takes 36 to 48 hours for a deer tick to transmit Lyme disease.  Nymph ticks are so small that they are often missed until they become engorged with blood.  The biggest threat for a bite from a deer tick in Central Mass is springtime, summer, and fall.  Though, ticks live in winter in Central Mass.  According to the CDC, adult deer ticks could be out questing for their blood meal in temperatures above freezing.  Deer ticks in Central Mass might also transmit Anaplasmosis, Powassan virus, and Babesiosis.

Central Mass ticks: deer tick

Central Mass tick: American dog tick

Another nasty tick common to Central Mass is the American dog tick, also known as the wood tick.  This tick is not only common in our area, but is prevalent east of the Rocky Mountains.  According to the CDC, the dog tick has limited populations on the Pacific coast.  Adult females are the most likely to deliver a bite to their host, and they are responsible for some serious tick-borne illnesses.  The American dog tick is the most common vector of Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Tularemia.  Dog tick bites tend to be mostly in the spring and summer.

Central Mass ticks: American dog tick

Now is the time for Central Mass tick control.

tick control MassachusettsWarm weather has arrived.  We are spending more time outdoors.  Central Mass ticks are on the prowl.  They are hanging on low-lying vegetation in your backyards and your favorite outdoor areas, like playgrounds, hiking trails, and even the beach.  You can help prevent tick-borne illnesses, like the ones above, by hiring a reputable Central Mass tick control company to spray all the areas around your home.  Barrier tick sprays are available to keep your family safe at home, and should be professionally applied to your yard about ever three weeks throughout “tick season,” springtime, all the way through autumn.  Don’t wait until you find a tick on yourself, a family member, or the family pet.  An ounce of prevention is worth all the cure in the world!  And let’s not forget, some tick diseases, like Lyme disease, cannot be cured.

Also read: What is the most common tick?

Dave Macchia, tick control enthusiast
Dave Macchia, Central Mass tick control enthusiast


Central Massachusetts Faces Increasing Threat from Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

Rocky Mountain Spotted fever (RMSF) is so far not as common in Massachusetts as Lyme disease. This can make it extra dangerous as physicians and patients do not readily know the risks, signs, and symptoms.

Usually, RMSF is spread by the dog tick, but it can also be spread by the wood tick and lone star tick. With the lone star tick recently spreading into the Northeast, Massachusetts residents have more chances for transmitting the potentially fatal illness.

What is Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever?

The bacteria Rickettsia rickettsi causes the illness known as Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF). Transmitted by the bite of an infected tick, symptoms are non-specific and can include fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, muscle pain, lack of appetite, red eyes, and a characteristic rash. It is important to remember that the combination of these symptoms will vary from case to case.

Rocky_Mountain_spotted_fever_RASHAccording to the CDC, about 90% of people with RMSF will have some type of rash, but some do not develop it until late in the illness – after treatment should have already begun. Diagnosing RMSF can be delayed if you are waiting for the rash to appear. The CDC recommends that physicians administer treatment with antibiotics if RMSF is suspected. Early treatment is vital to limiting long term effects and avoiding potential death.

Late diagnosis and treatment can result in long-term health problems. The infection affects the cells that line the blood vessels. Damage to those blood vessels can cause bleeding or clotting in the brain or other vital organs. A loss of blood flow to the extremities can also occur leading to potential amputations of fingers, toes or limbs. Long-term permanent neurological effects and damage to internal organs can occur if this type of vascular damage occurs.

RMSF Can Be Deadly if Not Treated – Tick Control is Essential

Lone Star Tick
Lone Star Tick

Case fatality rates for Rocky Mountain Spotted fever are improving. It is suspected that improved recognition and diagnostics have led to quicker treatment and the decline in death rates. The CDC reports a 28% case fatality rate in 1944 that has lowered to approximately 1% in 2001. Children under 10-years-old, American Indians and those with compromised immune systems are at an increased risk for a fatal outcome from RMSF. The National Center for Biotechnology Information says “a delay in administration of doxycycline, the recommended drug of choice, has been shown to increase the likelihood of [a] fatal outcome.”

A recent story in the Cape Cod Times chronicled the story of a 6-year-old girl who came all too close to losing her life as she and her family struggled to get a diagnosis of her severe ailment. First diagnosed as a sinus infection and then an allergic reaction to the treatment, it wasn’tasn’tl Alaina was sent by MedFlight to Boston Children’s Hospital that she was finally diagnosed with RMSF after a few days. Suffering from meningitis and meningoencephalitis, Alaina has recovered, but it was a long road.

This is a great summation of why I work diligently to educate our community. Simply knowing the risks for exposure and the variety of symptoms to watch for can save a life. Can save many lives. Make sure you know the symptoms of RMSF and tell your doctor immediately if you suspect it.