Climate change, the prevalence of Lyme, and nature’s ally in Lyme prevention.

I recently wrote about how opossums are an important part of tick prevention – nature’s not-so-cute ally in tick-borne illness avoidance. Opossums are more essential than ever before, but why?

tick population is spreading and ticks are living longer
Engorged tick after a blood meal

According to the CDC and Quest Diagnostics, tick prevalence has reached higher levels than ever, and they are attributing it to climate change. It is believed that higher temperatures are creating the “perfect storm” for the spread of tick populations. It is believed that ticks are living longer and spreading to areas in the United States, which they have previously not inhabited. If you ask me, opossums have their work cut out for them in Lyme prevention!

Where is Lyme disease most prevalent, and where is it notably increasing?

Tick-borne illnesses used to be concentrated mainly in the Northeast United States and upper Midwest. All 50 states and the District of Columbia now have reports of tick-borne disease. In 2017, Quest Diagnostics reports that 61% of Lyme cases were in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Though, notable increases were seen from 2015 to 2017 in Georgia, Arizona, Ohio, Texas, Tennessee, and Virginia.

prevalence of Lyme in the U.S. - Lyme prevention
Lyme trends across the U.S.

Nature’s little exterminator eliminates garden pests, worms, slugs, and disease spreading ticks – talk about natural Lyme prevention!

opossums are important for tick control and Lyme prevention in Central Mass
Don’t harm opossums – let them do their job eliminating ticks from your property.

I write about tick control and Lyme awareness, because it’s THAT IMPORTANT to Central Mass residents. Our state is among those with the most reported cases of Lyme and other tick-borne illnesses. It is just as important that we spread the word of the importance of the opossum’s role in tick prevention.

Many of us see them as nasty rodent-like nuisances, but they are tick magnets! Ticks love to attach themselves to opossums, and opossums are big-time groomers. They can have up to 200 ticks on them at one time, attempting to attach for a blood meal. Opossums will effectively eat most of the ticks before they attach. Opossums prevent ticks in two ways. First, ticks are attracted to them, and try to infest them. Secondly, opossums devour the offending ticks. We need not attempt to eliminate opossums from our yards – shew them away if you see them, but do not harm them!

nature's tick protection
Mother opossums carry their babies while foraging for food – tick exterminators in training!

Plus, it could be argued that opossums are actually pretty adorable!

As always, I hope that you have considered the importance of tick control for your Central Mass home and family. There are EPA-registered and all-natural tick control methods available in our area, which will eliminate up to 95% of the tick population around your home for up to three weeks between treatments!

Hello, May. Hello, Lyme Disease Awareness Month!

Central Mass Lyme disease prevention is critical, and that is not figurative language. Literally critical – urgent – dire!

May is a beautiful time of year in Central Mass, and with the warm weather folks begin to spend more time outdoors with their families. We begin to work in the yard, host cook-outs, and spend mild evenings relaxing on our back patios. Many across the U.S. get moving for the cause of Lyme disease. 5K runs in the name of Lyme? Yes, it’s that important! Why? See the trailer below for the critically acclaimed documentary, Under Our Skin!

See more about Under Our Skin.

In honor of Lyme Disease Awareness Month, I would like to cover some important aspects of Lyme.

Lyme Disease Symptoms

Lyme Disease rash

An estimated 30% to 80% of Lyme patients will develop a rash related to the disease. The bullseye rash is most commonly associated, but did you know that other rashes can be associated with Lyme? Did you know that some patients don’t develop a rash at all? In a CDC report, more than 40% of Lyme Carditis patients did not have Lyme related rash. Early symptoms include: fever, chills, nausea, sweating, and joint pain.

Read about 3 steps to determine your Lyme disease risk after you have been bitten by a tick.

Children and Lyme

Central Mass tick protection is critical for your child

Detecting Lyme disease in your child might be difficult, as symptoms can present behaviorally, without a prevalence of sickness symptoms. Children with Lyme can have insomnia, difficulty communicating thoughts, fatigue, short attention span, and severe mood swings. Because children as susceptible to tick bites, it is essential that you hire a licensed tick control company to spray your yard, your child’s playground. Check your child each day for ticks or tick bites, and if you find evidence of either, follow these tick removal instructions, and be vigilant in watching for symptoms, including those mentioned above.

Pets and Lyme

Your pets are also extremely susceptible to ticks and tick bites. They too, can get Lyme disease. In addition to tick protection for your yard, please check your dogs, cats, and horses for ticks regularly, and watch for symptoms, such as lethargy, and unexplained limping.

Check out this video to learn how to properly check your pet for ticks.

Ticks CANNOT burrow and move under your skin undetected!

Social media is a blessing and a curse.  I use social media to spread Central Mass tick awareness each week, and some of my time is spent debunking viral myths.  Sometimes, the information that has been passed, seems like outright fearmongering.

You have probably seen this post, or similar posts circulating on Facebook over the last two years, claiming that ticks can burrow under your skin and move around undetected.  I expect that this fallacy will begin making its rounds again soon, if it hasn’t already.  Do ticks burrow?  Yes.  Do they completely move underneath the layers of your skin, crawl around, and spread illness?  NO!

Where does tick misinformation come from?

Though the origins of the story are unknown to me, I can only assume that it came from reports surrounding the “seed tick” (slang for a tick in the larval stage of life) a couple of years ago.  The CDC posted this photo on their social media, warning of the dangers of nymph ticks, the most likely to spread disease. 

ticks can be virtually un-detectable
Can you see five ticks on this poppy seed muffin?

The small size of the nymph is alarming, as one tick is about the size of a poppy seed, making them difficult to detect or identify.  Nymph ticks are in the second stage of their lives, having taken their first blood meal from animals, such as white-footed mice, often carriers of Lyme Disease, in their larvae stage.  Nymph ticks are dangerous – VERY dangerous, often diseased, and ready to make your family or family pet their next blood meal, at which time they can transmit diseases.

Watch this tick burrow into human skin, aided by a “mouth full of hooks!”

Leominster tick protection is essential to your family’s health!

protect your family from ticks
Leominster tick protection is important for your whole family.

With the dangers of an increased tick population in Central Mass, tick control is not an option, but a necessity.  I urge you to be proactive in the fight against the spread of tick-borne illnesses, such as Lyme Disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Tularemia, and even tick paralysis in dogs.  Illnesses contracted from ticks are dangerous in a few ways.  Some have terrifying symptoms, such as temporary blindness.  Lyme Disease can be misdiagnosed for other diseases, like dementia, and produce lifelong ailments.  Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is difficult to diagnose, and if not treated properly and early, it can be deadly.

ticks cause Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
Rash produced by Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

If you do find a tick on yourself or a family member, follow the CDC’s recommended tick removal instructions.

Dave Macchia, tick control enthusiast
Dave Macchia, tick control enthusiast

Keep your family and guests safe from ticks and the harmful diseases they carry by calling a professional tick control company!

Also read: Are ticks getting smaller?


What’s Long and Slithers and Had Ticks All Over?

You might have a difficult time believing the answer to this riddle!  Recently, Gold Coast and Brisbane snake catcher encountered a truly unusual snake.  When these professional reptile re-locators found this carpet python, he was covered in ticks – 511 blood-suckers, in fact!

Talk about an animal in need of tick protection!

Nike the snake is now in the care of Currumbin Wildlife Hospital Foundation in Queensland, Australia, where he continues to recover. When Gold Coast and Brisbane Snake Catcher rescued poor Nike from a pool in Coolangatta, he was nearly unrecognizable and severely anemic, because these ravenous blood-suckers were feasting on him. Usually, snakes will fight off invading ticks and insects, but Nike did not. Once these hungry ticks latched on, they weakened the carpet python past the point of defense.

What does a cup of 511 ticks look like?

Feast your eyes on this! Even though more than 500 ticks were meticulously removed from the snake’s body, more remained intact under his scales, and had to be treated with medication.

ticks all over - 511 ticks
More than 500 ticks feasted on the snake’s blood until he became severely anemic

Days later, this baby koala required a blood transfusion after having 100 ticks removed!

To further illustrate the damage these nasty invaders cause, and the danger they pose to our families – pets – wildlife – livestock!

Ticks eat to live and live to eat! Don’t allow your family to become a “blood meal.”

Ticks must have their blood meal in order to survive each stage of life. In the larvae stage, they often take their first blood meal from Lyme infected hosts, like the white-footed mouse. Nearly the entire population of this mouse is infected with Lyme Disease, which is how ticks become infected. In the next stage of life, ticks are in search of a larger host with a lot of blood and nutrients – which make us humans an ideal feast! During this feeding, ticks actually filter and regurgitate the water content from our blood right back into our bloodstream, introducing the threat of disease. Don’t become a blood meal.

When it comes to tick-borne disease prevention, tick control is the key. Be sure your family is protected this year by calling a tick control professional!

How to Remove and Dispose of a Tick

How do you properly remove a tick?  Once removed, how do you dispose of a tick?  There are a lot of theories floating on the Internet.

Listening to people discuss their methods of disposing removed ticks can range from hilarious to frightening.  If you’ve heard these discussions, you may begin to ask yourself if others feel about ticks the same way they feel about werewolves or other monsters.  Many ideas for disposing of a tick seem both inhuman and punitive to the tick.  That’s probably why we never see protestors demanding an end to cruel and unusual punishment against ticks.

Ticks don’t need to be feared.  Yes, they will suck your blood.  Yes, they can give you a disease, actually several very nasty ones.  Scientists believe though that they need to be on your skin drinking your blood between 24-48 hours before your risk of infection becomes significant.

So before you get your flame thrower out or fire up the grill to make a funeral pyre for a tick you find this summer, let’s look at some creative methods of eliminating ticks others have used.  On, there are five methods listed.  Readers have added even more.  Some of these are comical. You’ll see our recommendation down below but this list was so interesting, we had to share.

Do not remove or dispose of a tick any of these ways!

First, there is fire.  You may have heard of using fire to burn a tick on your skin in order to Deer tickmake it release its grip.  That’s a bad practice for several reasons, including risk of burning yourself.  It’s also a perfect way for the tick to dump its infectious bacteria quickly into your blood before it releases or dies.  So, remove first and dispose of second.

Next, there is the flush.  Once the tick is removed, the suggestion is to wrap it in toilet paper and flush it down the toilet.  You may fear the tick won’t go all the way down or that it will crawl back up if it has only been partially flushed down the drain.  Although no cases have been reported, you imagine “Tick Terminator” coming back for revenge.  This is another not so good idea.  It’s not likely your tick will return but you may need the tick for reasons we will explain later.

Third is the microwave.  I don’t know about you but the idea of using something I warm my food in as an insect crematorium makes me want to eat cold food all summer long.  The website points out there may be issues with putting the tick in a plastic bag and then placing it in a microwave.  It mentions tick blood and juices inside the bag may get inside the microwave, if the bag explodes.  YUCK!”

The first defense in tick protection is total tick control – call on a Central Mass tick spray professional!

Fourth is alcohol.  This may well work but may also will take some time.  Ticks can hold their breath a long time so you may want to get a cold drink and rent a movie if this is your method of tick termination. But again, remove the tick first and dispose of second.

Fifth is my favorite.  It involves releasing the tick harmlessly.  I knew my fellow animal lovers wouldn’t fail me.  This is the catch-and-release version of insect control.  The recommendation is to release the tick “a long way from your house”.  Releasing the tick into say, your neighbor’s yard, will likely mean you won’t see that tick again.  Ticks don’t crawl very far and have a limited home territory so you’re probably safe from that one.  Unfortunately, the newborn ticks that the released tick makes will probably find their way on your property within a year.  By then your neighbor may not be speaking to you and you’ll need to find another drop-off point to practice catch-and-release.

How to remove and dispose of a tick.

So what’s the actual best way to dispose of a tick?  First, before terminating it, you need to remove it from the skin properly.  Removing it properly will reduce your risk of infection and remove all the infected tick parts.  Follow these tick removal instructions!

Once removed, the next step is to seal the tick tightly in a clear plastic bag or an old prescription bottle.  Skip the microwave part.  Observe yourself for symptoms for at least the next 30 days.  It can take many tick disease symptoms, including Lyme Disease, that many days to appear.  Keeping any tick you remove from your skin in a sealed plastic bag will allow it to be tested.  Testing the tick, is the best way for your doctor to know what tick disease you may have.  Even partial ticks missing their head, legs, etc. can be tested for diseases.

Save your matches, microwave and grill for lighting fires and cooking this summer.  Ticks don’t need to be tortured for being ticks.  More importantly, removing and preserving your tick properly can go a long way to you receiving a correct diagnosis and being treated quickly.

Also read: Do not remove a tick with peppermint oil!

They may be ugly, but opossums could be saving your life!

Opossums could be saving your life!The opossum, often simply called possum, may look like a giant rat and may sometimes act like one, but it is a phenomenally special creature that is of great benefit to human kind. Does that sound a bit far-fetched? It might, but read on so you can decide if their occasional garbage can invasions are worth the trouble.  Opossums could be saving your life!

The only Marsupial in the U.S.

Being the only marsupial in the U.S. and Canada, the amazing animal deserves a lot more credit than it gets. First of all, the female gives birth to up to 20 joeys in a litter. They can be as small as honeybees when they are born. After their short 12 days of gestation, the shortest of any mammal, they have to crawl into their mom’s pouch. Those that survive the trip will spend 100 days nursing inside mom’s fur lined pouch before they begin venturing out, sometimes riding on mom’s back as she hunts for food.

Immune to venom

Another remarkable trait of the opossum is it’s immunity to various toxins, venom and stings from honeybees, scorpions, rattlesnakes and even botulism. They will eat just about anything, garden vegetables and the insects in the garden, snails, nuts, garbage, eggs, birds, mice, insects – the list goes on. They are known to be attracted to meat and will often be spotted munching on and being at risk for becoming road kill.

Eliminating 4,000 ticks per week

Central MA ticks dont jump but lay in waitWhile the opossum’ reproductive traits, immunity to poison and eat anything diet may not have impressed you this far, its ability to devour ticks might just do the trick. Ticks love to try and feed on opossums. The average opossum walking through the woods can have up to 200 ticks on it at a time. Only 3.5% of these ticks survive the feeding attempt. It is estimated that a single opossum might kill up to 4,000 ticks in a single week.

It turns out these “ugly” marsupials are fantastic groomers. As they chew and lick at their fur they are “hoovering up ticks right and left, killing over 90% of these things.” By eating ticks, including those that carry Lyme Disease, I would say if they get in your garbage on occasion it is way worth it.

Short but valuable life

Opossums live short lives, few survive more than a year due to various factors such as becoming road kill themselves as well as being food for various predators such as coyotes. There main defense mechanism, playing dead, may do them more harm than good. Opossums generally like living near neighborhoods where it is warmer, there are more food sources and great places to make dens. The best thing you can do to keep them around is to not actively try to remove them from your property and keep an eye out for them when they are feasting on a flattened road-side delicacy.

A reputable barrier tick control company’s traditional barrier spray can eliminate up to 90% of ticks in your yard. With a little addition help from our opossum friends, our yards could be nearly tick-free this summer!

Is Your Tick Bite Infected? If You’re Concerned about Lyme Disease in Central Mass, Read More.

Not all ticks carry infections.  Many areas of the US don’t have a serious tick problem.  Did your tick bite give you Lyme disease?Unfortunately, Central MA is not one of them.

Ticks can carry more than one infection, which are often associated with the tick species.  Our most common tick in Massachusetts is the Deer tick, a carrier of Lyme Disease.

When bitten by a Deer tick, it can take 3-30 days before any sign of a Lyme infection has occurred.  It is important to write down on a calendar when you were bitten.  Any sign or symptoms occurring within 30 days should be reported to your physician.  He or she will need to know when you were bitten and when you noticed the first symptoms.  Ticks use an anesthetic when they bite, so they often go unnoticed.  If a tick is removed within 48 hours of first biting, the risk of them transmitting Lyme Disease is believed to be low.

Lyme disease prevention begins with trusted Central Mass tick control.

If you do find a tick attached to your skin, there are certain things you need to know.  Along with fatigue, chills, fever, headache, muscle and joint pain and swollen lymph nodes you should look for physical signs of an infection as well.  In the case of Lyme Disease, the infection will often show as a bulls-eye rash on your skin.  It can appear around the bite or anywhere on the skin.  The rash will often gradually expand further out from the area first discovered.  Some patients will simply notice a red blotch with no bulls-eye.  The rash is usually not itchy or painful.  Thirty percent of infected patients will not see a rash at all, so noting the other symptoms you are experiencing is important in your diagnosis.

Also read: Should I put anything on a tick bite?

The bulls-eye rash can have other variations.  Immune response, skin pigmentation and the location of the bite can affect how the rash develops.  In the photo on the right, only a small, inflamed area appears around the bite.  This inflammation is a first sign of a possible infection but not conclusive.  Inflammation is a naturally occurring healing process our body uses to repair damaged cells.  Consider any inflammation an indication you need to observe if you have any other symptoms and if a rash around the bite area.

Lyme Disease rashThis photo is the classic bulls-eye rash with which we are most familiar.  It clearly looks like a bulls-eye and is indicative of a Lyme infection.

Lyme rash
courtesy of

This photo shows a less defined bulls-eye.  It does have a reddish or brown center area with a lighter brown area around it.  This patient had a Lyme infection.

lyme disease infection
courtesy of

On tanned skin, the bulls-eye rash can be even more difficult to distinguish.  The darker pigmentation of the skin makes the rash more subdued and difficult to distinguish.  This photo is from a pediatric patient with a Lyme infection.

The most important thing to remember when bitten by a tick is to track your symptoms.  In many cases, no rash may appear.  Each patient’s immune system will respond differently to an infection but a rash is one more clue that a Lyme infection has occurred.

Remember, if you are in good health and Lyme Disease is diagnosed early you have an excellent prognosis of overcoming the disease after a few weeks of antibiotics.  Contacting your doctor as soon as any symptoms appear is your best course of action in overcoming any worry and getting rid of the disease.

Also read: Is Chronic Lyme disease real?

Fall Is The Best Time To Eliminate Ticks And Mosquitoes in MA

Summer is officially over, kids are back in school, winter is coming, so it’s time to think about Thanksgiving and forget about ticks and mosquitoes, right?  Not exactly.  Mosquito and tick protection is a year-round concern!

Ticks and mosquitoes are doing their own planning.  In short, they’re planning to be in your yard next spring in even larger numbers.  Now is the best time to eliminate ticks and mosquitoes.  Here’s why.

If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you know by now that October and November are  breeding season for Asian Tiger Mosquito ticks.  Mosquitoes breed on average every 4 weeks during their 2-3 month life cycle.  Cold weather will kill off a few species but most mosquitoes will simply go dormant in cold weather.  Eggs laid this fall won’t hatch until next spring when the weather warms.

Blacklegged ticks are most responsible for Lyme Disease and are commonly called Deer Ticks for a reason.  Now is the time of year female ticks hitch a ride and drink a blood meal necessary to make eggs.  The white-tailed deer is the best resource to provide that last blood meal.  They are large enough to supply fully-grown ticks with the necessary blood meal they need to lay eggs.  The eggs laid this fall will hatch next spring into larvae.  The male ticks don’t need a blood meal since their life is over as adults but they hitch a ride on the deer to simply mate with the females.  One deer can nourish thousands of female ticks with their last blood meal before they lay their eggs.

The females will leave most of these tick eggs in the nests of white – footed mice.  These mice we must continue to eliminate ticks in the fallare prevalent around Central Mass homes and in every state where Lyme Disease is endemic.  The newly hatched eggs will become larvae in the spring.  The larvae ticks will need a blood meal to move onto the nymph stage later in the spring.  Their first blood meal is often taken from the mouse that provided them a home during the winter.

As for female mosquitoes, they will deposit their eggs in damp soil, tree knotholes and anywhere that spring rains will allow the eggs to hatch when the weather turns warm.  Like ticks, cold will not kill mosquito eggs.  Predation is their main enemy but there are few bugs or other insects out during the winter, so few eggs will be eliminated.

By eliminating adult ticks and mosquitoes in the fall, you can reduce their numbers in your yard next spring and summer.  October and November are the peak months for female ticks to get their last blood meal and lay their eggs.  You can learn more about the tick life cycle at the American Lyme Disease Foundation website discussing Deer Tick Ecology.

Even if you’re not currently using a tick and mosquito perimeter spray, you can still reduce ticks in your yard next spring.  A tick tube program is a highly effective method for eliminating the tick population in your yard before spring.  It is specifically designed to eliminate nymph ticks now that will be adults late next summer.  A one-time application a barrier spray now will reduce the adult population of both insects, thereby reducing the number of eggs they can lay in or near your yard.  Now is the best time to begin protecting your family and pets from infectious bites next spring.

Westminster Tick Control – Break the 2-Year Life Cycle of Ticks

You might think the fall is the end of tick season and that you will soon be protected from tick Westminster tick controlbites with the approaching colder weather.  If so, you are partially correct.

Ticks in Central Mass will begin to go dormant in weather below 45 degrees F. by hiding in the nests of white-footed mice.  No amount of cold will eliminate ticks and there’s one other fact you need to know about the fall and ticks.

A tick’s life cycle is usually 2-years long.  Ticks that were eggs last fall are now nymphs.  They have taken two blood meals to reach this stage in their life cycle.  Because of these two blood meals, often taken from several small animals or birds infected with Lyme Disease, they are now the most infectious to humans.  Next spring these nymphs will leave the mouse’s nest.  They will be the size of a poppy seed, making them difficult to see on our Westminster MA tick controlclothes and skin.  After their third blood meal next spring, they will become larger during mid-summer and be adults in the fall of next year.  At this last stage of their life cycle, the males will fertilize the females and the females will produce a new generation of ticks in your yard.

Westminster tick control is available now, to protect you next year.

Now is the time of year to interrupt the tick’s life cycle in your yard and reduce your exposure to nymph ticks next spring.  By using a tick tube program, you can eliminate ticks around your home even before next spring.  The tick tubes are placed out now will provide nesting material, treated with tick insecticide, the white-footed mouse will use to build its nest this winter.  This nesting material will eliminate ticks in the nest without harming the mice.  The net result is fewer ticks in your yard next spring and a head start at eliminating your family’s exposure to ticks all summer long.

When you sign up for Westminster tick control spray treatments next summer, it will eliminate tick control in Westminster MA85-90% of the ticks in your yard all summer long.  Treatments are scheduled at your convenience every 21 days.  The spray will eliminate newly hatched ticks, nymph ticks and adult ticks in your yard.  Ticks brought into your yard by any animals such as squirrels, raccoons, fox and deer will be eliminated by the spray.  Using the tick tube program now and the barrier spray next spring through next fall will reduce your exposure to tick-borne infections.

The town of Westminster has posted an online document explaining the Steps You Can Take in preventing ticks in your yard.  The document highlights the importance of using a licensed applicator in treating your yard to prevent ticks.  A link to a Tick Management Handbook published by the Centers for Disease Control and prevention is also in this informative document.

A licensed Westminster tick control spray applicator will be fully trained and qualified in providing the tick tube and barrier spray services you need to protect you, your family and pets.

Now Is The Time To Reduce Ticks In Your Yard Next Summer

You may think that ticks die off with cold weather in the winter.  A very cold winter means more ticks die off.

Many people still seem to have this notion but it’s not true.  Ticks become dormant in the winter but don’t die off.  Like most of nature, they are survivors and know how to do it very well.

During a tick’s 2-year life cycle, they go from an egg to a larva in their first year of life. reduce ticks in your yard for next summer nowLate in their first year, before winter, they are molting into nymphs.  In order to grow from larvae to nymphs they need their first blood meal.  Most will make this transition inside a white-footed mouse’s nest where they have warmth and an available blood supply to complete their transition into the nymph stage.  Birds may also make a suitable blood meal for them before seeking the warmth of the mouse’s nest for winter.

The following spring they will be fully developed nymphs and begin looking for their next blood meal.  It is at this time of the tick’s life that they are most likely to transmit Lyme Disease.  The time of year is usually May through mid-July in MA.

Their very small size and need for a blood meal will require both male and female ticks to get that meal anywhere they can.  They are able to hitch along on a mouse or human and continue to search for that blood meal until they have enough to molt again into an adult.  Nymphs will quest at this time by reaching out from grass and bushes hoping to attach to a warm-blooded mammal like your dog, coyote, fox, raccoon, their friend the white-footed mouse or you.

In many areas, the white-footed mouse population is 85-90% infected with the Lyme bacteria.  Taking a blood meal from an infected mouse in their nest guarantees the larvae tick or nymph tick is also infected with the bacteria.  Voles, squirrels and other rodents may also serve as meals and many carry the Lyme bacteria.

Two Year Cycle of TIcks

Scientists have been working on how to interrupt this cycle of the larvae becoming infected in the mouse’s nest and eliminating them at that point, before they become nymphs in their second year.  One effective method to do this is with tick tubes.  Each fall, mice look for nesting material to build or refresh their nests.  They need soft, lofty material in order to stay warm during the winter.  Ticks need a place to hide and stay warm as well and the thick material and mouse’s body heat make an ideal winter home for them.

Reduce ticks in your yard now with tick control tubes.

Tick tubes are designed to provide the nesting material for the mouse.  The cotton tick tube in gardenmaterial contains an insecticide that rubs on the mouse’s fur as it moves around in the nest.  This insecticide is not harmful to the mouse.  However, when a nymph tries to attach to the mouse for their blood meal it is prevented by the insecticide on the mouse’s fur.  The tick dies and the mouse is unharmed.  The net result is you have fewer ticks to deal with in your yard next spring and summer.

Using both a perimeter spray and tick tubes are a double whammy to your yard’s tick population.  Ticks that survive the winter, or are brought onto your property by other animals like raccoons, coyotes, fox, opossum, etc., are eliminated by the perimeter spray.  An EPA-approved professional tick control barrier spray will be 85-90% effective against ticks.  Adding tick tubes to your tick prevention program drops the total number of ticks down even before the spray is even applied the following spring.  In the end you, your family and your pets have a lower risk for tick-borne infections while enjoying your yard next summer.

Also read: Should I be worried about ticks at my suburban home?