3 Stages of Lyme Disease

The CDC estimates that there are up to 300,000 cases of confirmed and unconfirmed Lyme disease infections per year in the United States.

3 stages of Lyme disease
The black-legged/deer tick is responsible for Lyme disease.

Did you know that there are three stages of Lyme disease?  Each stage happens after a particular passage of time following a bite from an infected tick.  Though there are about 30,000 confirmed cases of Lyme in the U.S. each year, experts predict that most cases go unconfirmed.  Lyme can be difficult to diagnose.  Lyme can also lie dormant in the first two stages, only showing symptoms months or years after a tick bite.

What are the 3 stages of Lyme disease?

Stage 1: Early Localized Lyme

In this stage of infection, patients might notice a Lyme rash, often in the shape of a very defined bull’s eye.  This stage occurs within 30 days after a bite from an infected black-legged tick.  Other symptoms in this stage might be fever, chills, fatigue, headache, joint pain, and sore throat.  Early localized Lyme is treated with a round of strong antibiotics.  Most often, early localized Lyme disease can be cured with doxycycline.

Stage 1: Early Localized Lyme
Fever is often associated with early localized Lyme.

Stage 2: Early Disseminated Lyme

This stage of Lyme disease happens weeks or months after a bite from an infected deer tick.  Symptoms in this stage are a bit different and can be more sever than in stage one, because the bacteria is spreading through the body.  In stage two, patients can experience fever, conjunctivitis, memory loss, interrupted sleep, mood swings, and numbness in extremities.  Sufferers might feel as if they have a severe case of flu in stage two.

Stage 2: Early Disseminated Lyme
Flu-like symptoms often present in stage two.

Stage 3: Late Disseminated Lyme

Stage three of Lyme disease is also known as chronic Lyme.  If Lyme is left untreated or is not treated effectively in early stages, the disease becomes chronic.  Sufferers of chronic Lyme are left to treat various symptoms for life, and often find it difficult to receive proper medical care.  Some doctors even doubt the existence of chronic Lyme, leaving sufferers feeling alienated.  Specialized care is a must in this stage of Lyme disease.  Some of the symptoms are chronic arthritis, irregular heart rhythm, brain infection, seizures, and skin ailments.  Chronic Lyme has been mistaken for Alzheimer’s in some very prominent cases, like that of Kris Kristofferson.

Stage 3: Late Disseminated Lyme
Stage 3 sufferers will treat Lyme disease for life.

Other Lyme disease facts:

  1. It is estimated that about 70% of Lyme infections result in a bull’s eye rash.  That number is even less for kids at 10%.
  2. Dogs can contract Lyme disease, and most times remain uncured for life.
  3. Lyme disease in teens can cause suicidal tendencies.
  4. Early detection and treatment are the keys to preventing chronic infection.

Central Mass residents must protect themselves from the threat of infection with effective tick control.

Professional Central Mass tick control is our best ally in the fight against tick bites, and it is available all year long.  In the spring, summer, and fall, barrier tick spray is an essential part of Lyme disease prevention.  In the late fall and through the winter, tick tubes will carry on the fight, decreasing the number of ticks that will emerge in the spring.

Also read: Lyme Disease in Children and Teens

Opposing Forces in the Spread of Lyme Disease

There are two creatures in nature, which play opposing roles in the spread of Lyme disease.  Do you know what they are?

The word “rodent” does not usually give us a warm, fuzzy feeling.  Though, they are warm and fuzzy.  There is a sect of population, who keep rodents as pets.  Hamsters, gerbils, and guinea pigs are popular small pets.  Some people even keep mice and rats as pets.  Most of us wish to keep mice and rats out of our homes.  Did you know that mice can be way more dangerous in the outdoors than in?  Here’s why.

natures opposing forces spread of lyme

Mice are common spreaders of Lyme disease.

The white-footed mouse is perhaps the most common spreader of the bacterium that causes Lyme disease.  Ticks take their first blood meal from wild animals, including birds, and ground animals, like mice.  Up to 90% of white-footed mice are believed to carry Lyme-causing bacteria.  When a larval tick feeds on an infected mouse, he is ready to go to his next life stage.  In his next stage of life, the black-legged tick sets his sight on a different animal, many times humans, livestock, or pets.  Nymph ticks are so small, we often do not catch them until they have taken their blood meal from us.  Nymph ticks are the most prolific spreaders of tick-borne illnesses, including Lyme disease.

mice carry lyme bacteria
Mice spread Lyme disease, but can you catch it from mice?

Can you get Lyme disease from mice?

Lyme disease bullseye rash
Lyme bullseye rash after tick bite

Humans cannot catch Lyme disease directly from mice.  Ticks are the only vectors of Lyme disease.  Lyme disease is not contagious.  In order to contract this illness, you must receive a bite from an infected tick.  Mice do indirectly spread Lyme, but they cannot pass Lyme disease in any other way than through a tick.

Also read: Is Lyme disease only from tick bites?

Opossums fight against the spread of Lyme disease.

As opposed to mice, opossums aid in the fight against the spread of Lyme by devouring thousands and thousand of ticks each year.  Opossums are constant groomers and only one of these American marsupials can eat up to 4,000 ticks per week.  If you live in a wooded area, and see an opossum, don’t harm him.  He’s helping protect your family from Lyme disease!

opossum fight lyme disease
Opossums are not so cute or cuddly, but very effective in Lyme prevention.

Also read: Nature’s Ally in Lyme Prevention

Tick control never goes out of season.

tick tube in gardenBe on like the opossum, and protect your family from tick bites all year long with tick tubes.  Though the most active tick season is early spring through early fall, they still live and move in the winter.  You can protect your family in the “off season” by employing a professional Central Mass tick control company to deploy tick tubes around your home and property.  These biodegradable tubes are filled with cotton, which is treated with pesticide.  Mice will find the tubes, and take the treated cotton back to their nests.  When a larval tick attempts to feed on the mouse, the pesticide will eliminate the tick, literally halting the tick life cycle, and decreasing the tick population around your home.

Also read: Is Lyme disease curable?

How close are we to a Lyme disease vaccine in 2020?

While a Lyme vaccine for dogs has been available since 2009, there is still no vaccine available for humans.

deer ticks spread Lyme disease
Deer ticks spread Lyme disease to dogs and humans

The Nobivac Lyme vaccine for dogs went on the market in 2009.  This vaccine is recommended for dogs, which are at high infection risk.  That means dogs, who live in areas with large deer tick populations, like Central Massachusetts.  While Merck’s studies show the vaccine to be more than 99% safe, pet owners are still uncertain about allowing their dogs to get it.  Will we be receptive to a Lyme disease vaccine for humans?  When can we expect to see a Lyme vaccine?

The Lyme vaccine that was

A Lyme vaccine for humans was introduced in the late 1990’s, but was pulled from the market after only three years.  The vaccine was surrounded with uncertainty.  How long would it last?  Would we require a yearly booster?  Add to that, this Lyme vaccine had to be given with a series of shots over a one-year period before immunity was achieved.  There were also questionable side effects.

Lyme disease vaccine
Will a new Lyme disease vaccine be worth the risk?

Lyme vaccine update for 2020

Traditional vaccine approach underway
In 2017, the FDA fast-tracked Lyme vaccine trials by French biotech company, Valneva.  Phase one of their clinical trials showed promising results for efficacy and safety.  Joined by pharmaceutical giant, Pfizer in 2020, they are now co-developing the vaccine.  Phase two trials are underway now in North America and Europe.  This phase is expected to be completed any time, and results released within a few months.

Lyme vaccine 2020
One traditional Lyme vaccine is in clinical trials now

A new method of Lyme prevention is in the works
Vaccines work when proteins from the disease-causing agents are introduced to patients.  This triggers the body to begin producing an immune response by making antibodies to fight the disease.  One problem with this method is the time it takes for the human body to develop immunity.  Is a new approach the better answer for Lyme disease prevention?

Mark S. Klempner, MD, executive vice chancellor for MassBiologics and professor of medicine at University of Massachusetts Medical School, thinks so.  He is currently working to develop a method, which delivers an anti-Lyme antibody directly to the patient.  This eliminates the need for the lengthy response required for the body to build antibodies.  He says, “Unlike a vaccine, Lyme PrEP uses a single human antibody, or blood protein, to kill the bacteria in the tick’s gut while it takes its blood drink, before the bacteria can get into the human host.”   Dr. Klempner’s Lyme prevention would be a once-yearly injection.  This method of protection has show early promise, with a 100% success rate in mice.  Phase one clinical trials are set to begin late in 2020, with phases two and three following through 2022.

Lyme prevention in 2020

tick tubes for Lyme prevention
Tick tubes help reduce tick populations

Lyme disease prevention remains a non-clinical approach.  This means using tick protection when you are outdoors, and protecting your property with professional tick control barrier spray.  Reputable Central Mass tick control companies can provide tick protection all year long.  This means barrier tick sprays every couple of weeks from springtime through fall.  Then, using tick tubes in the fall and winter.  Not only will barrier spray eliminate up to 95% of the ticks in your yard, but tick tubes will break their life cycle to decrease the number of ticks that emerge in the spring.

Also read: Is Lyme disease only from ticks?

Is Lyme disease only from ticks?

Lyme disease is the most prevalent tick-borne illness.  Do you have to get a tick bite to get Lyme disease?

Yes, Lyme disease is only passed through a tick bite.  Ticks are not infected with Lyme.  The are carriers of the bacteria that cause Lyme disease.  Ticks that carry Borrelia burgdorferi and Borrelia mayonii, are the only culprits of Lyme disease transmission.  Lyme is not passed by any other animal.  Lyme is not contagious.  It is not passed from humans to animals.  It is not passed from animals to humans.  The fact that Lyme is so prevalent, yet is only passed through a tick bite, illustrates the impact of ever-growing tick populations.

do you have to get bitten by a tick to get lyme disease
Is Lyme disease only from ticks?

Also read: Are tick-borne diseases contagious?

Which ticks do not transmit Lyme disease?

wood ticks are not known to carry lyme disease
Wood ticks are not known to carry Lyme disease.

The bacteria that cause Lyme disease are transmitted through the bite of a deer tick, also known as a black-legged tick.  Ticks that can also be found in the United States, which do not transmit Lyme disease, are the brown dog tick, American dog tick, wood tick, and Lone Star tick.  But don’t go thinking those tick species are not harmful to humans and animals.  They transmit diseases, such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Tularemia, and Southern tick-associated rash illness.

Also read: Dog Tick vs. Deer Tick

Tick control is the single best prevention for Lyme disease.

tick tubes
Tick tubes offer year-round tick control.

The best method of preventing Lyme disease for your family is through tick control and personal protection.  This means that you should protect yourself with tick repellent and protective clothing when you are camping, hiking, or even spending a day at the beach.  Perform full-body tick checks after you are outdoors.  For simple at-home protection, hire a tick control company to treat all the areas outside your home in spring, summer, and fall.  Ultimate tick control measures can be taken with tick tubes in the winter.

Also read: Are tick-borne illnesses on the rise in Massachusetts?

Is Lyme disease curable?

Lyme disease is by far the most prevalent tick-borne disease.  Is Lyme disease curable?

There is a lot of confusion around Lyme disease, even though it is widely known, and much talked about.  Even experts cannot come to agreement about Lyme.  Some doctors still do not believe that chronic Lyme disease is real.  Many with chronic Lyme are dismissed as having psychological illness.

Is Lyme disease curable?
Can Lyme disease be cured?

Is Lyme disease curable?

The good news is that Lyme disease is a curable tick-borne illness.  If caught early, Lyme disease can be cured with antibiotics within a few weeks or a couple of months.  The bad news is, since there is no Lyme vaccination, it is only preventable by following personal tick protection protocols.  Humans are likely to become complacent about tick protection when outdoors, whether hiking or going to the beach.  We forget or simply avoid using tick repellent or clothing that will help us not become a tick magnet.

Is Lyme disease able to be cured?
Lyme disease is curable if it is caught early

How do you know if you have Lyme disease?

Early symptoms of Lyme disease are a lot like the flu.  You might experience body aches, fever, chills, and fatigue.  Contrary to popular believe, Lyme disease does not always include a bulls-eye rash.  This is one of the biggest reasons that people put off being tested for Lyme, choosing to just let the flu run its course.  If diagnosis and treatment are delayed, chronic Lyme can be a very real threat.  Chronic Lyme could mean a lifetime of treating symptoms, and result in a lengthy diagnosis process if you do not quickly seek the help of a Lyme specialized doctor.  Lyme disease is diagnosed with a series of blood tests.  If you have been outdoors in high tick season, and begin to feel flu-like symptoms, it is always best to go to the doctor to rule Lyme in or out as early as possible.

Is Lyme curable?
Blood tests will tell you whether or not you have Lyme disease

Central MA tick control for Lyme prevention

Dave Macchia, tick control enthusiast
Dave Macchia, Central Mass tick control enthusiast

The single best thing you can do for your home and family in the prevention of Lyme, is to employ a reputable tick control company.  Complete barrier tick protection should be applied to your property about every two to three weeks from April through October.  In cold weather months, you can choose to have your tick control experts place tick tubes around your property.  Tick tubes are essential in controlling the tick population in the springtime.  By breaking up the tick life cycle in the cold months, you will see less ticks when warm weather comes back around.  Year-round tick control is a great investment in your family’s health and safety!

Also read: Are tick-borne diseases contagious?

Elena Delle Donne: Chronic Lyme Disease Medical Exemption Denied by WNBA

WNBA superstar, Delle Donne, takes 64 pills per day to manage chronic Lyme disease.  The league’s panel of doctors denied her medical exemption request due to COVID-19.

When asked if she thought her superstar player status swayed the doctors’ decision to keep her active, Delle Donne said that she hopes that this is a case of having “Lyme illiterate doctors” on the panel.  Lyme disease is still greatly misunderstood by many in the medical community.  Some doctors still claim that there is no such thing as chronic Lyme disease, attributing its symptoms to other diagnoses, including mental illness.  In an open letter, Delle Donne says, “Taking 64 pills a day is the only way to keep my condition under any sort of control. It’s the only way to keep myself healthy enough to play the game that I love — healthy enough to do my job and earn the paycheck that supports my family.” This medical opt-out denial could mean that Donne either must play and risk her health during COVID-19 or sit out games without pay.

How could this affect others with chronic Lyme disease?

Doctors have only recently made the comorbidity correlation between chronic Lyme and COVID-19.  Delle Donne’s medical exemption denial is proof that not all doctors are onboard with the comorbidity stance.  It also could reflect a greater issue that could ripple down to other professions.  Consider teachers and school staff, who might soon be expected to return to school.  If chronic Lyme disease is not recognized as a co-morbid COVID-19 condition, we could see educators, administrators, school nurses, and bus drivers be denied medical exemptions.  Would anyone like to face a decision of giving up their livelihood to potentially save their life?

chronic Lyme disease

Prevention is key for COVID-19 and Lyme disease.

The CDC has guidelines to help prevent contracting COVID-19 and Lyme disease.  Of course, we have all become very familiar with coronavirus prevention methods.  The three W’s: WEAR your mask, WASH your hands, WATCH your distance.  As for the prevention of Lyme, there are essential practices, which can help keep you safe.  When you are enjoying the outdoors, wear long sleeves and pants to protect your skin.  Consider protecting yourself and your family with tick repellent spray and clothing.  When you return from outdoors, check yourself, your children, and your pets for ticks.

wear mask covid-19

At-home Central Mass tick protection.

Protecting your home and family from the threat of Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses means treating your yard with barrier tick protection.  Reputable tick control companies will treat all the areas around your home with an EPA-registered solution that will eliminate up to 95% of ticks in your yard.  These solutions will knock down ticks on contact and continue working with a time-released formula for a couple of weeks at a time.  Regular sprays throughout spring, summer, and fall will keep your family safe.  Tick tubes in the fall and winter will do even more to control the tick population around your home by thwarting the tick life cycle.  Since we do not have a Lyme disease vaccine, prevention is our best hope.

Lyme Disease Diagnosis for Justin Bieber

Lyme disease, often mis-diagnosed, has taken a new very public victim.

Justin Bieber speaks about his Lyme disease diagnosis in his new YouTube documentary.

Superstar, Justin Bieber, recently announced his very private battle with debilitating chronic anxiety, Epstein-Barr, and Lyme disease ahead of his new docuseries on YouTube.  Leading a public life and being on tour brought his overall health and well-being to a halt, leading to the remainder of his last tour being completely canceled.  All this prefaced him seeking medical help, and led to the eventual positive diagnosis.  Justin says that he is, “battling and OVERCOMING.

Lyme disease is often mis-diagnosed

Lyme disease bullseye rash
Bullseye rash after tick bite

Lyme symptoms are vast and varied!  They are not the same for every person, and can be very different in children and adults.  If a person is bitten, and contracts Lyme, the bullseye rash is not always present.  Without the telltale rash, many victims of Lyme don’t even realize they have been bitten by an infected tick.  All the while, the Lyme bacteria are spreading throughout the nervous system, joints, and even the heart.  They might be asymptomatic for a very long time, or might present Lyme symptoms that mimic other diseases, such as arthritis and mental illness.  Joint pain, fatigue, brain fog, and major behavioral changes are just a few of the vague symptoms of Lyme.  Delayed treatment results in a lifelong battle for many.  Treatment can also become a lifelong battle for those, who are diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease.

More information: Lyme Disease Treatment

children and teens with Lyme
There is much mystery surrounding Lyme disease diagnosis and treatment.

Like many sufferers of post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome, Justin has been harshly criticized for his appearance and mental state.  This stigma causes many undiagnosed Lyme victims to suffer in silence.  They are often doubted and ridiculed by family, friends, and even their doctors.  “It’s all in your head,” is actually a fair statement in regards to Lyme.  It can be “in your head” – meaning that chronic Lyme can most definitely present in extreme mood swings.  Aided by the frustration of alienation before receiving proper medical care and a clear diagnosis, these behavioral symptoms can compound.  Many PTLDS sufferers admit to having been suicidal – this is especially true in teens.

With the prevalence of ticks in Massachusetts, it is imperative that you protect your family from the threat of Lyme and other tick-borne illnesses with year-round tick control and protection.