Lyme disease: Rapid testing in 2020?

Lyme disease testing has long been a lengthy process.  Thanks to researchers at Cornell University, that could be changing.

Anyone, who has ever undergone Lyme disease testing, knows the perils of getting a clear diagnosis.  They are also familiar with how involved the process of testing for Lyme antibodies is.  Researchers at Cornell’s McGovern Center are working to drastically shorten the process of diagnosing Lyme.

Lyme disease
New Lyme disease test could be on the horizon

Scientists are hopeful the new Lyme detection testing will be available by late 2020

With more than 30,000 reported cases of Lyme disease each year, and an estimated ten times that amount un-reported, these new testing methods could mean faster treatment of Lyme, with fewer cases of chronic disease symptoms.  The majority of Lyme cases are cured with a short course of doxycycline, but rapid detection is key.

chronic Lyme disease
New testing method can reportedly detect whether an infection is new or old

Not only is the new rapid Lyme detection testing able to detect new infections, it can also identify old infections, as Lyme antibodies can linger for decades.  This means that those, who might never have been diagnosed with Lyme, but have suffered symptoms for years, could now get a diagnosis.

Current Lyme testing, even on patients with the disease-identifying bullseye rash, can take weeks

Lyme disease bullseye rashLyme disease marker proteins are present in very low levels, and are difficult to detect.  For this reason, multiple tests are required to achieve a clear diagnosis, even on patients, who already have symptoms.  The new test is purported to identify those disease markers directly with one small blood sample.  The rapid test targets a protein that provides an “active-protein fingerprint” left by Lyme-causing bacteria.  The new test is said to be moving from the lab, and onto approvals, production, and finally doctors’ offices in 2020, thanks to a FuzeHub grant.

The prevalence of Lyme is in the northeastern United States

Most cases of Lyme disease happen right in our own backyards.  The northeastern U.S. has the highest incidences of this nasty disease, with most infections occurring between the months of May and October.  Central mass tick control is important for your family’s health, not just for Lyme, but other tick-borne illnesses like Babesiosis and Powassan virus.  I implore you to use Permethrin and  perform a tick check after a day spent hiking, at the park, or at the beach – for your whole family, even pets!  I also recommend at-home tick protection.

6 thoughts on “Lyme disease: Rapid testing in 2020?”

  1. Pingback: Lyme Disease » Lyme Disease Declare Epidemic in Massachusetts
  2. Pingback: Lyme Disease: Deer Aren’t The Only Villains » Lyme Disease Central MA
  3. Pingback: Lyme Disease Testing » Diagnosis » Treatment » Chronic Lyme

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