Andover MA Tick Control & Lyme Disease Prevention

Here in New England, the word “tick” is practically synonymous with Lyme disease.

It’s so bad here that it was officially declared an epidemic in Massachusetts in 2015. And while everybody wants to be No. 1 at something, Andover leading the region in Lyme disease cases isn’t exactly anything anybody wants to brag about around here.

Andover MA tick control

But ticks are more than just Lyme disease carriers, though that’s the most well-known tick-borne illness in these parts. There are actually much more serious things one can catch from infected ticks, such as the rare Powassan virus, which is indeed present in our state. Then there’s Babesiosis, which is dangerous to both humans and dogs. You can even get paralysis from a tick bite. The list goes on. The gist, though, is that ticks are nothing to mess around with.

The Massachusetts Health Department has some general information about ticks and tick-borne illnesses and how to check yourself for ticks which is good information to have, but wouldn’t you rather avoid these little suckers all together?

More information > How to make a tick kit

Knowing there are so many dangerous tick-borne diseases out there can be enough to make one not want to go outside at all. But nobody should live like a hermit because of this. While I always encourage tick safety precautions, there’s definitely a way to enjoy the outdoors without becoming a total shut-in, and that is with professional tick control.

tick control Andover MA

As it turns out, time-released traditional barrier sprays that are specially developed to eliminate mosquitoes by 90% also work to eliminate up to up to 95% of adult ticks and fleas on contact. But reputable tick control experts take it to another level when it comes to ticks, because the safety of you and your loved ones is top priority.

Step One in Andover MA Tick Control

Your Andover MA tick control professional will begin with the same tick control methods as a mosquito barrier treatment — they will treat your entire property from the perimeter inward, covering all surfaces including decks (including the underside of them), rocks, landscaping, wood piles, garden gnomes, and foliage (avoiding flowers, of course). Givinge extra special attention to the areas where ticks like to hang out, such as tall grassy areas, where they’re usually breeding, resting, and well . . . waiting for dinner. It’s their job to make sure you’re not on the menu.

Andover Mass tick control

A tick control barrier spray is time released, which means it eliminates ticks, mosquitoes, and other biting insects on contact and keeps on working for three weeks, because it sticks to whatever it’s sprayed onto. That way, it prevents mosquito and tick eggs from hatching and further populating your yard, while also acting as a “force field” that eliminates any new bugs that encounter it.

But Andover Mass tick control doesn’t stop there.

Andover MA Tick Control: Step Two

Lyme Disease Andover MAWhile it’s true that not all ticks are carriers of scary diseases, the only way to know which ones are and aren’t carriers is after you’re bitten, and then you wait to see if you get any symptoms. Why take that gamble at all? That’s why tick control professionals prefer to err on the safe side and use a proactive approach in the tactic of tick tubes, which are small, biodegradable tubes stuffed with a treated cotton that are strategically placed around you yard. Mice and other small animals love this stuff and bring it back to their nests/burrows to make them nice and cozy. When a tick decides to make a meal out of one of these small animals, it is eliminated shortly afterward. It’s with this strategy that you can go “straight to the source” and get rid of these little monsters before they come anywhere near you, your family, or pets. By using this two-step Andover MA tick control strategy, your’re able to eliminate the tick population in your yard by up to 90%.

If You’re More Into The “Greener” Way of Life

natural tick control Andover MAProfessional tick protection products are EPA registered, but I understand there are some people who want to be as eco-friendly as possible. Not a problem. Reputable tick control companies have specially developed an all-natural tick control solutions with essential oils. While it’s more of a repellent than an eliminator, an all-natural formula is still highly effective — most folks notice a reduction in mosquitoes, ticks, and other yard pests by up to 80% using this method. Also time released, I highly recommend reapplication every two weeks instead of the three that our traditional barrier spray would need.

Simply, the best tick-borne disease prevention for your family in Andover, Mass, is with professional, year-round tick control efforts.