What to Do if You Find a Tick on You

So, you found a tick.  It’s embedded in your flesh.  What do you do now?

This is an all-too-common scenario in Central Massachusetts.  Growing tick populations see us trying to avoid ticks every trip outdoors, even in our own backyards.  The good news is, there are many ways to protect ourselves from ticks.  Personal tick repellent and protective clothing are recommended when hiking, camping, or going to the beach.  Professional at-home tick control will keep you safer at home.  Even so, our efforts can never achieve 100% protection against ticks.  Here is what to do if you find a tick on you or a family member.

What if you find a tick on you?
What to do if you find a tick on you.

Remove the tick.

remove tick with tweezer
Remove the tick with tweezers, not peppermint oil.

Contrary to popular belief, heating the tick or slathering it in peppermint oil are not proper methods of tick removal.  All that is required for tick removal is a pair of tweezers.  According to the CDC, fine-tipped tweezers should be used to grasp the tick as close to your skin as possible.  Pull up with even pressure, and do not twist the tweezers.  Choose your method of disposal, but do not crush the tick with your fingers.  Wrap it tightly in tape, soak it in alcohol, or flush it.  Be sure to clean the bite area thoroughly with alcohol and follow up with warm soap and water.

Should you keep the tick to have it tested?

While you can save the tick to have it tested for disease, the CDC also does not recommend it as a standard practice.  Stating that lab tests are often erroneous, and might not be helpful in determining your risk for disease, they recommend disposal instead.

What should you do after the tick is removed and disposed of?

watch for Lyme symptoms after tick bite
Not all cases of Lyme disease have a bull’s eye rash.

Watch for symptoms of illness for the next 30 days.  For Lyme disease, this could be the telltale bull’s eye rash, but many cases of Lyme do not present with the rash.  You should also watch for other symptoms, such as extreme fatigue, body aches, fever, and joint pain.  Seek medical help at the first sign of any symptom you believe might be related to your tick bite.

You must be bitten by a tick to become infected with Lyme disease or other tick-borne illnesses.  If you find a tick crawling on your skin, you are not susceptible to infection.  If you do find a tick embedded in your skin, know that most times, unless a tick has been attached for at least 36 hours, you likely will not get Lyme disease.  Be vigilant anyway.

Do you need an antibiotic after a tick bite?

The CDC also does not recommend antibiotic treatment for everyone after a tick bite.  Speak with your physician.  Your doctor might recommend a dose of doxycycline as a preventive measure.

Also read: Is DEET better than picaridin for hiking?

Even though we are coming to the end of high “tick season” there are steps you can take to make your yard safer all year long and next spring.  Call your Central Mass tick control professional to ask about tick tubes for ultimate tick protection for your family.

Is a tick a spider?

A tick is not a spider, a spider is not a tick, but both ticks and spiders are arachnids.

Arachnids are defined as wingless, antennae-less carnivores in the Arachnida class of invertebrates.  Neither ticks or spiders are insects.  Insects are made up of three body parts.  They have a head, thorax, and abdomen.  Insects also have three sets of legs.  Spiders are made up of two body parts – a cephalothorax and abdomen.  Ticks’ bodies are not segmented.  Spiders and ticks have four sets of jointed legs.  This is probably the most commonly-known comparison between the two.

Is a tick a spider?
Is a tick a spider?

Are ticks and spiders deadly?

Ticks and spiders are some of the most dangerous invertebrates on the planet.  A bite from a tick or a spider can cause a reaction, illness, or eventual death.  The most toxic spider in the world is the funnel web spider.  A bite from this spider can cause death within a day’s time.  No one has died from this spider’s bite since 1981.  Ticks carry dangerous diseases, which can be passed to humans, pets, wild animals, and livestock.  Powassan virus is a potentially deadly tick-borne illness.  Though rare, Powassan can cause encephalitis.  Severe cases have a death rate of 10%.

is a tick a spider
Are ticks and spiders deadly?

Other notable arachnids.

Ticks and spiders are in good company as arachnids.  Other well-known arachnids are daddy long-legs, mites, and scorpions.  Scorpions are probably feared more than spiders for their alleged deadliness.  Did you know that of the 1,500 species of scorpions only 25 are considered toxic enough to kill humans?  Even so, the most dangerous scorpions actually can’t kill healthy adults.  They are dreadful-lookingful-looking

a tick is an arachnid like a scorpion
Ticks, spiders, and scorpions are all arachnids.

See more tick and Lyme disease questions and answers:

Prevent tick-borne illness with tick control.

With growing numbers of ticks ancaseses tick-born diseases, we must remain vigilant in our known methods of prevention.  There are no vaccines for illnesses, such as Lyme disease and Powassan virus.  There are limited cures or treatments for those afflicted with dangerous tick-borne diseases.

tick control Andover MA
Professional Central MA tick control

We must practice personal tick protection while out of doors, away from our homes.  Use tick repellent spray, or wear tick repellent clothing.  Wear long sleeves and pants, rather than shorts, while hiking.  At home, our best prevention is hiring a trusted tick control company to treat our yard and all the areas around our homes.  Central Mass tick control companies even offer tick control in the winter, which will help lower the number of ticks that emerge in the spring.  An ounce of tick prevention is definitely worth a pound of cure!

Also read: Is Lyme disease curable?

Are you a tick magnet?

Many Central Mass residents wonder what makes them a total tick magnet.  Are you one?

Central MA tick controlThose, who love the outdoors, might often encounter dreaded ticks.  Perhaps you have found ticks on yourself, your kids, or your pets this year.  There is no doubt that tick populations are on the rise in Central Massachusetts.  Not only are there more ticks, but over the last few years we have seen ticks that were not previously found here.  Science says that global warming is a big reason that ticks are migrating farther and living longer.  Are you doing things that make you an utter tick magnet?  Do you find them often after a hike or backyard barbecue?  Have you found them on your children or pets?  Here are three things that can make you and your family tick magnets.

Hiking in shorts can make you a tick magnet.

Even in hot weather months, I highly recommend wearing long pants and long sleeves when you venture out into nature.  Arm yourself with a layer of protection against ticks by covering your skin.  This is not to say that you won’t encounter a tick, but it will be less likely to attach to your skin if you are wearing clothes to protect you.  You should also use tick repellent when hiking, camping, or spending time outdoors in Central Mass.

hiking in shorts can make you a tick magnet
Hiking in shorts can make you a tick magnet

Not protecting your dog with flea and tick repellent can make him a tick magnet.

There are a number of avenues by which you can protect your four-legged family members from ticks.  Whether you choose to put them on a doctor prescribed regimen or apply topical repellent, you should always be sure to keep them protected year-round.  Dogs are susceptible to tick-borne illnesses too, such as Anaplasmosis.  Plus, the fact that they are covered in fur makes is more difficult to spot a tick until it has already taken a blood meal, at which time it could have infected your dog with a harmful disease.

dogs can be tick magnets too
Dogs can be tick magnets too

Not protecting your yard with Central Mass tick control can make your yard a tick magnet.

kids can be tick magnets
Don’t let your kids be tick magnets

The best thing you can do for your home and family to keep them safe from ticks, is hire a reputable tick control company, who offers barrier tick spray.  This level of protection is the best available for you yard.  It includes spraying EPA-registered insecticide around the perimeter of your lawn, working in towards your home to cover all areas.  Effective Central Mass tick control will knock down ticks on contact and continue working for a few weeks between sprays.  If you love spending time outside your Central Mass home, tick protection for your yard is a must.  What’s more, you can protect your home all year long with tick tubes in the fall and winter.  Tick tubes will break the tick life cycle to help reduce the number of ticks that will emerge in the spring.

Impact of Wildfires on Tick Populations

With recent worldwide media coverage of the Australian wildfires, we have seen first-hand the impact on koalas. What do the fires mean for tick populations?

Will there be a reduction in ticks?  There are actually a few ways that insects, including ticks, will be affected by these vast fires.  Perhaps the effect will not be fully felt for years.

marlborough ma tick control

Slow-moving insects will be unable to escape the fires.

Of course, flying insects stand a much better chance of getting away from forest fires.  Any slow-moving, crawling insects that are in areas of the Australian wildfires will not be able to escape.  Beetles, for instance, might have smaller populations focused in smaller areas where the fire has left every inch of forest charred in its wake.  It is believed that some rarer species of insects could become extinct, but it could take years to determine insect extinctions caused by these fires.  Ticks, among slow crawlers, which attach themselves to leaves and underbrush on the forest floor, will be eliminated in areas of fire.


Southern states in the U.S. have actually decreased tick populations with fire.

Though it is not as prevalent over the last few years as it used to be, Georgia and other southern U.S. states have seen great reductions in tick populations resulting from yearly scheduled controlled burning of forest underbrush.  There, the most prominent tick is the Lone Star tick. Controlled burns are typically done to rid forests of potential wildfire tinder, in an effort to prevent large brush fires like those we have been seeing in Australia.  As an aside, those fires work to decrease tick populations, and lessen the odds of tick-borne illnesses.

will wildfires affect tick populations

What other impact might wildfires have on insect populations?

Aside from burning insects out of house and home, wildfires can have a several other effects on populations.  For instance, insects, which feed on certain vegetation will see a decline in their food sources.  On the flip side, flies, which by nature work to decompose animals and vegetation, will see short-term benefits after the fires.  Ash debris and loss of forest shade over streams will have a negative affect on near-water-dwelling insects, such as mayflies.  Areas of streams that are open to sunlight will lose their healthy levels of humidity required for stream ecology.

It is not wise for us to depend upon burning of forest underbrush, or sweeping wildfires to eliminate Central Mass tick populations.  The best tick protection you can offer your family in Central Mass is with professional tick control.

What do ticks look like? Can they swim?

Ticks are common in Central Mass, and most of our residents have come in contact with one at one time or another.

In many ways, ticks elude us.  What do ticks look like?  Do ticks have wings?  Can ticks swim? Even though ticks are rampant in our area, many of us still have questions about tick habits and physical traits.  Folks still wonder if they fly.  How they survive winter.  Here is a common list of tick questions and answers.

what do ticks look like?


What do ticks look like?What do ticks look like?

Ticks are arachnids, just like spiders.  This means they have four sets of legs.  They are in the sub class Acari, along with mites.  Their coloring can range from light gray-ish white, brown, black, yellow, and brownish-red.  Ticks are a flat, oval shape when not engorged with a tasty blood meal.

nymph ticks are the size of sesame seedsHow big are ticks?

Ticks have three distinct life stages throughout their two-year life cycle.  Larvae ticks are very small, and can be unnoticeable.  In this stage of life, they are about the size of a grain of sand.  In their next stage of life, nymph ticks have grown to the size of a sesame seed.  Adult ticks are similar in size to an apple seed.

Do ticks have wings?

ticks do not have wingsTicks do not have wings.  They do not fly or jump.  Ticks quest by attaching themselves to plants or limbs.  They hold on to leaves and grass with two sets of their legs, and outstretch their other legs awaiting a host to pass.  If you are wondering how ticks cover so much territory, it is because they are transported by their hosts – animals and humans.  The sheer number of ticks in Central Mass might make it seem like they are fast travelers.  This is untrue without a host.  Ticks are just – everywhere!

Can ticks swim?

This is an interesting question, and a common one!  While ticks do not swim, they can survive submerged in water for two to three days.  Do not try to kill ticks by drowning them in the bathtub or swimming pool.  The only surefire method of destroying a tick in water, is by flushing them down the toilet.

Also read: What repels ticks naturally?

Do ticks die in the winter?

Do ticks die in the winter?No, they do not!  Even in cold Central Mass winter temperatures, ticks are resourceful and will survive in nests of other animals or even underground.  Ticks will lie dormant in winter, waiting for warm weather to return, so they can invade our favorite outdoor spaces.

can a tick bite kill you?Can a tick bite kill you?

Tick bites can result in illnesses, such as Lyme disease, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, which can make us very sick.  Powassan virus is another tick-borne illness, which can cause a deadly brain infection.  Even people, who have lived through Powassan can remain ill, or even die from the effects.  Recently in North Carolina, former US Senator, Kay Hagan, died three years after contracting Powassan, which resulted in Encephalitis.  She remained ill for three years before passing away.

Ticks are not just a nasty nuisance in Central Massachusetts.  They are effective questing insects, who live for their next blood meal.  The single best way to protect your family is with year-round Central Mass tick protection, which includes tick tubes in the winter.

Ticks are much like Game of Thrones’ Night King!

Ticks are no good for ANYONE. They prey on our families, our pets, and even our livestock. Will you be stuck trying to remove a tick from yourself or a loved one this year, and hope that said tick has not left devastation behind?

As we inch towards the series finale of Game of Thrones, I started thinking about how I might compare Central Mass ticks to the once-feared, mysterious Night King. Here are some comparisons between the two!

Central Mass ticks and the Night King are u-g-l-y, and they ain’t got no alibi!

Most obvious of all, the Night King is hideous and scary looking. The same can be said of ticks! Not only are ticks gross on the outside, but they have a mouthful of hooks that allow them to DIG IN to your flesh, and burrow!

Your sacrifice is required for their reproduction, just like the Night King built his army of Wights!

Female ticks take a few blood meals during their life cycle. They require their last blood meal in order to reproduce, and create more blood-sucking, disease spreading ticks! In search of their blood meal, they will latch on to your flesh, sink their hooks in you, and can transfer very harmful diseases, like Lyme disease.

Central Mass ticks can survive the winter, just like the Night King!

Contrary to popular belief, ticks do not die in winter. Reputable Central Massachusetts tick prevention professionals have solutions, such as tick tubes, which will continue to eliminate ticks “out of season” and control the tick population in your yard during the next spring and summer!

Do ticks survive winter?
Like the Night King, Central Mass ticks easily survive winter!

Don’t say, “Dracarys!” Fire will not help you remove a tick – just like dragonfire won’t kill the Night King!

You do NOT want to burn ticks to get them out of your skin. Never put yourself, your loved one, or your pet in harm’s way by trying to burn a tick to remove it. This cannot end well! How should your remove a tick?

Steel vanquished the Night King, and will help you vanquish your tick!

Tweezer tick removal
Proper tick removal requires tweezers.

Valyrian steel not required! For that matter, please not your most effective weapon will not be a dagger. All you need is a nice pair of tweezers to remove and dispose of your tick.

My goal is always to inform you about the dangers of ticks in Central Mass. The best way to control them, and to keep your family safe, is to prevent them in the first place. As they say, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”