Tick Control Expert Recommendations for Avoiding Tick Bites

Ever pondered the best methods of avoiding tick bites and potential Lyme infection?

Recommendations for Avoiding Tick Bites and Lyme InfectionLyme disease is an infection transmitted by ticks.  The risk of Lyme disease is year round; but the highest risk window is late spring into early summer.

Over 300,000 new cases of Lyme disease are estimated to occur every year in the United States. That makes Lyme disease the most frequent tick-borne infection in North America. The ticks that transmit Lyme disease, deer ticks, are very small and difficult to see. They’re about the size of a pinhead when they come out in late spring and early summer.

Also read: Does vinegar repel ticks?

Here are five tips for avoiding tick bites and getting Lyme disease.

  1. 5 steps for avoiding tick bitesCreate a tick-free zone around your house: Keep your lawn well-manicured; the shorter, the better. Create a tick barrier between your lawn and taller grasses or brush by using materials unfriendly to ticks, like gravel. Eliminate mouse habitats throughout your property. And add a deer fence to protect your garden.
  2. Enjoy the outdoors safely: Avoid exposure to ticks in wooded, overgrown areas. Stay on marked trails when hiking and don’t veer off course into unknown vegetation. Stay clear of tall grass and un-cleared areas of the forest floor. When going for a hike, stay in the middle of the paths, away from the high grass and brush that may be on the edges of the trail.
  3. Protect yourself, your children, and your pets by wearing protective clothing treated with tick pesticides and treating your skin with insect repellent: Wearing protective clothing is often your best defense. Dress with long sleeves, long pants tucked into socks, and shoes. Do not wear sandals or open-toed footwear. And use insect repellent such as DEET on the body or Permethrin on clothes.
  4. Perform tick checks after coming in from the outdoors and showering: The risk of getting Lyme disease is greater the longer a tick is attached. Therefore, doing tick checks as soon as possible is important so they can be removed before they transmit Lyme disease. Be sure to shower daily. Common sites of tick attachment are behind your knees, underarms, scalp, navel, groin, buttocks and back. The most important thing to remember is to get ticks off of you before they attach and have the chance to transmit Lyme disease.
  5. Remove ticks immediately by grasping them with a tweezer and pulling them off of the skin: The quickest way to remove a tick is with tweezers. Grasp the tick between the head of the tick and the skin and pull firmly but gently away. Sometimes, this will leave behind small black mouthparts of the tick in the skin – but don’t be concerned, these small mouthparts do not transmit Lyme disease and should be left alone. Never try to dig out the mouthparts of the tick with any type of needle or blade, just leave them in place and they will work their way out on their own.

Practicing these five tips can help you enjoy our vast and great outdoors safely, help you to avoid tick bites, and consequently help you to avoid getting Lyme disease.

Leave Nothing To Chance By Subscribing To Professional Tick Control To Protect Your Yard And Home

Central Mass tick controlAs the age old axiom goes, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”  By employing the protective tick control services of your local expert, a little precaution before a tick-infested crisis occurs is preferable to dealing with a tick bite aftermath.

Also read: Can you get Lyme disease in the fall or winter?

How do ticks get in your house?

Ticks Can Invade Your Life and Your House By Latching Onto Your Pet Dog

Your dog can transport ticks inside your home
Your dog can transport ticks inside your home

It wasn’t until I became an adult that I realized how simply sinister and awful ticks are.  Growing up in the city, our prey du jour were mice.  I have since learned that ticks frequently attach themselves to furry animals, including pets, when outdoors, especially in backyards when they frequent damp, tall grassy areas of your property.  Then the ticks hitch a ride on your pets and are transported into your home – something none of us want!

How Ticks Catch Free Rides On Your Pets

One way ticks get in your house by attaching to your dog by inserting their mouthparts into their skin. After attaching to your dog, ticks begin feeding on your dog’s blood. The places where ticks attach can become red and irritated.

How do ticks end up in your home?
How can you keep ticks off your dog?

On occasion, ticks can consume enough of your dog’s blood to cause a deficiency called anemia. Certain female ticks can also cause a rare paralysis in dogs as a result of a toxin they produce while feeding. More importantly, ticks are capable of causing many diseases in your pet. The disease with which most people are familiar is called Lyme disease. Another is Rocky Mountain spotted fever.

Why Is Lyme Disease A Danger To My Pets?

Tick transmitted Lyme disease can cause arthritis and swelling of your dog’s joints, resulting in painful lameness. Rocky Mountain spotted fever can cause fever, lameness, and other symptoms. There are also other diseases that ticks can transmit to your dog. Your veterinarian can answer questions about the diseases that are important where you live.

How Can I Prevent My Dog From Getting Ticks?

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to prevent your dog’s exposure to ticks. Ticks can attach to your dog when he or she goes with you on walks, hikes, or during any outdoor activities. The longer your dog is left unattended in your backyard, the greater the risk.

The best way to prevent ticks from attaching to your dog is by the regular use of tick control products. Your veterinarian can advise you about the best product for your dog and your situation. Your veterinarian is also aware of diseases that are common in your area and can pose a risk to your dog.

If you have a tick problem in your yard consider:

  1. tick controlHaving your backyard and surrounding property professionally treated with professional Wilmington tick control. This is the best alternative to second-guessing what over the counter solutions may be best for tick control and eliminating concern for how you may be negatively impacting the environment.
  2. Make a landscape or seasonal decor change to make the environment less tick friendly.  This can be done by providing a 3-foot buffer between your lawn and any wooded areas in your yard.  Mulch, wood chips, or gravel work well, and help to decrease the migration of ticks into yards.

Also read: Does Lyme disease have a season?

Tick Control or Turning Vegan – The Choice is Yours!

If a tick bites you, you may never enjoy meat again.

Are you the kind of person that lives for celebrating summer outdoors?  Do you look forward to heading to see the Boston Red Sox take on their hardball adversaries at Fenway Park while chomping down on a delicious, sizzling hot dog, smothered in sauerkraut, onions and mustard?

Alpha-Gal Syndrome means no hotdogs!
Alpha-Gal means no hotdogs – ever again.

If yes, you better pray you don’t get a tick bite.

Or if summer means outdoor grilling a well-marbled New York Strip or gourmet burger cooked to medium rare perfection on your Weber grill, make sure a tick never lands on you – or it may be the last piece of red meat you’ll ever enjoy.

Tick control or going vegan - the choice is yours!
Tick control or going vegan – the choice is yours!

Not more than a week ago, The New York Times published a story which has opened the eyes of many meat-eating outdoor enthusiasts. Titled “The Tick That Causes a Meat Allergy Is on the Move,” it tells the horrific true story of how a Lone Star Tick bit a nurse (of all people) and what ensued afterwards.

She woke up one morning in bed only to find that her legs had tuned “beetroot red.” What was the trigger for this past unknown malady? A cheeseburger. Swear to God.

After being bitten by the tick, she was diagnosed with Alpha-Gal Syndrome, an allergic reaction to mammal meats like pork, beef and lamb, which growing evidence shows can be triggered by a tick bite.

Researchers have traced the syndrome to the Lone Star Tick, named for the signature white splotch, or “lone star,” on the female’s back. They’re historically found in the southern United States, but increasingly, these arachnids are being spotted in parts of the Midwest and the Northeast, even Central Massachusetts.

This species is still present in Massachusetts and is responsible for the spread of tularemia, ehrlichiosis, and southern tick-associated rash illness. Exposure to the Lone Star tick often results in allergies to red meat as well, as documented by The Times.

The tick’s territory is expanding, thanks in part to global warming. With more hot days each year, the ticks, which thrive in warm and humid conditions, have more time to feed on their hosts and reproduce. At the same time, alpha-gal diagnoses appear to be rising.

Enjoy meat forever – get Shrewsbury tick control now.

Dave Macchia, tick control enthusiast
Dave Macchia, Central Mass tick control enthusiast

Concern is one thing, but proactive tick awareness and tick control is best. Be sure that your Shrewsbury tick control professional sprays your yard and surrounds your property with tick tubes. This double whammy will ensure it’s one less thing you’ll have to worry about.

Also read: What repels ticks naturally?

Fighting Ticks with Fire – Will it work?

I have written in the past about ticks and fire, but this is altogether a different story.

We know that you cannot burn a tick to remove it from your skin.  One farmer in Maine, is ready to employ fire to fight ticks on her farmland.  Elizabeth Jimenez moved to Maine from Florida, and was astonished at the number of ticks she would encounter once springtime rolled around.  Springtime in the Northeast is the time when ticks emerge from their overwintering.  And emerge, they did!

Can you burn ticks out?
Can you fight ticks with fire?

Elizabeth reports a veritable tick apocalypse on her property, saying that if you even consider sitting down in the field, you will be aggressively pursued by ticks.  She and her fellow farmers began saving the ticks that they took off their clothing after visiting the field – and she notes the, “jar is filling fast.”

Fighting Ticks with Fire

Thing is, Elizabeth moved to her three-acre Maine property in order to start an organic farm.  To be classified “organic” you must raise your crop without the use of synthetic fertilizers or pest control products.  For this reason, she has decided to extensively burn her field to kill ticks that reside there.  Prescribed burns are nothing new to farmers.  Many farmers burn their fields to rid them of plants that are already growing there, and to prepare the soil for new plantings.  This is the first time I have heard of a controlled burn specifically to eradicate ticks.

Can you burn ticks out?

dog ticksLocal tick experts report that 2021 was even worse than 2022 for exploding tick populations.  There were more dog ticks in Maine in 2021 than had ever been reported.  There is no doubt that fire will work to this farmer’s benefit.  It will most assuredly kill ticks.  One expert says that Elizabeth’s effort to eradicate ticks in her field will be successful specifically for dog ticks.  This is because dog ticks can predominantly be found in flat fields.  However, for our friend the deer tick, that lives typically in woodland areas, the fire might not be as successful.

After she burns, she plans to create a visual barrier of wood chips around her field in hopes of keeping ticks away.  Though, experts implore that this barrier is more for humans than ticks.  It lets us know when we are leaving or entering the area where ticks are or are not.

The aftermath of burning ticks out.

Burning underbrush in wooded areas to fight ticks is nothing new.  It is effective in the short-term, but what happens after the burn?  As vegetation begins to regenerate, it creates a very tick-friendly environment.  As wildlife reenters the area to feed, they will bring ticks back with them.

deer will bring ticks back after burning underbrush
Deer will bring ticks back after burning underbrush

This farmer also has an out-of-season tick control approach.  She intends to plow to keep her fields free from snow in the winter.  As we know, a blanket of snow will act as insulation to protect ticks from freezing to death in the winter.  She believes that she can get ahead of the springtime tick rush next year by allowing cold Northeast winter weather to kill ticks that might be trying to overwinter in her field.  Another great method of fighting ticks in the winter is through the use of tick tubes.  Tick tubes, which contain an EPA-registered insecticide applied to cotton, are placed in potentially tick-friendly and rodent-friendly environments.  Mice scrounge for the treated cotton and carry it back to their nests.  Ticks that encounter these mice or their nests will be killed by the insecticide.

Natural Pawtucket tick control.

Dave Macchia, tick control enthusiast
Dave Macchia, Central Mass tick control enthusiast

While many farmers and land owners protect their fields with EPA-registered tick control solutions, there are tick repellents available that are comprised of natural products.  Professional Pawtucket tick control companies offer natural tick protection through products that are created with essential oils, made by Mother Nature herself.




Tick Control for Health and Well-being in This Season of Gratitude

Eradicating dangerous ticks and the diseases they bring throughout Central Massachusetts, even in autumn.

For many of us, a bounty of fall outdoor events are beginning with summer well behind us.  I especially love stargazing at night with my kids.  The wonders of a fall celestial sky are truly something to behold and cherish.  And as for entertaining, autumn dinner parties bring a whole new level of fun to both friends and family breathing in the crisp, fresh night air.

Backyard tick control in autumn
Tick control and protection are important parts of outdoor gatherings in autumn.

It’s a wonderful thing to be of assistance to your neighbors and the community at large.  That is one of my greatest gifts in bringing Mosquito Squad tick and mosquito control to our area.  With cases of Lyme disease increasing and reaching alarmingly new heights throughout the Unites States, aggressive and dependable tick control is the best way to fight the bite.

To understand how Mosquito Squad protects you and your family, I created this short YouTube video.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year.

And speaking of being thankful, my favorite day of the year is quickly approaching – Thanksgiving.  It’s a great time of the year to dwell on what makes our lives so precious.  Thanks to my Mosquito Squad “one-two punch” ticks elimination service treatment, my family and I can enjoy the crisp, cool, clear evenings that autumn brings, as we spend countless hours outdoors after dinner.

I am extremely thankful and proud that I was one of the very first franchise owners to join Mosquito Squad.  I believe in the good that our tick protection brings so much that I have increased our service footprint so that many more families throughout out area can stay safer and protected – regardless of the outdoor season.

fall and winter tick control
Autumn tick protection begins with tick tubes, but it doesn’t end there.

But remember, our highly effective, year-round tick control is just one part of the battle. When outdoors this fall, remember to dress appropriately, regardless of where you are.  Ticks relish the opportunity to attach and cling onto a host and draw their blood.  That’s how they survive and thrive.

To avoid autumnal tick bites, wear comfortable clothing that covers most of the areas of your body that would be normally exposed outdoors. Wear long pants or slacks instead of shorts.  Avoid short sleeve shirts and be sure to have your arms covered – especially if you have a tendency to talk with your hands while having animated conversations outdoors (smiling).  And although it may trend, forget about having bare feet in your shoes.  Wear socks.  Think of all this as protecting yourself with “smart clothing,” creating a barrier to avoid those dangerous insects.

Thank you for the trust you place in Mosquito Squad.

Dave Macchia, tick control enthusiast
Dave Macchia, Central Mass tick control enthusiast

Rest assured, this holiday season when my family gives thanks for our clients and the many blessings that surround protecting them, we will continue to serve our community at large by sharing our good fortune with charitable works and giving throughout our Central Massachusetts area.

Also read: Can you get Lyme disease from dog saliva?

Why should you continue tick control through the winter?

You should not halt your tick control, even if you are a snowbird.

Winters are cold here in the Northeast.  However, they are not as cold as they used to be.  This type of climate change has resulted in an explosion in tick populations in our area.  Many of our residents, who are retired or are digital nomads, head to Florida or Arizona in the winter.  If you go in search of a warmer climate for a few months each year, you will probably cancel cable and Internet services.  You will have your mail forwarded to your sunny locale.  You will hit pause on your newspaper deliveries.  However

Litchfield tick control for winter
Even snowbirds need tick control in the winter

Litchfield tick control is an essential winter non-activity.

The great thing about professional Litchfield tick control in the winter, is you needn’t lift a finger.  You don’t even have to be at home.  You see, unlike warm weather tick control, the winter variety is set in motion in the fall, and continues working through the cold season – and no one’s the wiser, especially not ticks.

Fly the coop from November through April, knowing that your property is protected.  Ticks do not seek warmth by traveling to a more temperate locale.  They simply bed down right at home – on you property.  Beneath leaf litter and even beneath the snow, these ticks will patiently wait for springtime to take their next blood meal or to lay their fertilized eggs.

How does wintertime tick protection work?

Litchfield tick control with tick tubes in the winter
Continue tick control in the winter with tick tubes

Tick tubes are the answer to springtime tick emergence.  Ticks live among grout mammals, like mice.  By having professional tick tubes placed in potential tick hot spots around your property in the fall, those mice will do the work.  Biodegradable tick tubes are filled with warm and cozy treated cotton, which mice love to carry back to their nests.  In doing so, the tick treatment solution gets onto their skin and fur.  Don’t fret – it will not harm these woodland critters.  It is lethal for ticks, though.  Not only will ticks potentially come in contact with the mice, but also their cozy lairs.  Their winter hideaways become tick elimination dens.  This process is essential in controlling the number of ticks that come up for warm air in the spring.  This means that when you are arriving home in the spring, you will encounter fewer ticks around your home.  In April, you can begin your regular barrier protection sprays again.

Dave Macchia, tick control enthusiast
Dave Macchia, Central Mass tick control enthusiast

Year-round Litchfield tick control is essential even if you are not year-round residents.  Ticks not only carry harmful human diseases, but they can make our pets sick too.  Lyme disease can be spread to both humans and dogs, and other illnesses, like Babesiosis can cause our dog become severely anemic.

Also read: Why should your dentist know about Lyme disease symptoms?

Interior Home Maintenance & Repair Tips for Winter

Winter got you feeling blue?  Has the loss of the holiday rush got you in the mood for home maintenance or upgrades?

Winter can be difficult for sun-loving beach-goers and outdoorsy types.  There is no reason to feel shut in, though.  There is still plenty to do inside during the winter months.  Small maintenance and improvement projects around our homes can also give us a feeling of accomplishment.  Simple fixes and oft-forgotten tasks inside will make us appreciate spending 40% more of our time indoors!  Here is a great list of home maintenance tips for winter.

inside home improvements for winter

Mark these home maintenance to-dos done!

Have you been thinking about switching your traditional light bulbs to energy-saving LED?  There is no time like the present.  You’re already indoors, and this could be a great use of your time.  According to the US Department of Energy, LED lighting uses 75% less electricity and lasts up to 25 times longer than traditional bulbs!

Change out your furnace filters.  This is another to-do that gets left undone.  Most heating and cooling systems recommend a change every three months.  Did you know that certain homes should change them more often?  If you have indoor pets, a family member with allergies, or an indoor smoker, you should swap your filters out every one to two months, max.

change furnace filters for indoor pets

It is recommended that we change our smoke/CO detectors’ batteries twice yearly with the time change.  If you forgot to do this last November 1, there is no better time to do it.  Also give the “test” button a push once you have put the new batteries in!

Update the look and feel of your home!

A fresh coat of paint can brighten any room inside your home.  Being indoors more this time of year, might prompt you to move forward with painting projects.  Paint a wall, paint a room or two, or simply freshen up your interior trim color.  You might be surprised what a bit of paint can do to improve any space inside your home!

home projects in winter

Are you feeling weighed down by the amount of clutter accumulating around your home or apartment?  How about undertaking a de-cluttering and re-organization project this winter?  It’s a great way to spend a few hours, as it frees up needed space, and being better organized is mood-enhancing to boot!  Consider donating unneeded items to a local charity.

If your decor is leaving you feeling underwhelmed, how about making some changes.  A new light fixture, art or antique piece, tile backsplash, or even cabinet hardware can give us the perfectly simple update we’re looking for.  Plus, you don’t have to spend a lot of money on these small upgrades.

wintertime home improvements indoors

Take care of the inside now, and be ready for outdoor maintenance in the spring!

As the days continue to grow longer, and eventually begin to warm, all your indoor tasks will be done.  In the springtime, landscaping, exterior painting, and cleaning up will begin.  From planting new flowers and shrubs, to cleaning out gutters and tidying up around our homes, there will be plenty of reason to get outside the confines of your home this spring.

tick control Acton MALest we forget our essential Gardner tick treatment!  Remember as the weather is consistently warmer, ticks will begin to emerge.  Protect your family and pets from the threat of Lyme disease and other dangerous tick-borne illnesses with professional tick protection around your home.  Enlist the help of a reputable tick treatment company for ultimate protection from blood-thirsty ticks!

Dave Macchia, tick control enthusiast
Dave Macchia, Central Mass tick control enthusiast

Can you get Lyme disease in the fall and winter?

3 Ways to Prepare for a Great Spring this Fall

Fall is a time for final outdoor preparations for winter weather.  Here are three great ways to prepare your yard for spring, starting now!

Autumn is usually a welcome time of year.  Like springtime, fall brings about relief from the previous season’s extreme weather.  Fall is full of beautiful weather, fresh air, colorful foliage, and spicy fragrances and flavors!  In this, the season of pumpkin spice everything, there are still a few essential chores outdoors.

prepare lawn yard fall winter
Yay, fall!

Fall lawn tips for healthy spring emergence.

Lawn care in the fall is just as essential as spring and summer, if not more.  There are some simple solutions for having a healthier lawn next year, if you take a little time to prepare now.  This includes watering.  Your lawn still needs watering until the ground begins to freeze.

prepare lawn fall

  1. Reseed – Reseeding your lawn in late summer or early fall.  Over-seeding now will take care of bare spots left by hot summer sun.  Our lawns retain water much better in the fall.  Plus, autumn grass sprouts will not be damaged by the sun.
  2. Fertilize – Ask your local lawn expert about the best fertilizer blend for your particular type of grass and soil conditions.  Apply fertilizer a few weeks before your last mowing.  You can also use a mulching mower to mulch fall leaves into all-natural fertilizer, which will lay atop your lawn, and decompose in the winter.
  3. Cut grass short – Cutting your lawn shorter than normal for your last mowing is important because long blades of grass will become matted under snowfall, and suffocate springtime sprouts beneath.  Cutting grass to 1.5 to 2 inches in the late fall will also help prevent snow mold.

Keep tender bulbs indoors this winter.

Many gardeners allow their tender bulb blooms to die each year.  Gladiolus, calla lilies, and dahlias don’t have to die.  Forget purchasing new and replanting each year.  You can choose to plant your tender bulbs in planters, so they can be taken in for winter storage in your cool basement or garage.  Periodic watering is all that is required, just to ensure that the soil never completely dries out.  Otherwise, you can plant your tender bulbs in the ground, and dig them up for proper storage through the winter fore springtime reemergence.

prepare bulb plants fall
Take tender bulbs indoors for winter storage.

Autumn tick control for a safer yard in the springtime.

tick tubes in Central Mass from Mosquito Squad
Tick tubes in fall will protect your family in the spring.

The prevalence of Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases has us all rethinking tick control.  Tick control efforts no longer end with the change of season.  You can actually protect your family better next spring and summer by continuing tick control in the “off season.”  Tick tubes are the answer!  Tick tubes are biodegradable, cotton-filled tubes, which are placed around your home and property in the fall and winter.  The cotton inside is treated with pesticide.  Mice, common carries of Lyme bacteria, which infect larval ticks, will carry this cotton to their nests.  The pesticide does not harm the mice, but it will kill ticks that are in the nest, or try to take their blood meal from a mouse, who has nested with this treated cotton.

Ticks still quest in the fall and winter.

How does this help in the spring?  Eliminating larval ticks in the fall and winter means less ticks emerging in the springtime.  Prepare for a great spring and summer, starting right now!

Also read: Do ticks die in winter?

How will COVID-19 restrictions affect tick-borne illnesses in 2020?

Massachusetts remains under strict COVID-19 restrictions through May 18.  Will this help or hinder the fight against tick-borne illnesses in 2020?

That is precisely the question being asked by researchers from the University of Rhode Island, Hollins University, Duke University, Clemson University, and the University of Georgia.  Residents across the United States have been under stay-at-home orders, which are just now beginning to phase out.  Researchers theorize that since we have been unable to engage in social interaction, we are seeking adventure outdoors, where we will encounter more ticks and tick-born illnesses in 2020.

covid 19 restrictions affect tick-borne illesses

This theory is supported by the University of Rhode Island’s Tick Encounters team via TickSpotters, their crowdsource tick survey, which allows U.S. residents to submit photos of found ticks.  During COVID-19 restrictions, photo submissions of attached and engorged ticks have risen exponentially.  Tom Mather, University of Rhode Island Professor of Public Health Entomology, says this highlights the immediate need for essential tick prevention education.  As folks begin to explore outdoor spaces, they might not be aware of the dangers of encountering ticks.  Therefore, more people and their pets are finding themselves victims of tick bites.

hiking cause more tick encounters

Michael Yabsley, of the University of Georgia, is leading a research study entitled, “Investigating COVID-19 impacts on the epidemiology of tick-borne diseases in people and pets.”  Currently, survey submissions are mostly from the southern United States, and more data is being requested from residents in New England.

Central Mass residents can take the survey here.

tick-borne illnessesIt stands to reason that this study will reveal a higher amount of tick-borne illnesses in the U.S. during the COVID-19 crisis.  While the medical community works to control, cure, and prevent the spread of COVID-19, we must remember that tick-borne illnesses have been an ongoing battle in Central Mass for decades.

Central Mass tick control is always essential.

The best way to fight tick-borne illnesses in Central Mass is with essential tick control.  Hire a reputable tick control company to spray areas around your home and yard to eliminate ticks.  Now is the time to begin.  We have been spending more time at home than ever, and our yards have become our private escapes.  If you are spending more time outdoors, be sure that you are protected from ticks and the threat of the diseases they carry.


Winter ticks, a moose of a problem

Winter ticks are invading the Vermont moose population at higher rates than ever, wreaking havoc.

winter ticksOur neighbors to the north are facing a difficult decision about controlling the winter tick population and their effect on the Vermont moose population.  In northern Vermont, Fish and Wildlife officials say that there is one moose per square mile.  This higher moose population has drastically increased the population of winter ticks.

About winter ticksDermacentor albipictus

Winter ticks are not vectors for serious disease, but that doesn’t mean they are not deadly.  Winter ticks hatch in the fall, and begin questing for their host.  In Vermont, their main host is the moose.  Once they attach for their blood meal,  they remain on the host through the nymph and adult stages.  As adults, they mate. The females drop the ground to lay their eggs at the end of winter, and then die.  The issue is, the amount of ticks that are attaching to the moose population is enormous.  Less than half of new moose calves are surviving, due to blood loss, and birth rates have fallen.  One adult moose was found to host 9,000 winter ticks!

The solution to the winter tick overpopulation

Vermont wildlife officials have passed a 2020, any-sex moose hunt to eliminate 33 adult moose, thereby eliminating large hosts, on which winter ticks can thrive.  It is believed that by decreasing the adult moose population, the winter tick life cycle will be halted for many ticks.  The hunt will take place in October 2020.  Nick Fortin, Vermont Fish and Wildlife biologist, says, “Without intervention to reduce the moose population, high tick loads will continue to impact the health of moose in that region for many years.

Central Mass tick control

As always, in Central Massachusetts, choose at-home tick control for the health and happiness of your family.