Do Tick Bites Hurt?

Don’t expect severe pain from a tick bite, but you should treat your bite properly.

A tick bite may seem like the end of the world at first. Yet, tick bites are often painless. And, in many instances, a tick bite may only cause minor symptoms like a slight change in skin color or a sore on the skin. However, you need to be careful if you suffer a tick bite. Otherwise, you could risk long-lasting health issues.

Charlestown Tick Control

What Diseases are Transmitted by Ticks?

Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever are two of the most common diseases transmitted by ticks. These diseases and others spread by ticks can result in a fever, chills, aches, body pain, and a rash. The symptoms of the diseases may develop within a few weeks of tick bite.

How to Care for a Tick Bite

As soon as you see a tick on your skin, remove the tick. You can use tweezers to grasp the tick and pull it off your skin. Also, wash your hands and clean the site of your bite after you remove the tick from your skin. When you do, wash your hands and clean the bite site with soap. If possible, take a picture of the tick as well. In the event that you need to go to a doctor, you can share the photo.

When to Go to a Doctor for a Tick Bite

If you experience a severe headache, difficulty breathing, paralysis, or heart palpitations following a tick bite, call 911. This allows you to receive emergency care and support. In addition, you should reach out to a doctor if you experience flu-like symptoms in the weeks after your tick bite. When in doubt, it is best to be cautious. By meeting with a doctor, you can find out if any symptoms you’re experiencing are related to a tick bite. Most importantly, you can receive proper treatment for any medical issues.

How Do I Know If My Tick Bite Is a Possible Infection?

It is common for a tick-borne infection to cause a pink or red circular rash around the area of a bite. The rash won’t necessarily disappear on its own. If you suffer an infection from a tick bite, the symptoms can worsen over time. The symptoms can reach a point where it makes it difficult for you to function and enjoy living life to the fullest extent.

How to Protect Against Tick Bites

The clothing you wear can have far-flung effects on your ability to avoid ticks. You can wear long-sleeve clothing and pants to minimize your risk of ticks getting onto your skin. On top of that, you can apply insect repellent before you go into wooded areas or any other spots where ticks may be present. You can also hire a tick control company to help you keep ticks away from your Charlestown home.

Get Started with Charlestown Tick Control

When it comes to Charlestown tick control, be proactive. You can connect with a tick control company in Charlestown right away. Then, the company’s tick control professionals can assess your property and figure out the best way to help you keep ticks at bay.

Also read: How Fast Can a Tick Make You Sick?