Babesiosis is on the Rise, and Tick Control is More Essential Than Ever

Babesiosis can cause life-threatening symptoms in humans.

You can spend a long time outdoors. But, when you’re in an area with ticks, there’s the risk that you’ll come into contact with some that carry babesiosis. If one of these ticks bites you, you can get infected with babesiosis. At this point, you might not experience any symptoms right away. In the weeks and months to come, you can experience fatigue, nausea, and other symptoms. In the worst-case scenario, Babesiosis can put your life in danger.


What tick passes babesiosis?

Blacklegged or deer ticks carry babesiosis. These ticks are commonly found in the Northeast portion of the United States. They are often in wooded areas and fields, along with secluded or rural areas. Deer ticks are very small — they reach the size of a poppy seed as adults. Regardless, a blacklegged tick can bite you and infect you with babesiosis at any time. If left unaddressed, your tick bite can cause long-lasting health issues.

Can pets be infected with babesiosis?

Along with people, pets can be infected with babesiosis. For example, a tick carrying babesiosis can climb onto a dog without the animal realizing it. From here, the tick can bite the dog and infect the animal with babesiosis. The tick can continue to feed on the animal for a long time. As it does, the dog may start to have a reduced appetite, show signs of fatigue and lethargy, and display other symptoms of illness. At this point, the pet owner should bring their dog to the veterinarian. Then, the vet can perform testing to determine if the animal is dealing with babesisos and treat it properly.

What is the best way to treat babesiosis?

If you are asymptomatic, you may not require treatment for babesisosis. On the other hand, if you display symptoms of babesisosis, go to a doctor. When you do, your doctor can evaluate your symptoms and determine if they are related to babesisosis. In many instances, a doctor will prescribe you will need to take over the course of seven to 10 days. Follow the doctor’s instructions to manage your babesisosis symptoms. If your symptoms worsen or you experience any health issues as you treat your babesisosis, notify your doctor immediately.

Are there tick control options to protect against babesiosis?

The best things you can do to guard against babesisos include avoiding areas where ticks are present and taking precautions during outdoor activities. For example, rather than walk or hike in a wooded area where you may encounter deer ticks, choose another spot where ticks are less likely to be present. Meanwhile, you can wear long-sleeved shirts and pants in any areas where you may find ticks. You can also check yourself regularly for ticks.

What are the tick control options for your home?

A tick control company can help you keep ticks away from your home. The company can send technicians to your home to find out where ticks populate. These technicians can perform a treatment to reduce the tick population. Finally, they can complete regular tick control treatments to help you manage the tick population at your home now and in the future.

Also read: What is a tick control tube?

Do Ticks Take Blood?

Ticks need blood to survive and feed from a wide range of hosts.

Your blood is valuable, especially to ticks. Once a tick hatches from its egg, it needs a blood meal at every stage of its life. Without this meal, a tick cannot survive. Ticks feed from mammals, birds, amphibians, and reptiles. They frequently look for blood hosts and are willing to do whatever they can to feed from them. With the right planning, you can guard against ticks and prevent them from biting you and taking your blood.

Tick Blood

What the Life Cycle of Ticks Looks Like

The life cycle of ticks includes four stages: egg, larva, nymph, and adult. This cycle lasts about two years. The one constant during each of these stages: ticks need blood. In order to move from one life stage to the next, a tick must find blood hosts. If a tick is successful, it’ll be able to reach adulthood. At this point, it can help foster a new generation of ticks before it reaches the end of its life.

How Ticks Identify Hosts

A tick can detect a potential host through its breath, body odor, moisture, and other factors. Oftentimes, a tick will find a well-used path as it looks for prospective hosts. For example, a tick may wait on the tip of a piece of grass or shrub. It’ll hold its front legs outstretched, while its third and fourth pair of legs remain attached to the grass or shrub. If a human being, animal, or any other potential host brushes the grass or shrub, the tick climbs aboard. From here, the tick can bite the host and get blood from it, without the host likely realizing it is doing so.

Will You See Blood If You Squish a Tick?

If you squish a tick, be prepared for a splatter of blood. It’s common for an engorged tick to be filled with infected blood. Thus, when you squish the tick, it will pop. When this happens, blood can splatter, and you may get blood on your hands.

How to Remove a Tick Without Having to Deal with a Splatter of Tick Blood

Using tweezers is the best option if you have a tick on your skin and want to remove it without a splatter. Pinch the tweezers to grasp the tick from your skin. Next, pull upward with steady pressure. The tick may have a strong grasp on your skin. Regardless, if you pull consistently, you can remove the tick.

Tick Control Tips You Need to Know

Expect ticks if you’re going outdoors in brushy, grassy, or wooded areas. Apply an insect repellent on your skin, clothing, and footwear when you visit these areas. This helps you keep ticks off of you. Also, check for ticks and shower within two hours of going to areas where ticks may be present. Of course, if you’re dealing with ticks at home, you may need extra help. In this instance, you can partner with a tick control company.

Don’t Wait to Get a Tick Control Treatment

A tick control company can apply a treatment across your property. This treatment helps you limit the tick population. You can receive regular tick management treatments. As you do, you can keep the tick population at bay long into the future.

Do Tick Bites Hurt?

Don’t expect severe pain from a tick bite, but you should treat your bite properly.

A tick bite may seem like the end of the world at first. Yet, tick bites are often painless. And, in many instances, a tick bite may only cause minor symptoms like a slight change in skin color or a sore on the skin. However, you need to be careful if you suffer a tick bite. Otherwise, you could risk long-lasting health issues.

Charlestown Tick Control

What Diseases are Transmitted by Ticks?

Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever are two of the most common diseases transmitted by ticks. These diseases and others spread by ticks can result in a fever, chills, aches, body pain, and a rash. The symptoms of the diseases may develop within a few weeks of tick bite.

How to Care for a Tick Bite

As soon as you see a tick on your skin, remove the tick. You can use tweezers to grasp the tick and pull it off your skin. Also, wash your hands and clean the site of your bite after you remove the tick from your skin. When you do, wash your hands and clean the bite site with soap. If possible, take a picture of the tick as well. In the event that you need to go to a doctor, you can share the photo.

When to Go to a Doctor for a Tick Bite

If you experience a severe headache, difficulty breathing, paralysis, or heart palpitations following a tick bite, call 911. This allows you to receive emergency care and support. In addition, you should reach out to a doctor if you experience flu-like symptoms in the weeks after your tick bite. When in doubt, it is best to be cautious. By meeting with a doctor, you can find out if any symptoms you’re experiencing are related to a tick bite. Most importantly, you can receive proper treatment for any medical issues.

How Do I Know If My Tick Bite Is a Possible Infection?

It is common for a tick-borne infection to cause a pink or red circular rash around the area of a bite. The rash won’t necessarily disappear on its own. If you suffer an infection from a tick bite, the symptoms can worsen over time. The symptoms can reach a point where it makes it difficult for you to function and enjoy living life to the fullest extent.

How to Protect Against Tick Bites

The clothing you wear can have far-flung effects on your ability to avoid ticks. You can wear long-sleeve clothing and pants to minimize your risk of ticks getting onto your skin. On top of that, you can apply insect repellent before you go into wooded areas or any other spots where ticks may be present. You can also hire a tick control company to help you keep ticks away from your Charlestown home.

Get Started with Charlestown Tick Control

When it comes to Charlestown tick control, be proactive. You can connect with a tick control company in Charlestown right away. Then, the company’s tick control professionals can assess your property and figure out the best way to help you keep ticks at bay.

Also read: How Fast Can a Tick Make You Sick?